News: Dalton doesnt really have a $7MM deal and he's not competing with Dak


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Already has. Remember, Romo took Bledsoe' job and never gave it back. :muttley:


Yep. And Dak took Romo job and never gave it back.....this is probably's Dak's future but I don't know if Dalton is the one to do it to hill.


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Fine give him 33 million a year. That is what Cousins deal averages.

And Dak is looking out for No 1. Like Romo did twice. Dak should not care what is best for the Cowboys like they didn't care he was the 77th highest paid QB the last 4 seasons.

And the Cowboys damn sure won't care what is best for Dak if he breaks his legs or turns into Dalton the last 4 years. That 6 year contract will quickly turn to a 3 year contract when Dak is cut.
Yeah I don't recall Romo taking team friendly deal at all.


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are you talking a 1 year extention?
No. I'm saying let's say if Dak signed a extension last season.....He would've signed a 5 year deal since last years deal would've been in that contract right? So since he no longer has last years deal he would be looking to sign a 4 year deal?


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No. I'm saying let's say if Dak signed a extension last season.....He would've signed a 5 year deal since last years deal would've been in that contract right? So since he no longer has last years deal he would be looking to sign a 4 year deal?

to me it would still be a 5 year deal if he signed before the season because he still had the year left, that year doesnt get voided, then the deal would be like Wentz.


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to me it would still be a 5 year deal if he signed before the season because he still had the year left, that year doesnt get voided, then the deal would be like Wentz.
That's what I'm saying. So I'm saying since he no longer had that year right now.....he'd be looking to sign a 4 year deal right?


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Exclusive: Cowboys Contract Details - QB Dalton Must Win Super Bowl to Get $7 Million

How can he make the other "potential'' $4 million? Like so:

*One example: Dalton would have to play 50 percent of the snaps over the course of the entire season - regular season and playoffs - to reach his first big bonus, of $1 million.

*Another level of partial play-time and playoff success would get him another bonus.

*One more level of partial play-time and playoff success would get him an additional bonus.

*And finally, to earn the entire $7 million? Andy Dalton would have to play an active role in a Cowboys' Super Bowl win.
3 out of 4 ain't bad.


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Exclusive: Cowboys Contract Details - QB Dalton Must Win Super Bowl to Get $7 Million

How can he make the other "potential'' $4 million? Like so:

*One example: Dalton would have to play 50 percent of the snaps over the course of the entire season - regular season and playoffs - to reach his first big bonus, of $1 million.

*Another level of partial play-time and playoff success would get him another bonus.

*One more level of partial play-time and playoff success would get him an additional bonus.

*And finally, to earn the entire $7 million? Andy Dalton would have to play an active role in a Cowboys' Super Bowl win.
What do Active mean?!


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lets face what you predicting the future, he will play if dak holds out, gets hurt or has 3qtrs without a TD, Dalton will be a true backup a coach can go to even to change the momentum in stagnant games..

Listening to your uneducated comments gets extremely tiresome. I'm going to educate you... no charge. I'm not predicting anything. I'm just telling you what's going to happen based on what's been happening and I know human nature. I study trends and pick up on little things that everyone else seems to be oblivious to. Why? IDK, it's like they just don't pay attention to details. So let's take a look at the 3 possibilities that you say would have Dalton playing and not Dak.

1) Dak holds out. Dak isn't holding out now, everything the team is doing now is voluntary. The negotiation period for a new contract ends on 15 July. If there is no deal by that date then his opportunity to get a new contract for this season is over. So what would he have to gain by folding out beyond the deadline date? What would be the point? There are no more negotiations. His only options beyond the deadline date are to sign his tag or not play. This situation is not like Zeke's holdout. Zeke's holdout coincided with the negotiation period. He had new contract stakes involved in his holdout. After 15 July, there are no new contract stakes involved in holding out. This removes any real reason to holdout. So his options are really like this, he will be signing something by the 15th of July. Tag or new deal. This means no hold out into the season that has Dalton see playing time.

2) Dak gets hurt. Dak is the toughest guy on the team. He's played 64 straight games. He doesn't get hurt. It's unlikely he gets hurt to the point he can't play. It's not impossible, just extremely unlikely. So I play the odds on this one. I like my odds. Even if he does come out of a game it's still Dak's job, Dalton will just be filling in for a short period. It's not like Dalton is going to be satisfying any of his contractual incentives in this short period of time.

3) Dak gets benched. :rolleyes: That's just disrespectful. Dak has never played so badly that he got benched. It's just your wishful thinking that has you included this as a possibility. It's not going to happen. 0% chance.

So what does all this mean? It means Andy Dalton is the $3M man. Simple to see. Clipboard holder, benchwarmer, cheerleader, no playing time.


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Stupid question but is there a difference? Had he signed a extension last year wouldn't it still be a 4 year deal?

Sure there is. The Cowboys would have been able to spread the bonus out over an extra season (they can use the existing season on the contract to amortize bonus money).


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Dak isn't bothered by fans moaning and groaning, it's his life he's worried about, not your life. I don't think he gives a crap about what Jerry's doing other than signing him for what he wants. If they don't want him, send him packing, but if you want him, it's pretty simple, just sign him.


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That's what I'm saying. So I'm saying since he no longer had that year right now.....he'd be looking to sign a 4 year deal right?

A 4 year deal in May 2019 would have been an extension onto his rookie deal so it's the same for him now. Nothing has changed except he would have gotten the signing bonus last year. As plankton said, it would have let Dallas spread the guaranteed money over one more year.

Sure there is. The Cowboys would have been able to spread the bonus out over an extra season (they can use the existing season on the contract to amortize bonus money).


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This article sums it up pretty well. I do believe the Cowboys did this 1) to get a quality backup to Dak and 2) to regain some leverage in the negotiations. Unlike the Dak haters, I believe the Cowboys are sold on Dak, and will get a long term contract, but they do want to stick to their contract principles. If you believed your QB was a franchise QB would you want them locked in for 4 years only to have to pay him a mega deal 4 years later after playoff/SB success? Or licked in for 5-7 years with the ability to restructure.

If the Cowboys weren't sold, you take the 3-4 year deal that Dak wants so you can draft and groom someone else and move on year 4-5.

5-7 years is probably too long.

Dak probably has 4 years left as a starter for us.

this is based on average playing career, injuries, decay in skills, etc. etc.

even Romo only had 8 playing years.

dallas can Tag Dak for two seasons and see where he is at that point.


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Dak has been offered money I dont think he deserves. He has been offered over 30 mil and he has turned it down twice. I believe it was 33 and 34 mil and now he is hasnt signed the franchise tag. Hell yeah sign Dalton and put the ball in Daks court and tell him the offers on the table take or leave it!! One part of me hopes Dak doesnt sign and this team can move on and another part of me wants to see him sign the contract so when they lose to good teams he can get booed out of the stadium along with all the clowns that wanted to see him get paid.


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Fine give him 33 million a year. That is what Cousins deal averages.

And Dak is looking out for No 1. Like Romo did twice.
Dak should not care what is best for the Cowboys like they didn't care he was the 77th highest paid QB the last 4 seasons.

And the Cowboys damn sure won't care what is best for Dak if he breaks his legs or turns into Dalton the last 4 years. That 6 year contract will quickly turn to a 3 year contract when Dak is cut.

People keep using this "77th highest paid QB" like poor little Dak got robbed or cheated by those mean old Cowboys...….
The FACT is Dak got paid what he was SUPPOSED to be paid for a 4th round draft pick! He didn't get cheated or mistreated in any way! So please stop inferring that he was mistreated by the Dallas Cowboys.

BTW, On Dak's rookie contract he made $450,000, $540,000, $630,000 and $2.02 million.
Dak became a millionaire on his rookie contract. He's not exactly going hungry.
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Listening to your uneducated comments gets extremely tiresome. I'm going to educate you... no charge. I'm not predicting anything. I'm just telling you what's going to happen based on what's been happening and I know human nature. I study trends and pick up on little things that everyone else seems to be oblivious to. Why? IDK, it's like they just don't pay attention to details. So let's take a look at the 3 possibilities that you say would have Dalton playing and not Dak.

1) Dak holds out. Dak isn't holding out now, everything the team is doing now is voluntary. The negotiation period for a new contract ends on 15 July. If there is no deal by that date then his opportunity to get a new contract for this season is over. So what would he have to gain by folding out beyond the deadline date? What would be the point? There are no more negotiations. His only options beyond the deadline date are to sign his tag or not play. This situation is not like Zeke's holdout. Zeke's holdout coincided with the negotiation period. He had new contract stakes involved in his holdout. After 15 July, there are no new contract stakes involved in holding out. This removes any real reason to holdout. So his options are really like this, he will be signing something by the 15th of July. Tag or new deal. This means no hold out into the season that has Dalton see playing time.

2) Dak gets hurt. Dak is the toughest guy on the team. He's played 64 straight games. He doesn't get hurt. It's unlikely he gets hurt to the point he can't play. It's not impossible, just extremely unlikely. So I play the odds on this one. I like my odds. Even if he does come out of a game it's still Dak's job, Dalton will just be filling in for a short period. It's not like Dalton is going to be satisfying any of his contractual incentives in this short period of time.

3) Dak gets benched. :rolleyes: That's just disrespectful. Dak has never played so badly that he got benched. It's just your wishful thinking that has you included this as a possibility. It's not going to happen. 0% chance.

So what does all this mean? It means Andy Dalton is the $3M man. Simple to see. Clipboard holder, benchwarmer, cheerleader, no playing time.
uneducated ? lMAO

how about take the dak goggles off and put down the koolaid to say hes never played so bad he should be beached is laughable.. that philly game allegedly he was hurt and played horrible! The NE game he was chucking an hucking like rookie , blame the weather right, Buffalo game made many poor decsions and throws, he was rattled a lot last year and just threw the ball where ever it would land other games we go 4 qtrs. no Tds , guys are open etc, MN game blame Garett and Zeke all you want the rpo was in Daks hands , who he threw to or handed it off to was in his hands and he made poor decsions.. theres too many too list and yes Daltons a guy who could have came in that philly game and possible won it for us.. tough and stupid's for playing hurt and costing us a game is another thing.. Lastly Dak stopped running when he had many opportunity's , why he was thinking about his deal decided to make a business decsions instead of playing naturally an taking what the defense GAVE HIM, HE ALSO DID THIS BY THROWING MANY MORE TIMES IN SITUATIONs HE SHOULD HAVE RAN OR CHECKED DOWN.. he was out to prove he could throw and was thinking big deal and we saw what happened down the stretch..

Rush wrs a clip board holder Dalton can take the ball in a lot of those situations and provide a spark or momentum settle the game down.. No one saying Daltons better but Dak had many games he wasn't playing well and we could have used a off the bench momentum changer, would it always work, no but leaving plays on the field and a shot to win is not sports and Garetts gone and those days are over..

MM will not allow KM to help Dak get paid and call far too many pass plays in the second half and call more planned runs and make sure if zeke and pollard are hot they keep the ball... we lost 4 games down the stretch because of that..Dak played seffish last year , stat padding and not running and out to get the big play and not the right play was evident..
if hes on the tag again this staff will not allow dak to play like that

now the offseason comes and more selfishness wit no team friendly give in contract negotiations..whether it was conscious or subconscious Dak was doing those things..we dont need that again..


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This article sums it up pretty well. I do believe the Cowboys did this 1) to get a quality backup to Dak and 2) to regain some leverage in the negotiations. Unlike the Dak haters, I believe the Cowboys are sold on Dak, and will get a long term contract, but they do want to stick to their contract principles. If you believed your QB was a franchise QB would you want them locked in for 4 years only to have to pay him a mega deal 4 years later after playoff/SB success? Or licked in for 5-7 years with the ability to restructure.

If the Cowboys weren't sold, you take the 3-4 year deal that Dak wants so you can draft and groom someone else and move on year 4-5.

You had me until the playoff/super bowl success part. Apparently, thats not a consideration in Dallas.