Yakuza Rich: My meaningless thoughts on the game...

Yakuza Rich

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My Meaningless Thoughts on the Game
by Yakuza Rich

- Romo still had *some* difficulties finding receivers, but it was better than the past couple of games before he got injured. I think Roy Williams had a lot to do that.

- All praise Kyle Kosier whom Corey Procter made look like John Hannah, Larry Allen and Randall McDaniel combined.

- Get ready for the "refs gave the Cowboys all of the calls" from Skins fans. This despite Washington having a whopping 2 penalties all game long.

- Why I think Ratliff is better than Ware? Because teams can't handle him one-on-one. Unfortunately, he plays the nose and doesn't get many one-on-ones.

- Getting Romo, Newman and Kosier back felt like a 1500 pound gorilla was taken off my back.

- I actually thought the offense played pretty well, but those two picks inside the 30 just stymied them a bit.

- Stop running the reverse to Owens. Teams key in on him very intently, so you're not going to fool anybody by running a reverse to a guy that gets double teamed almost every down.

- Awesome catch by Martellus Bennett. As I pointed out in one of my previous posts, I thought he was a major key to get this offense rolling.

- The other major key in my mind (provided Romo is healthy) was Roy Williams who looked decent. But it seemed like on almost every play Romo was talking to him...probably telling him what to do.

- Barber finally had a great game against the Skins...a team he has struggled against.

- Was it me or did that game just fly by? When the Skins went for it on 4th down in the 4th quarter I thought there was about 12 minutes left and I look at the screen and there was only 6 minutes left.

- I think teams are understanding how to beat the Skins offense. Contain the run and realize on those big plays...or the must have plays...or "could really use" type of plays that Campbell now looks for Moss first and then Cooley. That's exactly what they did in the 4th quarter when they went for it but Dallas seemed to recognize it. Teams weren't recognizing it earlier in the year.

- Seems like the special teams is good for one big return allowed a game. Thank you Bruce Read.

- I still wish that Garrett wouldn't be afraid to try a gadget play. Particularly in the 2nd quarter if he needs to get the offense going.

- I wish Madden would understand that Flozell is legally deaf in his right ear, that's why he tends to false start so much. Not because he "doesn't get it."

- Apparently, Al Michaels has never watched a punt downed before. I think my 5 year old niece knows that the punting team has to have possession of the ball in order to down it.

- I wasn't really nutty about going for it in the 4th quarter. For some reason Michaels thought you had nothing to gain. Well, if you give up a TD then the score is tied instead of being down by 3 points. That's something to gain. I'm not saying it was an awful decision...I just wasn't nutty about it. I will say it's definitely "playing to win" and it's nowhere near as bad as Switzer going for it in the Eagles game (excuse me while I break out into a cold sweat remembering that game and proceed to curse up a storm)...but just not my preference.

- Ironically, it's probably not my preference just because of that Eagles game.

- I wonder what the media will say this week. Coming into the week you would've thought that this 5-4 team which played the last three weeks without their QB and their plethora of other injuries was the worst team since Cumberland College lost to Georgia Tech. My guess is that they'll act like they never said that and move onto to news about the Ladies Bowling Tour.

- Defense looked a LOT less confused this week. Which is a good sign because Zorn runs a WCO that likes to try and confuse you with lots of motion.

- Well, it was a much needed and great win...but it only matters if they keep on winning and next week could be a trap game given the team's track record on the road and if anything, the Niners are playing motivated ball under Singletary. But it's always good to beat the Commanders and now things are starting to shape up in a tough division. While their schedule looks tough, they have a lot of winnable games as they face Seattle, SF, a banged up Pittsburgh team, a enigmatic Philly team and a good B-more team that has a rookie QB. Like I've posted earlier, this stretch of games will really give us a gauge of the coaching staff's abilities as this team certainly has the talent to pull off a streak and get into the playoffs, but it also has the capability to disappoint all of us.



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You know you are going to catch some flak for the "Ratliff is better than Ware" comment, right?
In Ware's defense, most team's best lineman is their LT. Or at least they shoot for that.
I remember noticing Ware on one play had he was surrounded by 3 blockers, including the LT and Portis.
I like Ratliff but he likely wouldn't be as effective as he is if Dallas had a journeyman at Ware's spot.


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Dude dont get crazy.

Ratliff is a good player, ware is a tremendous player. They were blocking him with 3 guys at points last night, and when two of the three guys are chris samuels and clinton portis and he is winning the matchup....well you are one heck of a player.

Ware has a sack against washington in 6 straight games.

We are playing the niners at home this week not on the road, but it doesnt matter. Mike martz knows how to attack our defense and everyone gets up to play Dallas. And there best playmaker is there tight end. Vernon Davis. Tight ends have been this groups cryptonite.

I hope we continue to play tough low scoring games.


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Yakuza Rich;2425867 said:
- Why I think Ratliff is better than Ware? Because teams can't handle him one-on-one. Unfortunately, he plays the nose and doesn't get many one-on-ones.

This is certainly a meaningless thought. If Ratliff was better than Ware, teams would double and triple team him instead of Demarcus.

And Demarcus STILL got to the quarterback.


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theebs;2425919 said:
Dude dont get crazy.

Ratliff is a good player, ware is a tremendous player. They were blocking him with 3 guys at points last night, and when two of the three guys are chris samuels and clinton portis and he is winning the matchup....well you are one heck of a player.

Ware has a sack against washington in 6 straight games.

We are playing the niners at home this week not on the road, but it doesnt matter. Mike martz knows how to attack our defense and everyone gets up to play Dallas. And there best playmaker is there tight end. Vernon Davis. Tight ends have been this groups cryptonite.

I hope we continue to play tough low scoring games.

Too bad Mike Martz still hasn't figured out how to use Vernon Davis. We oughta win this one BIG.


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theebs;2425919 said:
Dude dont get crazy.

Ratliff is a good player, ware is a tremendous player. They were blocking him with 3 guys at points last night, and when two of the three guys are chris samuels and clinton portis and he is winning the matchup....well you are one heck of a player.

Ware has a sack against washington in 6 straight games.

We are playing the niners at home this week not on the road, but it doesnt matter. Mike martz knows how to attack our defense and everyone gets up to play Dallas. And there best playmaker is there tight end. Vernon Davis. Tight ends have been this groups cryptonite.

I hope we continue to play tough low scoring games.

I agree with most of this accept their best player maker being Vernon Davis. Frank Gore is the heart and soul of that team. They did him an injustice by bringing Mike Martz their. Vernon Davis will cause match up problem however I don't expect him to have to big of a game however this is the cowboys.


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theebs;2425919 said:
Dude dont get crazy.

Ratliff is a good player, ware is a tremendous player. They were blocking him with 3 guys at points last night, and when two of the three guys are chris samuels and clinton portis and he is winning the matchup....well you are one heck of a player.

Ware has a sack against washington in 6 straight games.

We are playing the niners at home this week not on the road, but it doesnt matter. Mike martz knows how to attack our defense and everyone gets up to play Dallas. And there best playmaker is there tight end. Vernon Davis. Tight ends have been this groups cryptonite.

I hope we continue to play tough low scoring games.

Theebs, vernon davis is horrible. First and foremost frank gore IS the 9ers offense..Now you are 100% correct that we struggle vs tight ends and vernon davis is a physical BEAST but the guy has hands of stone...he is a massive bust.


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casmith07;2425932 said:
Too bad Mike Martz still hasn't figured out how to use Vernon Davis. We oughta win this one BIG.

he will this week. Get him isolated on davis, james or hamlin and look out.


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In fairness to Madden, deafness had nothing to do with the penalty Flo got with the hands to the face...That was just your typical dumbness on Flo's part.

I think penalty prone is not an unfair label for Flo, deaf or not


Kane Ala
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I understand where you're coming from on Ratliff vs Ware. I still think Ware has the most talent of any player on defense in the league. But Ratliff does have a huge motor. Ratliff did seem more intense for this game. Of course Ware was double and triple teamed a lot in this game. That's a lot of resources that could go elsewhere.


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Ratliff is very good player but Ware he is not. Rushing from the NT spot is whole lot different then rushing from the edge. Point A to Point B is easier then Sin over the hypotenuse. :) Other then that great write up.


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2much2soon;2425914 said:
You know you are going to catch some flak for the "Ratliff is better than Ware" comment, right?
In Ware's defense, most team's best lineman is their LT. Or at least they shoot for that.
I remember noticing Ware on one play had he was surrounded by 3 blockers, including the LT and Portis.
I like Ratliff but he likely wouldn't be as effective as he is if Dallas had a journeyman at Ware's spot.

Why in the world can we not move Ware around to create favorable matchups? Especially on passing downs.


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Yakuza Rich;2425867 said:
- Well, it was a much needed and great win...but it only matters if they keep on winning and next week could be a trap game given the team's track record on the road and if anything, the Niners are playing motivated ball under Singletary. But it's always good to beat the Commanders and now things are starting to shape up in a tough division. While their schedule looks tough, they have a lot of winnable games as they face Seattle, SF, a banged up Pittsburgh team, a enigmatic Philly team and a good B-more team that has a rookie QB. Like I've posted earlier, this stretch of games will really give us a gauge of the coaching staff's abilities as this team certainly has the talent to pull off a streak and get into the playoffs, but it also has the capability to disappoint all of us.

Stop it. Stop it! :D

One game after the other. You sound too much hyped.

Good read btw.


reader of rue
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Nice write up Yakuza. I agree with almost everything you wrote, but I was happy to see them go for it on fourth. I was envisioning a blocked FG for a return.

Maybe it was me but after the defensive series where the Skins seemed to run the ball down our throat, the Boys made adjustments. After the first series it seemed whenever the Skins ran off tackle, the Boys LBs seemed to shift (to the side where the RB was heading). I think in that first drive someone or a player noticed something that the Skins were doing to give us a clue on that play.

I expected Zorn to come out and run it down Dallas' throat and that was obviously his game plan, but the front seven showed me a lot last night. I just hope they can consistently do that from here on out.

I was really impressed with Texas Roy's hands last night (catching that little out) and believe he will be our first down guy. The guy that goes over the middle, the slant, and the guy that will catch that much needed pass in heavy traffic for the first down.

I hope there isn't too much praise heaped on this team right now (they can't seem to handle it), but they do deserve an atta boy or...




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glorydaysrback;2425936 said:
Theebs, vernon davis is horrible. First and foremost frank gore IS the 9ers offense..Now you are 100% correct that we struggle vs tight ends and vernon davis is a physical BEAST but the guy has hands of stone...he is a massive bust.

oh I fear and respect frank gore.

I just think if this front 7 is going to play defense at that level he will not have a game altering day.

But I do fear the idiot that is mike martz and his ability to make our defense look silly.


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AdamJT13;2425964 said:
I wouldn't trade Ware for three Ratliffs.

Wow, i would trade Ware for 3 Ratliffs in a heartbeat...imagine that D-line (and then Spencer in Ware's place). The penetration they would get, the havoc they would create, and if you double them, then the ends run free! I think that would be unstoppable!


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joe_cowboy;2426011 said:
Wow, i would trade Ware for 3 Ratliffs in a heartbeat...imagine that D-line (and then Spencer in Ware's place). The penetration they would get, the havoc they would create, and if you double them, then the ends run free! I think that would be unstoppable!

you're crazy.


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DaBoys4Life;2426014 said:
you're crazy.

I think there is that much of an improvement from Spears and Canty to Ratliff, bigger than a move from Ware to Spencer. Yes, there is game planning for Ware, but I am sure there is also some for Ratliff. They both make plays all over the field and don't quit, but the 3 for 1 is just too much for me.

I guess I am crazy!