What Do You Hate More


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Ed Werder.

Everything he reported is basically a non-issue.

If this team isn't allowed to communicate than we are worse off than I thought.

This is such a non-issue but ESPN can spin it and dumb Cowboy fan always gets suckered every time.


CowBabe Up!!!
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Ed Werder. Hands down. He so wants to have an impact on what happens with the Dallas Cowboys. The truth is he's an insignificant hack on the outside of Valley Ranch looking in. Interviews are harder and harder to come by, huh Ed?


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e. how my IQ level lowers when scanning some posts here


f. how some people here would rather the cowboys lose so they can come back to the forum and show how "right" they were

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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gmoney112;2486509 said:
e. how my IQ level lowers when scanning some posts here


f. how some people here would rather the cowboys lose so they can come back to the forum and show how "right" they were

I'll choose that e.

Yakuza Rich

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Mr. Blue Suit.

He's a disgrace to journalism and makes life harder for every professional journalist out there. I happen to take journalism pretty seriously because I think it's very important to our society, but Mr. Blue Suit is a classic case of what's wrong with journalism today.

I'd also like to say that I'm angy at Mr. Blue Suit's boss. Not only for keeping him employed, but for having him cover the Cowboys and apparently not raise some eyebrows at his garbage despite knowing full well that there was conflict between him and Owens. That tells me one of two things:

1. He's too stupid to understand that there may be a conflict of interest on Werder reporting anything on Owens.

2. He's a fraud that like Mr. Blue Suit, he's willing to throw journalistic ethics aside just so he can get a story on Owens and the Cowboys.



Cowboys 24/7/365
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cowboys5;2486498 said:
ed werder

t.o's mouth

Patrick craytons mouth


wade phillips
People who claim to dislike Terrell Owens, but who constantly refer to him as "t.o."--which, ironically, is exactly how Owens prefers to be addressed.

To open your "What Do You Hate More" thread, you identify Ed Werder as "Ed Werder", Patrick Crayton as "Patrick Crayton" and Wade Phillips as "Wade Phillips". You don't refer to them as "e.w.", "p.c." or "w.p.".

A review of your posting history reveals that you don't like Owens. Cool. However, if you don't like him so much, why do you refer to him in the exact way that he wants his fans to address him as?


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DallasEast;2486532 said:
People who claim to dislike Terrell Owens, but who constantly refer to him as "t.o."--which, ironically, is exactly how Owens prefers to be addressed.

To open your "What Do You Hate More" thread, you identify Ed Werder as "Ed Werder", Patrick Crayton as "Patrick Crayton" and Wade Phillips as "Wade Phillips". You don't refer to them as "e.w.", "p.c." or "w.p.".

A review of your posting history reveals that you don't like Owens. Cool. However, if you don't like him so much, why do you refer to him in the exact way that he wants his fans to address him as?



Cowboys 24/7/365
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ethiostar;2486543 said:
Cliff note: If he hates Owens so much that he starts a thread that's really about his dislike of Owens in particular, why does he refer to him t.o. instead of Terrell Owens?


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DallasEast;2486551 said:
Cliff note: If he hates Owens so much that he starts a thread that's really about his dislike of Owens in particular, why does he refer to him t.o. instead of Terrell Owens?

Yeah, i got the jest of it. I just didn't get the reason for the nitpicking.

Are people who like Terrell Owens the only ones who are expected to use 'T.O.'?


Have a Good Day Pilgrims
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cowboys5;2486498 said:
ed werder

t.o's mouth

Patrick craytons mouth


wade phillips
sandtrapp;2486372 said:
First of all this forum is becoming a laughing stock with all the other Message boards.

With all the Bashing around here we don't have to go anywhere else get bashed:rolleyes: They're are loving this.

And well they may, because I can't see any constructive criticism at all ,just plain ole bashing for the sake of being negative.
It's easier I guess.:cool:

You know there are very few threads here on playing the most Important game of our season vs one of our most hated rivals?

That being said , Back to my question, As some say that Romo isn't our answer(can't win the big one) and Garret has to go as OC and we have to get rid of T.O.
Who would you replace them with that will make us a SB team next year.:confused:

Or should we start rebuilding.

cowboys5;2486394 said:
must you add another thread.. there are already plenty of threads like this


Cowboys 24/7/365
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ethiostar;2486562 said:
Yeah, i got the jest of it. I just didn't get the reason for the nitpicking.

Are people who like Terrell Owens the only ones who are expected to use 'T.O.'?
Not necessarily, I suppose, but why call someone you dislike exactly how that person prefers to be addressed? For instance, some posters here dislike Jerry Jones. They express their dislike by calling him Jerra, Jethro, etc. These aren't nicknames which Jerry Jones has ever publicly requested to be addressed as.