Why Daryl Johnston says firing Jason Garrett would 'sabotage' the Cowboys


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That’s foolish, Jerry is a competitor by nature, it’s why the cowboys are the most valuable franchise. He wants to be on top, and to stay on top, you have to win. To say winning is secondary is absolutely crazy talk.
jerry's main thing is the money flow and that river is running just fine no need to mess it up jimmy Johnson already got him three super bowls its all about the money


Vet Min Plus
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Wait. Help me understand here.

Are we to believe there is this "committee of coaches and scouts" that have power?

Ultimately, it has to go through the wax-ridden ear of a Jones, rumble inside this head and then come out the other side, hopefully in a coherent sentence in the English language.

Then their mouth starts working.

The fact they all "listen" is irrelevant.

How their brains process the information is entirely relevant.

Power as in influence but not power as in final say.


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He’s kept them winning while rebuilding
Garrett’s 67-53 record as head coach impresses no one. Of his seven seasons, only two resulted in NFC East titles with only one playoff victory to show for it. While it’s fair to point out these less than spectacular results, you have to recognize what has been going on with this organization over the last several years. Garrett has completely remade this team. Sean Lee and L.P. Ladoucer are the only two players who were on the team prior to Garrett becoming the head coach. That’s a 96% turnover.

The Cowboys have stayed in contention every year other than the 2015 debacle where Romo went down and the team had no answer at backup QB, Garrett’s Cowboys have always given us fans a reason to have hope in December.
But none in January when it matters......


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Many fans will claim Garrett has had all the tools he’s needed to make the Cowboys a winner, but just doesn’t have the coaching ability to get it done. Make no mistake about it, the Cowboys have built themselves a squad with many great players, but are you sure they have enough? For years this defense has been a liability, and in some cases of historic proportions. If you look back at those disappointing playoff losses or some heartbreaking defeats in the regular season, you’re going to find one common denominator in all of them - a defensive collapse.

While it’s easy to say all the pieces were in place, we could be kidding ourselves. Many of us see those 8-8 seasons as mediocre and underachieving, but what they should be seeing is a team that was rebuilding and remained competitive despite having some serious holes on defense. The good news is the holes are being filled.
I am going to go out on a limb and say that the Cowboys would have won as may if not more games had Garrett not even been with the team and no one was their HC. Kinda like when Switzer took Dallas to the SB LOL. However, I think I would still prefer Switzer as the HC over Garrett.


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Jerry has taken all of Jason's power away to protect him. I think Jason is just allowed to call time outs and clap, and he still seems to do those things at the wrong time.


Junior College Transfer
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On a recent radio interview, Daryl Johnston suggested that firing Jason Garrett would "sabotage" the Cowboys and that he needs more "time".


Garrett has been head coach for seven and a half years. How much more time does he need?

I think Moose took too many shots to the head.

I endorse that. Harumpfffff!


Junior College Transfer
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On a recent radio interview, Daryl Johnston suggested that firing Jason Garrett would "sabotage" the Cowboys and that he needs more "time".


Garrett has been head coach for seven and a half years. How much more time does he need?

I think Moose took too many shots to the head.
Or, maybe, Moose has more smarts and earnings than you. Jus' throwing tha out, dawg.

waving monkey

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Garrett may have had other opportunities when Jerry hired him as a $3,000,000 a year Assistant Head Coach. If he got fired from the Cowboys, he would never be a head coach in the NFL again. His only out is to be promoted within the organization. He's at $6,000,000 a year now? Jerry likes to pay the man.
Ravens tried to hire him


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Me, too.

But what if everybody who knows him and keeps saying he’s a good coach is actually right? What if maybe the issue in Dallas for Jason and Wade and Bill and Dave and Chan actually is related to the team’s ability to assemble championship caliber talent?

Sure gives that whole ‘22 years of futility’ line a little context.

Some people drink the kool-aid, some people don't, but you my friend are the type to make the kool-aid. Bless yer heart.


Fattening up
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If you know a single thing about the NFL and how it works, it is based on nepotism.

It is pretty much an established fact when children of coaches get coaching spots based on exactly zero experience.

It is who knows who. What guy knows that guy.

I find it kind of pathetic that you would use this as a defense for Garrett.

He checks all the boxes. Father was this guy. Knew this guy, worked for that guy, paid his dues for this other guy.

Please. Try to peddle that he earned his head coaching spot otherwise.

Yeah. The guy who group up in a coaching household, played 8 years in the league for two Superbowl teams and two organizations, who came highly regarded as a coach by Nick Saban, who fielded HC interest from the Rams, Falcons, and Cowboys for their HC positions, the guy Troy Aikman was talking about actively preparing for a HC role back when he was still a player, got his job in Dallas but wasn’t qualified.

I think you’re really into something here.


Fattening up
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Some people drink the kool-aid, some people don't, but you my friend are the type to make the kool-aid. Bless yer heart.

Some people look for causes, others for scapegoats. I don’t mind being in the very small minority on topics that are based on emotions and not substance. It’s not like mobs are known for careful problem solving.


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I wonder if Johnston remembers how much time it took jimmy to win 2 superbowls? perhaps one too many blows to the head.


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Some people look for causes, others for scapegoats. I don’t mind being in the very small minority on topics that are based on emotions and not substance. It’s not like mobs are known for careful problem solving.

Wait, what....? So you're basing your approval of Garrett on emotion and not substance? I don't know what you're putting in that kool-aid, but you might want to ease up a bit.


I Copy!,,, er,,,I guess,,,ah,,,maybe.
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I think Moose just wants to keep Garrett employed and way from him. Now that he's gonna be a GM in this new start-up league, he doesn't want ginger snap sniffing around begging for a job.