Why Daryl Johnston says firing Jason Garrett would 'sabotage' the Cowboys


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Of course you would. You're a one trick pony. Everything's Jerry's fault so you try (and fail) to give Garrett a pass.
Not everything but he is the basis and why someone like Garrett is here to begin with.

Interesting why Jerry wouldn’t be more of a target for you?


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They spent three to four years under Parcells while he was rebuilding a ruined team. The prime years were wasted while Garrett tried and failed to fill the head coach role he was gifted.

And if not for Parcells, none of that talent would have even been here for Garrett to squander.

Another nice try.
Parcells squandered it too. Ultimately it was Jerry’s fault for not hiring better coaches and surrounding them with more talent which he admirably takes the blame for.

Why you’d blame anyone anyone else is interesting?


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Parcells squandered it too. Ultimately it was Jerry’s fault for not hiring better coaches and surrounding them with more talent which he admirably takes the blame for.

Why you’d blame anyone anyone else is interesting?

Because they have all had their hands in this franchise's mediocre last two decades. And stash has openly said this. He's blamed Jerry, the coaches and even the players when warranted.

You, on the other hand, have decided that Garrett is the victim here and that everyone from Jerry to Stephen to the players have failed Garrett.

It's stupid. It just is.


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Those sane fans are really just a small minority!

There was a local poll taken in DFW area in which over 57% supported Garrett which was the highest since Jimmy.

They didn’t say or believe Garrett could necessarily take us back to a Super Bowl but approved how the team and culture had improved and felt he could break thru to our first championship appearance in 25 years at some point.


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Because they have all had their hands in this franchise's mediocre last two decades. And stash has openly said this. He's blamed Jerry, the coaches and even the players when warranted.

You, on the other hand, have decided that Garrett is the victim here and that everyone from Jerry to Stephen to the players have failed Garrett.

It's stupid. It just is.
I have said Garrett is a product of Jerry’s dysfunctional ways. That doesn’t excuse from some of the responsibility. Nor does it place the bulk of blame on him.


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Not everything but he is the basis and why someone like Garrett is here to begin with.

Interesting why Jerry wouldn’t be more of a target for you?

He is. I agree with you that if not for Jerry, Garrett would have never gotten a head coaching job. Here or anywhere else.

But he's not any reason why Garrett should get a pass for his own failings and shortcomings.

It not either/or, it's both.


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Parcells squandered it too. Ultimately it was Jerry’s fault for not hiring better coaches and surrounding them with more talent which he admirably takes the blame for.

Why you’d blame anyone anyone else is interesting?

Why you wouldn't is what's truly interesting. Jerry gets blamed for everything while Garrett gets a pass. That's your issue.

You can argue about who should get more or less of the blame, but dealing in absolutes is ignorant.


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There was a local poll taken in DFW area in which over 57% supported Garrett which was the highest since Jimmy.

They didn’t say or believe Garrett could necessarily take us back to a Super Bowl but approved how the team and culture had improved and felt he could break thru to our first championship appearance in 25 years at some point.

Got proof of this poll?

And further, 57% isn't exactly a strong majority like you are claiming.


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Got proof of this poll?

And further, 57% isn't exactly a strong majority like you are claiming.

That poll probably got like 19 votes. lol Polls mean nothing, they simply don’t account for everyone.


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Think? This is known. Jerry and Stephen still have final say but for the most part it’s run by a committee of coaches and scouts...

Correct.................its not a committee thing. Jerry and stephen decide. Nothing to do with Garrett. Like any good boss, they ask the opinion of the people around them. So Garrett is one of many people that get asked.

Like I said, Garrett doesnt roster build. And like you said.............ITS KNOWN. Garrett doesnt pick the players here. In FA or in the draft. And like you said, he isnt part of the scouting department.


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I think you are setting up some strawmen there. I think few have said he has to make the SB or bust next year. I think many that have said they think the Cowboys need a new direction is simply looking at making the playoffs and not spit the bit immediately like they have. Show some progression here, not the same old.

Also, to suggest we have had a SB potential team for the vast majority of Garrett's tenure is a total reach. To set the standard as Cleveland, is just setting a really low bar for Garrett and the Cowboys. I mean in that sense, if Garrett spits out another 9-7 season but doesn't make the playoffs, you can call that a win because.......... "well, hey, at least we aren't the Browns!"

And let's note, we aren't talking about a coach in his 3rd or 4th year here. Garrett is now in his 8th full season. So trying to mitigate the criticism to emotionalism or fickleness or impatience is just bull at this point. If Garrett fails to make the playoffs in 2018, how can anyone argue that fans that want a change are being too emotional or impatient? It makes zero sense.

First off, I'm not saying "hey, at least we're not the Browns." I'm saying that the team is going into the season knowing, or at least having exceptional confidence, they will be competitive for the playoffs. Simply drawing distinction with the fans of a team like Cleveland (although a case could be made they are closer this year than they have been is 15+ years).

Secondly, I've not said they were a SB favorite for any of Garrett's years, but with very limited exception, it could not be said they didn't have a chance to go. Again, the first criteria is to be competitive for the playoffs. There's not a non-playoff team that has ever won the SB. And you don't have to be 14-2 or 13-3 to win or play in the SB. The Giants were 8-6 in 2007 before going on a 6 game streak to win.

There are indeed fans that have posted he should be fired if the team doesn't get to the SB. Maybe not the majority, but there a significant number have said play in an NFCC or else. I just don't subscribe to the thought that it's "this accomplishment or bust" other than to be competitive of which they have been for the vast majority of his time as HC. The major exception was 2015 of which he and the rest of the coaching and front office staff failed miserably. I don't give him a pass for 2015, but neither would I fire him after that season. He and they responded in 2016 with as diametrically opposite a job as 2015.

If fans are simply rational and base their views on well thought out and analyzed positions, why are there so many comments like "Clapping Carrot"?

I've said it before and I'll say it again, there was significant voicing after the 64 season that Landry should be fired. There wasn't talk radio, or social media, so it was simply water-cooler talk and newspaper/print media. Clint responded with a 10-year contract for Landry and the rest, as we say, is history. I'm not suggesting Garrett is or will be the next Landry, but the point is that Clint saw what the fans and media didn't and made an informed, intelligent decision.

Finally, I'll have no problem if Garrett is fired IF the team is not competitive and stops listening to him or buying what he's selling. There's no evidence of either in my opinion, self-serving TO aside.


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Got proof of this poll?

And further, 57% isn't exactly a strong majority like you are claiming.

Well, in politics that would be considered an overwhelming majority bordering on a landslide. Elections with a 51-49 split are billed as a voter mandate.


Taco Engineer
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It's refreshing to see a dose of rationality here. You won't be getting many likes because vitriol and negativity sell - it does in political ads (despite the overwhelming number of the populace that decry them) and it does here.

There is no question that there are better coaches than Garrett, just as there is no question there are worst. But, for the time he has been HC here, a case can be made that he was the perfect coach for this organization. Just as Parcells was the perfect coach at the time he was hired. There has been a positive change in the organization coinciding with Garrett's tenure of which it's unlikely would've occurred without Garrett. You can quibble about results, but this organization is in much better shape today than 10 years ago, or even 5. I have no idea whether it will result in a SB win, but for me, personally, I think we're closer than not.
Fair point and it didn't take very long for the naysayers to cast their hatred upon your posts. Sometimes I just don't respond because I'm not emotionally invested in the Cowboys. I love the franchise and enjoy watching them, but it doesn't effect my day either way. Some here are just too negative. And I completely understand rational criticism, but some blame JG for everything.
Back to the subject, JG could very well be just what we've seen as a HC. But I like where the team is. The players like playing for him, he installed a solid culture that I also like. It takes many pieces to all line up to win a SB. What I'd like to see is more consistent postseason contention. JG has had some very good seasons and some average ones. But, with a healthy QB his winning percentage is actually very good. I get he could have done a better job with getting better back ups but very few teams have been consistently great with back ups. It happens here and there.
So, I support JG because he's the HC and I will support the next guy.


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Good luck asking for proof. It's never provided.

He is very open about his posting style and has admitted many times in the past on the old board:

1. His opinions don't need to be driven by facts.
2. He is not writing for a publication so it is up to you to decide if what he is saying is true or not.
3. He is interesting in offering his views in hopes of influencing others to think like he does.

His agenda against Jerry is a personal one stemming from the move to the new stadium. He used to be a season ticket holder but the prices at the new stadium caused him to not renew. He was boycotting the team for many years up until the Lions playoff game in 2014. Garrett has given DHB a reason to care about the Cowboys again so he wants to direct any and all criticism away from Garrett and on to Jerry.


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Fair point and it didn't take very long for the naysayers to cast their hatred upon your posts. Sometimes I just don't respond because I'm not emotionally invested in the Cowboys. I love the franchise and enjoy watching them, but it doesn't effect my day either way. Some here are just too negative. And I completely understand rational criticism, but some blame JG for everything.
Back to the subject, JG could very well be just what we've seen as a HC. But I like where the team is. The players like playing for him, he installed a solid culture that I also like. It takes many pieces to all line up to win a SB. What I'd like to see is more consistent postseason contention. JG has had some very good seasons and some average ones. But, with a healthy QB his winning percentage is actually very good. I get he could have done a better job with getting better back ups but very few teams have been consistently great with back ups. It happens here and there.
So, I support JG because he's the HC and I will support the next guy.

Very well said.


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His agenda against Jerry is a personal one stemming from the move to the new stadium. He used to be a season ticket holder but the prices at the new stadium caused him to not renew.

What's very interesting in my case is that I was fully prepared to get jobbed by Jerry in the move to the new stadium and have to give up my tickets, but was pleasantly shocked when my package came. Someone else in my exact situation may feel completely the opposite. But in my case, I had and still have, some measure of appreciation for what Jerry did on the move to the stadium. That doesn't change how I feel about the job he's done as a football GM, which can only be characterized as a failure. That said, the appearances are that he is not operating the same today as he did 10 years ago, or certainly not as he did for the first 10 years post-Jimmy.