Why Daryl Johnston says firing Jason Garrett would 'sabotage' the Cowboys


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Johnson is a good friend of the jones and garrett he is not going to say much that is bad about them


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Mainly ego. This was Jerry’s golden boy. He was chosen as the coach in training before Wade got here.


A week after Parcells retired. Bill Parcells, who chased away the sycophants and hangers on that Jones continued to employ. Guys like Larry Lacewell and Wade Wilson. And guys like Jason Garrett. Parcells is what prevented Jones from hiring Garrett even earlier. And as soon as he was out of the picture, all of these same guys weaseled their way back into the picture.


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Which could include the coach.
I agree
I know many hate Garrett but Jerry liked him
He had some qualities of a good coach and I think he will be a good coach
The question is how long do you wait
To me this is the year to perform or pack your bags


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On a recent radio interview, Daryl Johnston suggested that firing Jason Garrett would "sabotage" the Cowboys and that he needs more "time".


Garrett has been head coach for seven and a half years. How much more time does he need?

I think Moose took too many shots to the head.
wow, now the garrett haters attack cowboys Icons...who actually played football, know coaching, are TV commentators with access to people in organization..hey I don't like what he said, he must have took too many shots in the head.blah blah blah blah


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wow, now the garrett haters attack cowboys Icons...who actually played football, know coaching, are TV commentators with access to people in organization..hey I don't like what he said, he must have took too many shots in the head.blah blah blah blah

LOL. Attacking.

It's pointing out a potential bias here. Johnston is a friend of Garrett's and has always been supportive of Jones and it still close to the organization. And sometimes, and I know you don't want to hear this, guys like Johnston aren't always right. There's a decent chance Johnston is wrong here because as history shows, few coaches have the first 7 years Garrett did and then go on to great success.


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Here's a simply question that some Garrett defenders can't or refuse to answer. At least some admit it's probably put up or shut up time for Garrett this season. But for others, there seems to be no end to the Garrett era for them.

So I will ask. How much longer do we have to wait for Garrett to get us where you think he can take us? At what point is the roster good enough? At what point do we stop tolerating the litany of excuses that some of you have for Garrett? At what point is it safe and fair to expect Garrett to make a NFC Title game or a SB? When is his on the field record finally indicative of what kind of coach he is?

10 years with the Cowboys? 15 years? Or for some of you will there never be a time and if he does leave, you'll always lament that he got a raw deal here?


Taco Engineer
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It's pretty obvious that JG has turned over much of the position coaches and for a reason. I'm not saying he's the next Landry, but I do think he's done a good job considering some of the events and obstacles. That doesn't mean he's great or that he's perfect or that he's removed from blame.
To be honest I think he's got to make something happen this season and maybe next. If not we really need to make a change.
There are those that hate JG and I get some of it, but the players like him unless you take what a couple of castaways say seriously. So to those fans, I couldn't care less to debate JG because it doesn't matter what you say, unless it's negative they won't hear it.


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Here's a simply question that some Garrett defenders can't or refuse to answer. At least some admit it's probably put up or shut up time for Garrett this season. But for others, there seems to be no end to the Garrett era for them.

So I will ask. How much longer do we have to wait for Garrett to get us where you think he can take us? At what point is the roster good enough? At what point do we stop tolerating the litany of excuses that some of you have for Garrett? At what point is it safe and fair to expect Garrett to make a NFC Title game or a SB? When is his on the field record finally indicative of what kind of coach he is?

10 years with the Cowboys? 15 years? Or for some of you will there never be a time and if he does leave, you'll always lament that he got a raw deal here?

It may not be a question of if Garrett is a good coach or not, winning a SB takes a particular set of circumstances, obviously you have to have a very good team, good coaching, good drafting and some luck as well - can you count on a helmet catch like the Giants had, a pass that was tipped (he swears to this day he didn't touch it) from one Colt player to another, a boneheaded move like not running Beastmode instead of throwing the ball, etc. Any of those things not happened could very well have prevented a team from winning the SB.

Garrett might actually be a fine coach, that could win SBs with another team, but even if he stayed at Dallas 25 more years he might not win one. Mike Tomlin won a SB, and is considered a good coach, but he inherited a team that had won the SB just 3 years before and had a veteran, SB winning quarterback in place when he got the team. But he hasn't been back since. Did Garrett inherit a recent SB winning team with a very experienced SB winning quarterback? No. Tomlin very likely wouldn't have won the SB if he'd gone to Dallas instead of Pittsburgh.

The point is that Garrett has had 7 years as head coach, even if he is a good coach (debatable), it just may not be the right set of circumstances have existed, or will ever exist.

At some point you have to "fish or cut bait", he's had chances, this year even with a lot of young guys that need playing time, he's got pieces in place to at least be "in the hunt" for a SB win, an NFC championship, or at the least an NFC championship appearance. IF he achieves one of those, with a young team, I would have to give him another year, for me to dump a coach that's been with the team a few years and gets that close to a championship would be a very poor decision.

This is a bellwether year for Garrett, and I think even Jerry would agree..


Village Idiot
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It's pretty obvious that JG has turned over much of the position coaches and for a reason. I'm not saying he's the next Landry, but I do think he's done a good job considering some of the events and obstacles. That doesn't mean he's great or that he's perfect or that he's removed from blame.
To be honest I think he's got to make something happen this season and maybe next. If not we really need to make a change.
There are those that hate JG and I get some of it, but the players like him unless you take what a couple of castaways say seriously. So to those fans, I couldn't care less to debate JG because it doesn't matter what you say, unless it's negative they won't hear it.
Didn’t he hand pick all of those guys he dismissed?


Taco Engineer
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Didn’t he hand pick all of those guys he dismissed?
I'm not sure he did. Maybe. But I like the guys we brought in. I don't think anyone will be missed who left. I think this season will say a lot about the staff. Good or bad.
I'm totally fine with replacing the HC, but two things: One, who's coming in to be a super hero to save the day? And two, it's not realistic to assume things will simply turn around and we're a SB contender because a small number of teams did it. There's a very good chance it will take a few years and I highly doubt the whining will stop when that happens.


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I'm not sure he did. Maybe. But I like the guys we brought in. I don't think anyone will be missed who left. I think this season will say a lot about the staff. Good or bad.
I'm totally fine with replacing the HC, but two things: One, who's coming in to be a super hero to save the day? And two, it's not realistic to assume things will simply turn around and we're a SB contender because a small number of teams did it. There's a very good chance it will take a few years and I highly doubt the whining will stop when that happens.

It's refreshing to see a dose of rationality here. You won't be getting many likes because vitriol and negativity sell - it does in political ads (despite the overwhelming number of the populace that decry them) and it does here.

There is no question that there are better coaches than Garrett, just as there is no question there are worst. But, for the time he has been HC here, a case can be made that he was the perfect coach for this organization. Just as Parcells was the perfect coach at the time he was hired. There has been a positive change in the organization coinciding with Garrett's tenure of which it's unlikely would've occurred without Garrett. You can quibble about results, but this organization is in much better shape today than 10 years ago, or even 5. I have no idea whether it will result in a SB win, but for me, personally, I think we're closer than not.


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It's refreshing to see a dose of rationality here. You won't be getting many likes because vitriol and negativity sell - it does in political ads (despite the overwhelming number of the populace that decry them) and it does here.

There is no question that there are better coaches than Garrett, just as there is no question there are worst. But, for the time he has been HC here, a case can be made that he was the perfect coach for this organization. Just as Parcells was the perfect coach at the time he was hired. There has been a positive change in the organization coinciding with Garrett's tenure of which it's unlikely would've occurred without Garrett. You can quibble about results, but this organization is in much better shape today than 10 years ago, or even 5. I have no idea whether it will result in a SB win, but for me, personally, I think we're closer than not.

This is somewhat BS. Because a lot of fans that have said we probably need to get a new head coach have also admitted it's quite possibly we could hire someone worse.

But to them, there's no point in continuing with something that isn't working. In other words, the risk of moving onto a new head coach is worth it compared to just repeating the same things over and over and over.


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This is somewhat BS. Because a lot of fans that have said we probably need to get a new head coach have also admitted it's quite possibly we could hire someone worse.

But to them, there's no point in continuing with something that isn't working. In other words, the risk of moving onto a new head coach is worth it compared to just repeating the same things over and over and over.

At least they wouldn’t be married to the next coach. This extended stay is because Jerry wants so badly to prove he didn’t make a stupiazz decision 12 years ago. But that ship sailed.


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At least they wouldn’t be married to the next coach. This extended stay is because Jerry wants so badly to prove he didn’t make a stupiazz decision 12 years ago. But that ship sailed.

Jerry views Garrett as an investment. That was clear as day with his comments a month or two ago when the topic of Garrett and his job security came up.

Jerry believes he's actually developing a head coach like he's a college prospect.


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This is somewhat BS. Because a lot of fans that have said we probably need to get a new head coach have also admitted it's quite possibly we could hire someone worse.

But to them, there's no point in continuing with something that isn't working. In other words, the risk of moving onto a new head coach is worth it compared to just repeating the same things over and over and over.

But fans are notoriously emotional and, frankly, tend to a pack mentality so what they think or want is not necessarily in the best interest. I hear and see things like if Garrett has to go if he doesn't get to the SB this year - what a crock. I go into each year hoping to see the 'boys in the SB, but only 6% of the teams get there each year. What I want most is a competitive team that provides a chance to reach the SB and we do and have for the vast majority of Garrett's tenure. A non-competitive team such as Cleveland has no chance.

Look, maybe a new voice, message, scheme, plan, whatever will suddenly catapult the Cowboys to the SB, but make that change after a rational evaluation and not emotion. That was one of Landry's strengths - he new success was better served on preparation and talent, and not on the roller coaster of emotion.


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Jerry views Garrett as an investment. That was clear as day with his comments a month or two ago when the topic of Garrett and his job security came up.

Jerry believes he's actually developing a head coach like he's a college prospect.

It’s a very long term investment with no payoff.


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So you don't agree with TO or Moose? Or you mean teammates on the field?
Teammates on the field, although I wouldn’t put much stock in TO either because of his obvious negative feelings towards Garrett and probably Dallas in general.


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But fans are notoriously emotional and, frankly, tend to a pack mentality so what they think or want is not necessarily in the best interest. I hear and see things like if Garrett has to go if he doesn't get to the SB this year - what a crock. I go into each year hoping to see the 'boys in the SB, but only 6% of the teams get there each year. What I want most is a competitive team that provides a chance to reach the SB and we do and have for the vast majority of Garrett's tenure. A non-competitive team such as Cleveland has no chance.

Look, maybe a new voice, message, scheme, plan, whatever will suddenly catapult the Cowboys to the SB, but make that change after a rational evaluation and not emotion. That was one of Landry's strengths - he new success was better served on preparation and talent, and not on the roller coaster of emotion.

I think you are setting up some strawmen there. I think few have said he has to make the SB or bust next year. I think many that have said they think the Cowboys need a new direction is simply looking at making the playoffs and not spit the bit immediately like they have. Show some progression here, not the same old.

Also, to suggest we have had a SB potential team for the vast majority of Garrett's tenure is a total reach. To set the standard as Cleveland, is just setting a really low bar for Garrett and the Cowboys. I mean in that sense, if Garrett spits out another 9-7 season but doesn't make the playoffs, you can call that a win because.......... "well, hey, at least we aren't the Browns!"

And let's note, we aren't talking about a coach in his 3rd or 4th year here. Garrett is now in his 8th full season. So trying to mitigate the criticism to emotionalism or fickleness or impatience is just bull at this point. If Garrett fails to make the playoffs in 2018, how can anyone argue that fans that want a change are being too emotional or impatient? It makes zero sense.


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Mainly ego. This was Jerry’s golden boy. He was chosen as the coach in training before Wade got here.

And he doesn't want to look like a failure so, that is why red is still here after all of these years. Old jerrah is like Frank Sanatra song "I did it my way".