Why Daryl Johnston says firing Jason Garrett would 'sabotage' the Cowboys


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Lol. The forum bully. So big and tough behind that keyboard.

Sure. Play the victim. Spread your lies and bull**** and then cry that someone is 'picking on you' for calling you out on it.

Your history with that tactic is well known too. As I've said, the book is out on you.

What else ya got?


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Sure. Play the victim. Spread your lies and bull**** and then cry that someone is 'picking on you' for calling you out on it.

Your history with that tactic is well known too. As I've said, the book is out on you.

What else ya got?
He used to be Mr Right side of history because he is always right. Has he used that one here yet?


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I take comfort in the fact that their ranks continue to shrink. There are a small handful of supporters left holding onto that life raft. And even those few will concede that it's put up or shut up time for him and he either wins or he's gone.
The bad news is it ultimately Jerry’s call. And worse news could be the next HC. Time will tell. Bashing Garrett isn’t going to influence. You need to root for a total collapse.


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Sure. Play the victim. Spread your lies and bull**** and then cry that someone is 'picking on you' for calling you out on it.

Your history with that tactic is well known too. As I've said, the book is out on you.

What else ya got?
Stick to the subject matter. Making it personal reflects you've exhausted the subject matter. .I haven’t resorted to it.


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He used to be Mr Right side of history because he is always right. Has he used that one here yet?

Not yet, but thanks for the info. We can add it to the file on him. It just gets more flattering all the time.


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The bad news is it ultimately Jerry’s call. And worse news could be the next HC. Time will tell. Bashing Garrett isn’t going to influence. You need to root for a total collapse.

I do that once the season starts and Garrett's bungling and mismanagement have cost the team to the point where it's ultimately more beneficial. Like this past year. When he had the team "rally" to that worthless 9-7 record, while never winning any games that mattered against good teams.

But, of course, he did just enough to save his own hide with his adopted father and worsen the team's prospects along the way. Much like he has in several years past.

I realize that Garrett is getting this year. And I hope he wins the whole thing. I don't hate the man personally and I recognize that he has many fine attributes. But I root for the team first and foremost and want what's best for them. If that's not him, he needs to go. If he manages to win, I'll gladly take any "to,d ya so's" that you or anyone else wants to dish out.

Seven years in, I'm right, the supporters are wrong.


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Stick to the subject matter. Making it personal reflects you've exhausted the subject matter. .I haven’t resorted to it.

I gladly will if you'll do the same. Practice what you preach. And don't make up **** you can't support.


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I do that once the season starts and Garrett's bungling and mismanagement have cost the team to the point where it's ultimately more beneficial. Like this past year. When he had the team "rally" to that worthless 9-7 record, while never winning any games that mattered against good teams.

But, of course, he did just enough to save his own hide with his adopted father and worsen the team's prospects along the way. Much like he has in several years past.

I realize that Garrett is getting this year. And I hope he wins the whole thing. I don't hate the man personally and I recognize that he has many fine attributes. But I root for the team first and foremost and want what's best for them. If that's not him, he needs to go. If he manages to win, I'll gladly take any "to,d ya so's" that you or anyone else wants to dish out.

Seven years in, I'm right, the supporters are wrong.
Of course. Everyone’s a loser until they win a championship lol

This the same rhetoric we dealt with Romo.


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Winning is the name of the game and the NFL is a results business. Coaches that don't win get fired. I see no reason why it should be different for the Cowboys.
Not with Jerry and our Dallas Cowboys.

Revenue is the name of the game . We’re #1!!

If winning was top priority he’d step down as GM and bring in a proven HC and let him have control.


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And you think that's what's happening here?

So much for "sticking to subject matter" I guess...
You seem to be bothered with anyone debating the Garrett issue?

We’re all entitled to express our views and opinions and let the rest decide for themselves.

I understand supporting Garrett isn’t a popular stance at this time but we have a very complicated organization with Jerry. It’s not always clear the priorities.


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You seem to be bothered with anyone debating the Garrett issue?

Not at all. Try again. I take issue when folks like you try to pass things they can't support as the truth.

Or when people like you try to project their own "spin" onto anyone else.

We’re all entitled to express our views and opinions and let the rest decide for themselves.

What you're not "entitled" to do is to make **** up and pass it off as the truth. And repeatedly fail to support anything you claim.

I understand supporting Garrett isn’t a popular stance at this time but we have a very complicated organization with Jerry. It’s not always clear the priorities.

I don't deny any of that. But it doesn't absolve Garrett of his own faults and failings and his role in the team's underachieving. He gets no free pass.


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Most opinions and heresay can’t be proved. This is a fan forum not a news publication. Lol

Just yours. You think you can throw made up crap around because this is a "fan forum." You try to marginalize this place, but succeed only in marginalizing yourself.

There was a local poll taken in DFW area in which over 57% supported Garrett which was the highest since Jimmy.

"57%" isn't "opinions and hearsay", in fact, it's a very specific reference.

But of course, when you're called on your bull****, it's "opinion", and just "a fan forum". As if that excuses you from having to support your outlandish claims with facts. It doesn't.

#19 - You will not post fake, false or wild rumors or news.

And yet that's what you do. Time and time again. Trying and failing to spread your Bizarro World interpretations as truth.

The fact is that you're again exposed for who and what you are - noise.


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Not at all. Try again. I take issue when folks like you try to pass things they can't support as the truth.

Or when people like you try to project their own "spin" onto anyone else.

What you're not "entitled" to do is to make **** up and pass it off as the truth. And repeatedly fail to support anything you claim.

I don't deny any of that. But it doesn't absolve Garrett of his own faults and failings and his role in the team's underachieving. He gets no free pass.
That’s fine. Garrett deserves some criticism for his Game Day gaffs but he also deserves credit for some of the positive elements and assets he’s presented to our dysfunctional football organization in which he’s a product of remaining a contributing factor to the failures and successes not the sole cause.


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Just yours. You think you can throw made up crap around because this is a "fan forum." You try to marginalize this place, but succeed only in marginalizing yourself.

"57%" isn't "opinions and hearsay", in fact, it's a very specific reference.

But of course, when you're called on your bull****, it's "opinion", and just "a fan forum". As if that excuses you from having to support your outlandish claims with facts. It doesn't.

#19 - You will not post fake, false or wild rumors or news.

And yet that's what you do. Time and time again. Trying and failing to spread your Bizarro World interpretations as truth.

The fact is that you're again exposed for who and what you are - noise.
We’re all noise in an opinion driven forum.

Time and time again. You have one silly example of a poll which is impossible to find a link to. If I’m not allowed to present in such fashion then I regret using it and we can rule it as insignificant evidence and heresay at best.