:tongue:HeavyHitta31;1190906 said:Damn you Hostile for stealing my thunder :chop:
Tom [Giants fan];1190908 said:the Giants come out p!ssed because of what happened today.
HeavyHitta31;1190918 said:Hopefully, their O-Line is so pissed at Eli they pull a Longest Yard moment and just let us sack him
Slammin Bran 23;1190913 said:I'm nervous. All sources point to a win for us. ( Titans beat them, we beat titans, eli falling apart, we beat colts) but sometihng tells me its going to be a hard game.
Archaen;1190892 said:I just can't wait to stomp them so bad.
HighTechDave;1191025 said:"I won't be watching...I'd rather go play Bingo"