Which do you prefer to be the news on Monday, preparing for WC game or JG not being retained


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Why can't it be both, darn it!?
Even if we do go to wild card game Garrett will figure out how to mess that up somehow it will just prolong his firing I believe and I still think he's gone short of a Super Bowl run or NFC Championship Game now weirder things have happened but......


1st Round Pick
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I fully expect jg back next season. Wont believe until I see it.

He has no excuses for management to give him another opportunity even if they wanted to.

If they were to re-sign him then their TV ratings would drop and casual fans and a good chunk of their most loyal fans will tune out.

Dallas has to create some hope and excitement with their next coaching hire and a retread or Garrett is not going to get it done.


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No.. I want him close...like Division close...I want to see him sabotaging a division rival from the inside.
I believe you're probably talking about the Giants they do a pretty good job of that on their own LOL


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I always want the win and playoffs

but like ive said always SB or bye


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Did anybody see Lincoln Riley go off on the refs for a miss pass interference call? If Clapper did that he would have a heart attack !!! That Outburst was way more powerful than throwing the flag at the officials foot LOL of course Oklahoma is getting blown out at this point so I would be mad too? I forgot it was on I cannot believe LSU scored 42 points in less than 1/2


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If in fact Lincoln Riley becomes our head coach they need to find a really good defensive coordinator he definitely is lacking in that capacity or simply does not have the players?


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Probably not, but there's no harm in letting them prove it either way.

Jason Garrett has proven incapable. We know what to expect.

This team has wasted a decade with this guy. There is no sense in wasting anymore time.

All we can hope for is that Jerry hires another person like Jimmy or Bill and we luck into a Super Bowl with a coach like that. Something I admit is unlikely to happen.

The bottom line still is that we have absolutely no chance with Garrett here.


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The thing that upsets me the most is how lethargic my reaction was to losing to the Eagles and Bears and Bills. That is what Garrett and jerry's insistence in sticking with him has done to me. Not once have I went in to a game with the anticipation I used to this season. It has also affected my enjoyment of non cowboy games as well. I will never hope the Cowboys lose but I don't think I will be too disappointed if aphylly wins. This staff needs to go. Thidds organization needs smelling salts or a slap and a strong personality to give these players a reality check. The players performance this season suggests they want the same thing.


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I prefer the news be about JG no longer the coach

Dallas will not beat the Niners or Seahawks if they made the playoffs, so look onward to next season.
Seems to be the saying for the past 20+season .... look onward to the next season


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
For the first time in my life, I am rooting for a cowboy loss. We've never been closer to getting rid of Garret.


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I want the clapper gone as much as anybody on this board. That being said, if JJ doesn’t give up control, this team will never move forward.


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Jerry Jones sells the Dallas Cowboys to Roger Staubach

Jerry Jones retires and Stephen Jones hires GM Will McClay who hires Urban Meyer as Head Coach.

Jerry Jones retires and Stephen Jones hires GM Jimmy Johnson who hires Urban Meyer as Head Coach.

Jerry Jones hires Urban Meyer

Any other headline would not be worthy news.


To The Moon
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So, here's what I take from that:

1) We're supposed to be impressed by an undergrad degree.

2) We're supposed to be impressed by an undergrad degree in Psych.

3) We're supposed to be impressed by an undergrad degree from a major university.

4) You presume it's likely that would be impressive because, surely, no one with a master's degree in the social sciences from a major university would post here... let alone, someone with a terminal degree.

And most relevantly:

5) That your description of diehard fans from whatever study it is you've cited... and I don't doubt you've stated the study basically with some level of accuracy... is not congruent with "those who just use sports as an outlet to feel powerful and smarter than everyone else, ostensibly because they don't get to do that in any other part of their lives."

To the contrary, my friend, why else would one invest him/herself quite so intensively?

As a psych expert like yourself surely knows as s/he walks into this discussion, the psychological drive to feel powerful and superior intellectually, when unmet in other parts of his/her life, is naturally especially intensive then in other places... often personal relationships... and often, again, in one's connection to his/her sports team(s).

In other words, the diehard fan, just rationally, profiles most typically as a person who places greatest priority on showing him/herself smarter than the owner, GM, coach, players when they're losing, and complimenting him/herself on all his/her mind-melding with the team's principals when they're winning.

Others of us?

We're just in it for the entertainment value. It's just sports. In real life, there are other better ways to reassure oneself that s/he's superior/intelligent/valuable.

Pardon the observation but it's more entertaining to win games and make the playoffs, keeping hope alive than it is to see someone lose his job.

Try to see it from our point of view.
Oh yeah? Well you’ll be serving he and his family burgers and fries thru a drive through window on their way to a ski resort.
