What movies would you consider a Perfect 10 scale?

I cannot get this out of my head after reading it, so I may as well post something (as if I have never mentioned this in the past lol). The movie's teaser--not trailer but teaser--came out in April 2003:

It was moviegoers very first peek of the film. I do not even remember WHAT movie I was waiting to see or even the particular theater I was sitting in when the previews started rolling.

However, I vividly recall seeing the teaser. I REALLY remember waiting impatiently for the movie to come out that October.

It remains one of the best movie teaser/trailers I have ever seen. And the movie itself was even much better than the teaser.

The yellow Game of Death jump suit ...per Bruce Lee's unfinished last film. That's what easily stood out and made me anxious to see it first off .

Martial Arts mayhem (ala "Crazy 88 ") .. an all star cast, ..and whispers of quite a hellacious movie soundtrack, .(.and of course it being a Quentin Tarantino movie flick)
easily made Kill Bill a must-see during it's era.

- My only pet peeve about it is, while the first Vol. had me so incredibly " wowed " excited and hyped & revved up... the 2nd volume of Kill Bill was quite a disappointing
deflator as compared to the first volume. Spoiler Alert : aside from the Priest Pi-May related scenes and the utter awesome death duel showdown vs Ellie Driver (Darryl Hannah) ...there wasn't much else to Kill Bill Vol 2 ,imo.
*. Example the bar owner spent waaay too much time griping & hissing at Budd (mike madsen) & took vast too much screen time that could've been better spent elsewhere .

- Ditto with Bill's (David Carradine R.I.P.) loong speech about " Superman " before what had to be quickest finale battle betwixt hero vs villain in a movie ,,ever. .
.a mere 3 seconds ??!!

- Should the scene of Michael Jai White vs Bill been deleted ? - I've always asked myself after seeing Vol. 2

- Dunno if it will ever happen per since long time rumor of a 3rd and final Kill Bill Vol. 3 ( "Kill the Bride " ?) but the longer time goes on, the more likely doubt viewers
will even be revved up for a possible 3rd Kill Bill film.

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What do you mean by disappeared to quickly?
look at the scene where he is talked by C3PO into getting R2D2
then before long you get to the scene when they are talking to Han about getting a ride to Alderan. No real difference, despite the shock and pain of losing his guardians and seeing their incinerated shells. and yet you have him coming back from that and seeming to mature. I put that down to poor direction myself.
Not sure if this is a "10" but my first introduction to Kelly Reilly before she made a name for herself in Yellowstone. Not much of her in trailer but plays a nice supporting role.

You know what I find odd. I thought Gladiator was one of the worst movies I've ever seen. Absolute garbage. Yet the content was 100% in my wheelhouse. I love that genre yet hated the movie.
You know what I find odd. I thought Gladiator was one of the worst movies I've ever seen. Absolute garbage. Yet the content was 100% in my wheelhouse. I love that genre yet hated the movie.
I liked it, but I don't think it lives up to the hype. From what I've seen of the second one, I won't watch that.

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