Just curious which team you all view as our Greatest Rival, and why. Do you feel respect for them? Or pure hatred?
Personally for me it's the Steelers. I'd imagine many people would have the same answer. Lots of history there. We've been in 3 Super Bowls with them, and it's 2-1 in their favor. They also now officially have the most Super Bowl wins of any team. They are 6-1 in Super Bowls vs our 5-3. They are really the only team I acknowledge as a *True* all time Rival.
As far as how I feel about them? I respect them greatly. They are imo one of the most all-time consistent teams in terms of attitude and playstyle. As much as I like to see them lose, I can't help but feel they always have a shot with their generally solid D and punch you in the nose offense.
I hope to see another Cowboys/Steelers Super Bowl one day. Preferably after Dallas wins its' 6th, and it be for the Tie Breaker ^_^
As far as my most Hated? 49ers are high on that list. It's sad as they are nothing now, but the fact that they blocked us from 4 in a row has always stuck with me. Ofcourse I hate everyone in the NFC East, specially the Eagles, but 49ers will probably always hold a "special" place in my heart.
Anyhow, just curious how other fans feel.