Would u take Mark Cuban over Jerry


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Chocolate Lab;2413538 said:
Good Gawd, another great thread.

Cuban is just like Jerry as far as wanting to run everything... And probably worse.

last I checked Cuban didn't bring home 3 championships.


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Boyzmamacita;2413654 said:
At least Jerry had enough sense to hire Jimmy Johnson and get those 3 trophies. Cuban has yet to get over the hump.

Agreed but Cuban didnt choke in playoffs.. his team did. As far as I am concerned, Cuban did his part. No one even knew the Mavericks before he became the owner. He should get some credit.

But for owner of Cowboys. No.

BraveHeartFan;2413709 said:
I am sure Cuban is a bad GM, or wants too put to much control over his investements and all that, but I love the guy. I know that will make some think i'm crazy but I just love the guy. I think he's an awesome owner.

I dont know how anyone can be sure of anything when it comes to that. He gets props for accomplishing what he did.. even if the team did choke the championship away.


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YoMick;2414203 said:
Agreed but Cuban didnt choke in playoffs.. his team did. As far as I am concerned, Cuban did his part. No one even knew the Mavericks before he became the owner. He should get some credit.

But for owner of Cowboys. No.

I dont know how anyone can be sure of anything when it comes to that. He gets props for accomplishing what he did.. even if the team did choke the championship away.

They did that was funny my friend was a Mavs fan he called me was like yeah Mavs up 2-0 didn't hear from him again after that

Yakuza Rich

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Cuban wants a say in everything they do with the Mavs, but he does listen to basketball people. The problem is he's not a football guy and is far removed from it. So it would be a waiting process for him to catch up to how the NFL work and what the pitfalls are. In the meantime, he may wind up making decisions that dump a team right into those pitfalls.

I will say one thing about Cuban. Almost everything he's ever gotten into he's been wildly successful at. For him to make the Mavs into what they are today and have the fanbase they have I would've thought was clearly impossible before he took over. I laugh when somebody like Trump mocks Cuban because Cuban's success rate is far higher than Trump could ever imagine. So if he were to take over a football team or a baseball team or a roller derby team, it wouldn't surprise me in the least bit if he was wildly successful in the end.

That being said, I'm still not sure at the griping about Jerry. The team is 5-4 with their starting QB having been injured the past 3 games. We've gone 18-7 the past year and half and haven't had a losing record since 2004. We had 13 Pro Bowlers last year. And when everybody scoffed at him signing Hamlin, Leonard Davis and Owens, they've performed extremely well. Remember, this is the same team where Parcells outright refused to draft a quality kicking prospect in the latter rounds and it stymied the Cowboys for 3 seasons. Once he left Jerry drafted Folk and so far he's worked out beautifully (and yes, I'm still a Parcells fan...but that was a major screwup on his part).

My only gripe with Jerry is when he starts gambling over taking calculated risks, although I don't think he's been doing it the past few years. Brad Johnson was supposed to be a quality backup...but he aged really quickly and sucks. Roy Williams will cost essentially a 1st and a 3rd, but Dallas needs another big time receiver soon and finding those types in the draft are not easy (not to mention we still have a ton of picks).

So for me, I just don't see how Jerry is the problem at this moment. Perhaps you could throw the Hard Knocks filming in his face, but he's got a new stadium to sell tickets for and I presume that most of are looking for to the new place.



CowBabe Up!!!
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YoMick;2414203 said:
Agreed but Cuban didnt choke in playoffs.. his team did. As far as I am concerned, Cuban did his part. No one even knew the Mavericks before he became the owner. He should get some credit.

But for owner of Cowboys. No.

If you give Cuban credit event though his team choked, then you have to give Jerry credit even though his team hasn't won a playoff game in 12 years. Jerry didn't lose those playoff games. His team did, right?


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Well I'm a Jerry Jones guy and I like the fact this team will be in the Jones family for a good long time.


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BigDFan5;2413580 said:
Jerry forced to sell? Are you on drugs?

that was my first thought.

The Jones family will own the cowboys for the next 100 years.

All of us will be eating dirt and rotting and Jerrys family will still be running the cowboys.


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i would do peter holt with mark cubans money. but no, jerry over cuban any day of the week


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Boyzmamacita;2414322 said:
If you give Cuban credit event though his team choked, then you have to give Jerry credit even though his team hasn't won a playoff game in 12 years. Jerry didn't lose those playoff games. His team did, right?

Hehe... I see what you did there.... Jerry is an enabler... from what I know Cuban is not.

I think on a Meddle scale... Jerry is more meddler than Cuban and that affects the end result.

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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I'm sure the board doesn't want or care about a Mavs discussion, but Mark Cuban has done nothing for that team's success on the floor. The entire turnaround and success of the Mavs was due to a few things, namely Michael Finley, Dirk Nowitzki and Steve Nash. Those guys were drafted (Dirk) traded for (Nash) or resigned by (Finley) Don Nelson, all of whom were already in place when Cuban bought the team. And Cuban ran Nelson off and let Steve Nash go for nothing in one of the worst moves in recent NBA history.

Cuban's best move was buying the team before it took off. He's added more bells and whistles like a circus atmosphere at games, a ridiculous PA announcer, and better cheerleaders, but as far as the actual team on the floor goes, he hasn't directly done anything to improve them. His willingness to spend might have helped for a while (the NBA has a soft cap unlike the NFL), but Cuban hasn't been spending as much there lately anyway. And the team is now on the downside of its development and is headed for the cellar. (Without a first round pick due to the stupid 35-year-old Jason Kidd trade, I might add.)

This idea that Cuban is responsible for the Mavs turning from a laughingstock into a contender is yet another idea that has been repeated so much, people accept it as fact without actually checking to see if it's true.


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YoMick;2414344 said:
Hehe... I see what you did there.... Jerry is an enabler... from what I know Cuban is not.

Cuban fired his coach because of that German choke artist.

If that is not an enabler ..... what is?


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MONT17;2413528 said:
With all the talk of loans, intrest rates, market size n psls. Maybe dreams come true and Cowboy fans in Dallas can get rid of Jerry! If jerry is forced to sell, would Mark Cuban be the answer as the Cowboys owner. Dallas hates Jerry and they love Cuban in comparison, who won't make himself the GM of the beloved Cowboys just because he can. Cowboy fans outside of Dallas look at this in passing but those who have strong ties to the city of Dallas can almost see the light at the end of the tunnel! The City of Dallas won't miss Jerry the Owner or the GM!

Mark Cuban? You mean the guy whose team has yet to win ANYTHING? :lmao2:

Watching the sorry Mavs blow a 12-point lead, at home, last night to my Lakers says it all. They have not and will not win anything as long as Cuban owns them.

Hell no man!!!


What's it going to be then, eh?
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I am not all that familiar with basketball and all I know about Cuban is that he is a hands-on owner with a lot of money.

Does he pretend to know talent like Jerry Jones?


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Yakuza Rich;2414301 said:
Cuban wants a say in everything they do with the Mavs, but he does listen to basketball people. The problem is he's not a football guy and is far removed from it. So it would be a waiting process for him to catch up to how the NFL work and what the pitfalls are. In the meantime, he may wind up making decisions that dump a team right into those pitfalls.

I will say one thing about Cuban. Almost everything he's ever gotten into he's been wildly successful at. For him to make the Mavs into what they are today and have the fanbase they have I would've thought was clearly impossible before he took over. I laugh when somebody like Trump mocks Cuban because Cuban's success rate is far higher than Trump could ever imagine. So if he were to take over a football team or a baseball team or a roller derby team, it wouldn't surprise me in the least bit if he was wildly successful in the end.

That being said, I'm still not sure at the griping about Jerry. The team is 5-4 with their starting QB having been injured the past 3 games. We've gone 18-7 the past year and half and haven't had a losing record since 2004. We had 13 Pro Bowlers last year. And when everybody scoffed at him signing Hamlin, Leonard Davis and Owens, they've performed extremely well. Remember, this is the same team where Parcells outright refused to draft a quality kicking prospect in the latter rounds and it stymied the Cowboys for 3 seasons. Once he left Jerry drafted Folk and so far he's worked out beautifully (and yes, I'm still a Parcells fan...but that was a major screwup on his part).

My only gripe with Jerry is when he starts gambling over taking calculated risks, although I don't think he's been doing it the past few years. Brad Johnson was supposed to be a quality backup...but he aged really quickly and sucks. Roy Williams will cost essentially a 1st and a 3rd, but Dallas needs another big time receiver soon and finding those types in the draft are not easy (not to mention we still have a ton of picks).

So for me, I just don't see how Jerry is the problem at this moment. Perhaps you could throw the Hard Knocks filming in his face, but he's got a new stadium to sell tickets for and I presume that most of are looking for to the new place.


Well there is a school of thought that says part (all?) of the current underachieving is due to sub-par coaching/leadership and that Jerry the GM is responsible because he hired Wade and Garrett & has a role in setting the leadership tone for this organization whether it be deliberate or not.

I'm not one who thinks this franchise has no hope with Jerry as GM. Quite the opposite. But I do think the tough questions being asked about the coaching and the leadership climate in our organization are very fair questions.

I'm actually confident that Jerry can find his way through this and be a key part of playoff success once more. But I'm not convinced yet that Wade and some of his staff will be around for it. I think the jury is out for those folks in the same way its out on our season.

As far as Cuban vs Jerry goes. I don't follow Cuban other than very casually. It seems like they have a lot of similarities both good and bad. I'm more than fine with the Cowboys ownership status quo.