Twitter: DT Trysten Hill suspended 2 games for punch

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Per NFL press release


Trysten Hill of the Dallas Cowboys has been suspended without pay for two games for violations of unnecessary roughness and unsportsmanlike conduct rules following Thursday's
game against the Las Vegas Raiders.

NFL Vice President of Football Operations Jon Runyan issued the suspension for a violation of Rule 12, Section 2, Article 14(c) which prohibits striking, swinging at, or clubbing the head, neck, or face of an opponent with the wrist(s), arm(s), elbow(s), or hand(s), as well as Rule 12, Section 3, Article 1 which prohibits any act which is contrary to the generally understood principles of sportsmanship.

In a letter to Hill, Runyan wrote: "After the Las VegasRaiders-Dallas Cowboys game on November 25, you engaged in conduct that this office considers unnecessary roughness and displays a lack of sportsmanship. Specifically, as both teams were shaking hands, you waited more than 50 seconds for your opponent at the 50-yard line. When you located him, you then walked toward him in the opposite direction of your locker room. You both engaged in a verbal chest-to-chest confrontation which you escalated by throwing an open hand punch to his
facemask, forcible enough to cause your opponent's helmet to come oft."

Hill will be eligible to return to the Cowboys' active roster on Monday, December 13, following the team's December 2 game against New Orleans and December 12 game against Washington.

Under the Collective Bargaining Agreement, Hill may appeal the suspension. Any appeal will be
heard and decided by either Derrick Brooks or James Thrash, the hearing officers jointly
appointed and compensated by the NFL and NFLPA to decide appeals of on-field player


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Cowboys defensive tackle Trysten Hill has been suspended two games for hitting Raiders guard John Simpson on the field after their Thanksgiving game.

NFL Vice President of Football Operations Jon Runyan issued the suspension, and the NFL released the statement Runyan sent to Hill.

“After the Las Vegas Raiders-Dallas Cowboys game on November 25, you engaged in conduct that this office considers unnecessary roughness and displays a lack of sportsmanship,” Runyan told Hill. “Specifically, as both teams were shaking hands, you waited more than 50 seconds for your opponent at the 50-yard line. When you located him, you then walked toward him in the opposite direction of your locker room. You both engaged in a verbal chest-to-chest confrontation which you escalated by throwing an open hand punch to his facemask, forcible enough to cause your opponent’s helmet to come off.”


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But you have Harrison Smith choking Lamb and isn’t suspended.

You have Aaron Donald choking out dudes and doesn’t get suspended.

Thug WR Toney of the Giants straight up punching Kazee during the game, doesn’t get suspended.

I just can’t dismiss the “conspiracy” that the Cowboys are unfairly targeted for some of this crap.

The Zeke “domestic violence” fiasco initially brought that notion into my head, but all these phantom suspensions and fines just affirm it. It’s unbelievable
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On one hand, it was stupid to punch a player after a game. On the other hand, with the crap that we see from players both on and off the field going unpunished, this seems pretty excessive.

But LOL at former Eagles player Jon Runyan being the one handing down the punishment.
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