You Cowboy Fans Are A Joke...


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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CowboyMark;2314101 said:
Talent alone won't win games, especially in the playoffs. Experience, intensity, passion, desire, work ethic, and who wants it more is what wins games period.

And yet, the Cowboys are 17-4 over the last coupla seasons... even though you and those like you would have us believe that they lack "Experience, intensity, passion, desire, work ethic, and who wants it more"...

We are in panic(not all but some) because a 9-7 and 4th place finish won't get us into the playoffs.

You seriously see the Cowboys going 5-6 the rest of the way, do you?? The only way I could ever see that happening is if they got completely devastated by injury...


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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superpunk;2314128 said: know the forum has hit rock bottom when we're being scolded by Raiders fans.

No, you know you've hit rock bottom when you're being scolded by a Raiders fan, and he's RIGHT...


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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stealth;2314191 said:
I liked this guy from the moment he got here, I would like to point out I was the first to great him, and am ultimately responsible for him staying around.

You are all welcome, yet again another thankless act by me with utter humility.

On behalf of the whole board-- except for the Chicken Littles-- I thank you for your never-ending pursuit of excellence on this board... :D


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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MONT17;2314241 said:
This is not baseball. There r only 16 games and u r crying about ppl crying maybe we should focaus on costumes and light sabers 4 now on! Some ppl like myself have 1 proteam just 1 baby I don't follow baseball idont follow soccer or basketball n hockey and in fact I hate those sports! So when my boys lose I get pissed when the don't play well I get pissed and when they win I say bring on the next team! Sure u maybe right about a few things but I don't care because all your fans care about is being bullys and wearing halloween costumes! Your fan base is laughable go stab someone or go paint ur face for an hour! I'm a Cowboy fan and that's the only fan I am!

Uhhhh, Mont, I don't think you were one of the Chicken Littles he was targeting... at least, I don't recall you being a weekly Chicken Little... he said not all of us were to blame...


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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Hostile;2314517 said:
Neither of you fit the description as rendered.

You have synapses that fire.

At least occasionally... <ducking for cover>


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R8erFan4Ever;2314086 said:
APPRECIATE what you guys have, probably the most talented team in the NFL.

Who cares if we are the most talented...if you don't win a Super Bowl it does not matter one bit.


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Its not really a big deal but I must say... THIS thread and some of the post are REALLY suprising.


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R8erFan4Ever;2314086 said:
Okay not all of you but the ones that sit and complain, overreact, and hit the panic but after every game, win or loss. WOW, you guys really need to seriously calm down. 4-1 and majority of the threads are "panic" threads. You guys are 4-1, pretty much a lock to make the playoffs and probably will win the division when the giants gotta beat teams a little more talented then the seahawks, bengals, etc etc. PLEASE SERIOUSLY CALM DOWN, i'm a Raider fan and I would love to have this team, you guys wanna trade?? I mean i'll take this cowboy team you guys worry so much about. You guys can be 1-3 with an owner that is probably clinically insane. Reading some of these threads just makes me wanna :bang2::bang2::bang2:. APPRECIATE what you guys have, probably the most talented team in the NFL.


I agree with you completely. Unfortunately too many Cowboys fans expect total and complete domination every single week as if Dallas were playing the JV Squads at their local high schools and not NFL teams.


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R8erFan4Ever;2314086 said:
Okay not all of you but the ones that sit and complain, overreact, and hit the panic but after every game, win or loss. WOW, you guys really need to seriously calm down. 4-1 and majority of the threads are "panic" threads. You guys are 4-1, pretty much a lock to make the playoffs and probably will win the division when the giants gotta beat teams a little more talented then the seahawks, bengals, etc etc. PLEASE SERIOUSLY CALM DOWN, i'm a Raider fan and I would love to have this team, you guys wanna trade?? I mean i'll take this cowboy team you guys worry so much about. You guys can be 1-3 with an owner that is probably clinically insane. Reading some of these threads just makes me wanna :bang2::bang2::bang2:. APPRECIATE what you guys have, probably the most talented team in the NFL.

we can trade you can have Tashard Choice we'll take Dmac off your hands and we'll take Nsmundi also for Ball.


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Vintage;2314102 said:
Ill take Asomugha, Morrison, Howard, Sands, Jamarcus, McFadden, Huff, Higgins.

You can keep the rest.

Nah, Asomugha, McFadden, Huff. Keep the rest.


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R8erFan4Ever;2314086 said:
Okay not all of you but the ones that sit and complain, overreact, and hit the panic but after every game, win or loss. WOW, you guys really need to seriously calm down. 4-1 and majority of the threads are "panic" threads. You guys are 4-1, pretty much a lock to make the playoffs and probably will win the division when the giants gotta beat teams a little more talented then the seahawks, bengals, etc etc. PLEASE SERIOUSLY CALM DOWN, i'm a Raider fan and I would love to have this team, you guys wanna trade?? I mean i'll take this cowboy team you guys worry so much about. You guys can be 1-3 with an owner that is probably clinically insane. Reading some of these threads just makes me wanna :bang2::bang2::bang2:. APPRECIATE what you guys have, probably the most talented team in the NFL.

Don't you people in Oakland have punctuation?


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Thanks Hostile and everyone else. I thought I would get flamed followed by a ban for this thread.

And yes, I am a pretty hardcore Raider fan. I don't go around wearing halloween customes to games (nor do I live in Oakland), and I definitely don't go around stabbing San Diego Charger fans. (for the guy who mentioned the incident) I watch football and patiently wait for the end of the Al Davis era so my team can win again.(and have a sane owner)


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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LeonDixson;2314835 said:
I'm coming after you!

You and the ATF... why do you think I have this cabin way back in the woods?? LOL...


Kane Ala
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R8erFan4Ever;2314086 said:
Okay not all of you but the ones that sit and complain, overreact, and hit the panic but after every game, win or loss. WOW, you guys really need to seriously calm down. 4-1 and majority of the threads are "panic" threads. You guys are 4-1, pretty much a lock to make the playoffs and probably will win the division when the giants gotta beat teams a little more talented then the seahawks, bengals, etc etc. PLEASE SERIOUSLY CALM DOWN, i'm a Raider fan and I would love to have this team, you guys wanna trade?? I mean i'll take this cowboy team you guys worry so much about. You guys can be 1-3 with an owner that is probably clinically insane. Reading some of these threads just makes me wanna :bang2::bang2::bang2:. APPRECIATE what you guys have, probably the most talented team in the NFL.

Thank you. Some of us have been embarrassed and disgusted with it lately. Perhaps one or two will take note now that a neighbor has noticed.


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LeonDixson;2314505 said:
I hab a code in my nodes. I haff to breatt through my mouf.

Okay. Now that's funny. That got a good belly laugh out of me this mornin.


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R8erFan4Ever;2314086 said:
Okay not all of you but the ones that sit and complain, overreact, and hit the panic but after every game, win or loss. WOW, you guys really need to seriously calm down. 4-1 and majority of the threads are "panic" threads. You guys are 4-1, pretty much a lock to make the playoffs and probably will win the division when the giants gotta beat teams a little more talented then the seahawks, bengals, etc etc. PLEASE SERIOUSLY CALM DOWN, i'm a Raider fan and I would love to have this team, you guys wanna trade?? I mean i'll take this cowboy team you guys worry so much about. You guys can be 1-3 with an owner that is probably clinically insane. Reading some of these threads just makes me wanna :bang2::bang2::bang2:. APPRECIATE what you guys have, probably the most talented team in the NFL.

Uh... no offense... but our expectations are a liiiiittle bit higher for our Cowboys than what you have for your Raiders.

Coming into the season, pretty much everyone expected the Raiders to suck... again.

The Cowboys came into this season off a 13-3 record - with 13 pro bowlers.

Add to that... a Zach Thomas upgrade over Akin Ayodele... Mike Jenkins upgrade over Reeves, a Pac Man upgrade over Nate Jones, and a Felix Jones upgrade over Julius Jones.

Yeah - we expect big things.

So us criticicizing our teams' less than inspiring play isn't panic... it's having the foresight to see what's gonna come in January if we don't pick it up drastically.

Another 1st round defeat is unacceptable.

I don't buy that "a win is a win" crap.
The WAY you win has a lot to do with how you play down the road...