Why Daryl Johnston says firing Jason Garrett would 'sabotage' the Cowboys


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Don't be so sure how far a 10-6 team will go in the NFC. If the Cowboys go 10-6 they would have beaten some pretty good teams. Something we did not do last year besides the win over KC and the gift from Philly.

We arguably have 7 games against tough teams. If we go 4-3 against that lot we'd have beaten some damn good teams. Split with the Commanders and Giants and we're 6-5. Then we have this left, Lions, Bucs, Titans, Colts, and Seahawks. We'd have to go 4-1 just to be 10-6. So yeah, we'd be better than slightly above average with a 10-6 record.

Oh yeah, good for the Raiders, congrats. But they didn't have to play the Steelers as the wildcard entering the SB. :)

I said I could see 10-6 going far, didn't say I was sure of it. And you never know how teams will be, Seahawks lost lots of key players and one of their top coaches. So beating the Seahawks might be considerably easier than the last few years, e.g.

And you could be a very good team and go 10-6 but could say the same thing about other teams.

Just trying to be optimistic...


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Oh I agree, Seahawks are just a name now. But I'm glad the Cowboys have a tough schedule. Let's see what they can do. No sense in squeaking by on the cheap and getting bounced in the first round.


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I think its clear that Ive never been one to strongly defend Garrett....especially in game management.
But I do think he’s way better overall than some here think.
And he does akways seem to be looking for ways to grow. Always studying others that were/are successful.
Still, This topic is something I’d never wish to burn my time arguing over.
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I think its clear that Ive never been one to strongly defend Garrett....especially in game management.
But I do think he’s way better overall than some hear think.
And he does akways seem to be looking for ways to grow. Always studying others that were/are successful.
Still, This topic is something I’d never wish to burn my time arguing over though.

Yes, and nobody's changing their opinion of Garrett, for some even if he wins a SB it'll be he got lucky, or the players won in spite of Garrett, or the other teams all had off years, etc. etc...


Taco Engineer
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The hatred is for the most part unrealistic in regard to JG. Many think he needs to be fired, but I think he should get another year or two to get all of the changes on the same page. You can't just come in and coach a SB team. The odds of that happening are slim. If you're talking about replacing JG then you need a viable and available replacement. When that happens you're going to need time to make changes. I see this team as close. And I don't subscribe to throwing out an HC. I think JG has built a solid foundation with some pieces needed talent wise. I think we have a good shot at being a contender. The most important thing to me as a fan is if they're fun to watch. Winning and losing isn't everything to me because I have no control.


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If you're a long term Cowboys fan like myself and a lot of others, sure we're not happy with no SBs under Garrett.

Most were ecstatic when Parcells was hired, surely he'd return the team to glory. But one playoff game, a loss. Regardless of why, he didn't do it. Campo was the DC of a SB winning team, had the pedigree, did terrible. Lots of SF fans were thrilled with Singletary being named the head coach, was a flop. Long term NFL assistants became head coaches, seemed to be poised to be the next great NFL head coach, failed miserably.

Garrett hasn't done what we want, but it could have been worse, at least we had a playoff win and a couple very good regular seasons, being able to watch Dallas and feel we had a good chance to win games during the regular season sure beats watching through our fingers and hoping against hope we'd get to see a win. For that I'm grateful.

And before a certain person tries to say I think we should keep Garrett for fear someone might do worse, I'm NOT SAYING THAT.

But as they say, all good things come to an end, and I think that holds true for mediocre things as well. Tired of no SB wins, tired of seeing Rodgers pull the rabbit out of the hat twice in playoff games, tired of hearing about the great Tom Brady, Julio Jones, Drew Brees, Rothlisbergher, Russell Wilson and others on the sports shows/reports.

Time for Garrett to get over the hump. If he can't I'm not like Streetwise "Winning and losing isn't everything to me because I have no control", I want to win, winning is FOR ME why I watch. Garrett could win the division 5 years in a row, if he doesn't get to at least the NFC Championship game, he still should be fired....


Go Seahawks!!!
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Well, we are stuck with Garrett for better or worse. I'll be interested to see how many people jump off or on his bandwagon this year. A few have stated he needs to produce results this year. It will be entertaining one way or another.


Taco Engineer
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Well, we are stuck with Garrett for better or worse. I'll be interested to see how many people jump off or on his bandwagon this year. A few have stated he needs to produce results this year. It will be entertaining one way or another.
I expect a little more postseason success. I'm not calling for his head or blaming him for every stupid thing, but he HAS had enough time to build something. I'd like to see results.
I will say that if there continues to be game time blunders I may snap.


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A few have stated he needs to produce results this year

More than a few I'd say, myself included, though I'd agree more want him fired immediately.

Which ain't gonna happen, sorry for the haters that won't get their way, though I suspect a lot of them are really Cowboys haters in disguise

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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The hatred is for the most part unrealistic in regard to JG. Many think he needs to be fired, but I think he should get another year or two to get all of the changes on the same page.
And if the team underachieves again, you can replace a few coaches and claim that the clock has restarted (again) and he needs more time.

He's already on his third OC, third DC, and many third position coaches. How many more years does this go on?

PA Cowboy Fan

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Well, we are stuck with Garrett for better or worse. I'll be interested to see how many people jump off or on his bandwagon this year. A few have stated he needs to produce results this year. It will be entertaining one way or another.
If he finally produces he'll get no negative feedback from me. It's all I want. Don't think he can do it though. Needs to at least make the NFCC.


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he just needs better coordinators where he can 5S the locker rooms and coach the cheerleaders.


I Copy!,,, er,,,I guess,,,ah,,,maybe.
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I got a sig bet with someone here. They were so convinced that Pederson being so aggressive in going for 4th downs was going to cause an at least 20% spike league wide in teams going for 4th downs this upcoming season. He wanted to make the wager, so I listed the number of attempts and how many he would need, giving him the opportunity to back out. He was gung ho and still wants to bet, so I need to come up with a good sig for him when he loses.
How about: "As an aspiring amateur veterinarian,I've found that sniffing a dog's butt greatly facilitates my prognosis",,,o_O