Would Hill have gone 1st round if not for attitude?


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I agree, players slip but bottom line here, if you go in the first, then you are a first round pick. If you don't, then you aren't. I mean, it really doesn't get any more simple then that.
Ah, but going in the first does not mean you are 1st round talent!!!!! (See Jamarcus Russell!!!!)


Regular Joe....
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Ah, but going in the first does not mean you are 1st round talent!!!!! (See Jamarcus Russell!!!!)

That's true. In all honestly, most years, you see fewer players that actually hold a 1st round grade then actually do go in the first round. Essentially, you usually have more players who are drafted in the 1st round then are actually rated as high. That actually kinda speaks to my original post. Guys who are 1st round grade guys, and everybody knows it, they don't usually slide because they have a little attitude. What happens is you see teams spin that into a positive.

"This player plays with attitude........"

This player plays with and edge........"

I mean, you've heard it a hundred times, I'm sure. The point is, or at least the point I was trying to make is that, if he was thought of as a solid 1st round guy, he would have been taken in the first and a little attitude wouldn't have mattered. Red flags, legal issues, substance issues, those kinds of things take you out of the first round because it means that you could be out of the league before you start and that's what knocks you out of a first round. Not this though, if you have the kind of talent that everybody agrees, puts you solidly in the 1st round IMO.
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he is a 1st rounder based on sparq and production per snap

he is dinged because:
1. not a starter on ucf
2. issues with coaches
3. unrefined body
4. lack of production on total production basis due to lack of snaps
5. unrefined rushes due lack of coaching or not listening to coaching

he has more upside because:
1. despite extremely explosive tests, body can be further improved from weight training and proper diet
2. refinement from better coaching


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Throw in "attitude", slow 40, and playing at a non power school. Guys like him get penalized for not playing at non power schools.


Well-Known Member
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I agree, players slip but bottom line here, if you go in the first, then you are a first round pick. If you don't, then you aren't. I mean, it really doesn't get any more simple then that.

Well yeah. He wasn’t a first round pick so that’s the end of it. Doesn’t preclude him from having first round impact though is the hope


The Labeled One
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Not in this class of dlinemen.

When I see Hill I think Willie Blades....Hopefully Hill will be more productive.



Intramural Legend
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They have tons of it
What? Bosa didn't even play this year. Gary's production was way lower than Winovich. Metcalf was 4th in receptions and 2nd in TDs on his team.

All 3 were drafted for traits, exclusively.


Regular Joe....
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Well yeah. He wasn’t a first round pick so that’s the end of it. Doesn’t preclude him from having first round impact though is the hope

To me, that's a different thing all together. I mean, I don't really get hung up on where a guy is taken. Heck, some of the greatest players in the history of this franchise were not 1st round picks.

Roger Staubach, not a 1st round pick, Tony Romo, not a first round pick, Jason Witten, not a first round pick, the list literally goes on and on:

Larry Allen
Bullet Bob Hayes
Drew Pearson
Mel Renfro
Harvey Martin
Charlie Waters
Don Meredith
Danny White

I mean, I could go on here. The point being that we probably have more all time great Cowboy players who were not 1st round picks. What round you are picked in is not nearly as relevant, to me, as is the actual effort a player puts into it. I'm just saying that in terms of the evaluation process, teams have very specific matrix on that and if you check all the boxes, you are going to get taken in the first round regardless of how difficult you might be to work with. I mean, just look at a guy like Lawrence Taylor. Everybody knew he was hard to work with, had a mind of his own and other issues going on. They knew and they still took him because he checked off a lot of boxes. The other side of that is a guy like Ryan Leaf. He could easily have been the 1st overall pick in his draft, he had about as good a natural set of skills as you will ever see at the QB position, checked all the boxes but everybody knew he had issues in his personality and it didn't stop the Chargers from taking him.

To me, it doesn't really matter where a player is taken. It's much more important to be able to seize the opportunity and run with it, so to speak. JMO....


Well-Known Member
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What? Bosa didn't even play this year. Gary's production was way lower than Winovich. Metcalf was 4th in receptions and 2nd in TDs on his team.

All 3 were drafted for traits, exclusively.
No. They were drafted on ability.