Ray Guy was awesomegood move bringing him back. Punting sure has changed. He's averaged 49 Yards a punt with Dallas.
Ray Guy, the greatest punter to ever play and i believe the only punter in HOF, averaged 42 yards for his career.
not so fast, we have a weak ST CoachSpecial teams still set to be our best unit.
It's funny. I was watching a clip from the Dallas-Buffalo game where Romo threw the five interceptions. We got the ball back on an onside kick and drove into FG range for Nick Folk. We could have let him attempt a 61-yarder, but that was out of his range. All I could think of is that we'd consider a 61-yarder a relatively automatic kick for Aubrey.good move bringing him back. Punting sure has changed. He's averaged 49 Yards a punt with Dallas.
Ray Guy, the greatest punter to ever play and i believe the only punter in HOF, averaged 42 yards for his career.