Twitter: 25 yr old woman suing Jerry Jones

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The stories I’ve heard indicated Clint was quite the alley cat himself. Tex famously had an affair with Gil Brandt’s wife. Tom Landry was as good and pure as the driven snow however.

Heard that last part in Sanford and Son, when Fred was talking about Esters family and he was talking about Elizabeth. Lol

So her name is Alexander Davis?

"Al" Davis??

How bizarre.

:lmao2:..........You seriously can't make this crap up anymore. I'm just waiting for the true story how Jerry came into money to come out. Because it wasn't oil.....wouldn't shock me if he swindled someone out of millions.
The big question is, will Alex Davis be shanking kickoffs out of bounds next season like the Vanderbilt chick? Now that Booger has been exposed, I seriously doubt that he's gonna want to dole out money for nothing in return.
Settled with cash long ago. 26 years ago this happened and we should care? Seems to me that legally a parents responsibility ends at 18, this gal is 25 and just looking for the deepest pocket to fleece. Hey, if you can get a huge settlement why not I guess. I’m thinking that Jerry was approached for cash to keep this all quiet and he basically gave them his mosquito story and told them to @ Off.
Maybe this Jones kid can run a team.

Hot dammmmn.......maybe she is single. There is my "in" for the GM spot..... Hold on America....Floaty coming in hot to save the day.

I knew all those Mel Kiper mocks w/ Risen would pay off....Learned my lesson the hard way picking Paul Dawson.

But now....I'm ready

All kidding aside this isn’t the first high profile, rich person to have these kind of things happen dating back to Andrew Jackson.
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