Where Is The Blame For This Coaching Staff?

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Ya, players play and coach's coach but....... somebody did a poor job of calling plays and that is Jason Garrett!!!!!

In stead of just ripping the players like Romo, O-Line, the D and ST's the finger needs to be pointed right at Garrett and Wade!

Sorry, but it there is no excuse for this coaching staff not to find a way to get this team playing well.

There is no excuse why this coaching staff continues to fail at getting the ball into your play makers hands, ie... T.O.

Are you telling me that Garrett,"The Genius" can't see that Owens is being tripled team? Why not get Owens on the Move?

If Flozell is having a hard time, Where is the help? A few times they had Witten in there but too many times Flo was one-on-one and lost the battle.

Where is the run in OT? Once again, Garrett forgets about the run and puts the ball up in the air three times in the row with 15 minutes in OT!

Sorry but the blame goes once again to Wade and Garrett!


The Duke
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All over the forum.

If you'd stop to read instead of just creating new posts for the same topics, you'd see it. The threads aren't exactly hiding. Wade shouldn't go to sleep anywhere near some of these people. He'd never wake up.