Recap: 103.3 Dallas:" Dez vs. R West, B Butler vs. TWill


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Ran to the store and heard this just minutes ago. Heard Chuck Cooperstein and JJT.


Monday August 29th Dez is scheduled to give a deposition on the lawsuit (state of the rental house) between he and Royce West.

West has dropped his attorney/Client privilege. This means the attorneys for West can ask questions about anything which might be a violation of the law or with the league's policies and Dez has to answer.

He will be under oath.

If there is something there, and JJT made it clear that while Dez has matured, he wouldn't be surprised if there were skeletons in his closet that West knows and can be revealed.

Or he can commit perjury and try and hide whatever it is that could get him cross ways with the league.

JJT said this is about 100K tops. Dez just got 25 million. Why would he risk this possibility to be trapped and forced to admit something that could hold him out of games, and cost him way more than the 100k?

They did not suggest anything, other than a tape at a Walmart that has been denied and put to bed. But they were merely speculating.

They also said the Cowboys are working feverishly to resolve this before Dez takes an oath.

I personally am not saying anything about Dez or West here. But from my vantage point that is money he can afford versus something he is not prepared for from attorneys skilled in interrogation.

Because thee is no judge in a deposition, or anyone to overrule a question being asked.



JJT commented that he recently spoke with Brice Butler. Butler stated the offense is difficult in Dallas. JJT came back and said, "I thought the number system made the offense easier."

Butler told him it does, except as you are at the line, the receiver is expected to see what Tony sees, and to adjust to the correct route. The defense changes, the routes change. The defense again changes, and the routes change.

He stated it took him all of last year to get this down.

But he has it down now and will play much faster than before because of understanding.

JJT brought up this is TWill's contract year. With Tony's contract, and Dez' contract, and Fredericks and Smith's contracts, with Zach waiting in the wings, unless TWill gives the biggest home court discount ever (he is from around Dallas) Brice Butler will be taking that job next season.

I suggest perhaps at some point this season.

He pointed out the deep ball from Dak was no fluke and to expect more of that from Tony/Dak as Butler takes the deep routes away.



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Maybe I'm missing something, but West dropping his attorney/client privilege would not allow them to ask Dez anything they wanted and require Dez to answer under oath. Dez would have to waive (drop) it in order for that to happen. The attorney is beholden to his client to protect his details and conversations learned while they were his attorney unless the client waives that privilege.

@casmith07 would probably have a better clarification of this.


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Maybe I'm missing something, but West dropping his attorney/client privilege would not allow them to ask Dez anything they wanted and require Dez to answer under oath. Dez would have to waive (drop) it in order for that to happen. The attorney is beholden to his client to protect his details and conversations learned while they were his attorney unless the client waives that privilege.

@casmith07 would probably have a better clarification of this.

Correct. West waiving his attorney-client privilege means that opposing counsel (or his counsel) can ask HIM anything in depositions and he'll answer (ideally) truthfully, despite the contents of his deposition testimony having the possibility of incriminating himself, or otherwise just being embarrassing.

If they do this, they're hoping that whatever he says can implicate West better hope it's a smoking gun.

Honestly, it reeks of desperation. All of the evidence - including Dez switching agencies, and more - makes it smell fishy to me. I think West is grasping.


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Maybe I'm missing something, but West dropping his attorney/client privilege would not allow them to ask Dez anything they wanted and require Dez to answer under oath. Dez would have to waive (drop) it in order for that to happen. The attorney is beholden to his client to protect his details and conversations learned while they were his attorney unless the client waives that privilege.

@casmith07 would probably have a better clarification of this.

Just repeating what was said, Kahuna. I thought it odd. But they could frame questions about Dez' behavior, which was the slant of the discussion without stating West told them.

So what is he going to do if they out him on some performance drug? Or worse.

He can surely state West provided the source, but that is closing the barn door after the horse got away.


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Correct. West waiving his attorney-client privilege means that opposing counsel (or his counsel) can ask HIM anything in depositions and he'll answer (ideally) truthfully, despite the contents of his deposition testimony having the possibility of incriminating himself, or otherwise just being embarrassing.

If they do this, they're hoping that whatever he says can implicate West better hope it's a smoking gun.

Honestly, it reeks of desperation. All of the evidence - including Dez switching agencies, and more - makes it smell fishy to me. I think West is grasping.

I surely would not suggest I know anything.

However, he said she said is about all this commissioner of the league needs to find fault with the Cowboys.


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I surely would not suggest I know anything.

However, he said she said is about all this commissioner of the league needs to find fault with the Cowboys.

This is true. Roger Goodell is pretty wack.


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The Cowboys are wise to try to put this to bed ASAP. No good can come from Dez rolling around in the mud with a creep like West.


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Just repeating what was said, Kahuna. I thought it odd. But they could frame questions about Dez' behavior, which was the slant of the discussion without stating West told them.

So what is he going to do if they out him on some performance drug? Or worse.

He can surely state West provided the source, but that is closing the barn door after the horse got away.
I heard this on the radio too while driving to dinner. Thanks for posting it. It's not worth dez fighting over...things could pop up and we all know Goodell loves flexing his power.


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I heard this on the radio too while driving to dinner. Thanks for posting it. It's not worth dez fighting over...things could pop up and we all know Goodell loves flexing his power.

I wish i could have articulated this as Cooperstein and JJT did.

It was apparent Dez needs to write and check and move on. The part about players being the ultimate competitors and will see something like this as a competition felt spot on to me.


The Boognish
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I don't see how West can unilaterally revoke the privilege. What is the point of it if that is the case.

If he claims to revoke it and Dez's attorney asks then sure but otherwise his own attorney can take a big ole dump on the spirit of the agreement on whim. That seems untenable to me.


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it sure could be a huge distraction for the up coming season always so much drama with these cowboys.


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I may have missed it, but did Dez and West share the same attorney whom the privilege is being waived against?


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Forget West vs Dez. I'm more worried about Butler not knowing the offense!! Lol


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Just a general question, but why do folks want Dez to automatically settle a case that they "Joe Fan" wouldn't settle on principle either. Oh it's just $100k, but if you can try to settle it for $25k, wouldn't you?

And IMO, settling it and giving West all of what he's asking for suggests that Dez is guilty and totally at fault. I think the house was trashed, but was it $60k worth of trashed? That's what the lawyers are for to work for a lower number.

Also settling it suggests that Dez should not have countersued and that he should just take whatever L that West and David Whats-his-face has dished out over the years. I think Dez would have been willing to walk away had they not sued him. Now that they have, he's not taking anymore Ls.

I don't think Dez is a dummy and understands the risks he's taken, so this should be interesting to watch play out.


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Just a general question, but why do folks want Dez to automatically settle a case that they "Joe Fan" wouldn't settle on principle either. Oh it's just $100k, but if you can try to settle it for $25k, wouldn't you?

And IMO, settling it and giving West all of what he's asking for suggests that Dez is guilty and totally at fault. I think the house was trashed, but was it $60k worth of trashed? That's what the lawyers are for to work for a lower number.

Also settling it suggests that Dez should not have countersued and that he should just take whatever L that West and David Whats-his-face has dished out over the years. I think Dez would have been willing to walk away had they not sued him. Now that they have, he's not taking anymore Ls.

I don't think Dez is a dummy and understands the risks he's taken, so this should be interesting to watch play out.

Sure, on principal, if Dez is in the right, he should take West to the cleaners. But that's not how the real world works. Sometimes, it's just easier to pay up, cut ties for good and move on before something can spiral out of control or things start to come out that don't paint you in a good light. I think that's why, if true, the Cowboys would want this settled and put to bed.

West is a scum ball by all accounts. And he very well may have ripped Bryant off. And as I said, on principal, you'd love to see Dez take him down a peg or two. But when you swim in shark infected waters, you have to expect you are going to, at the very least, sustain some flesh wounds.


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sen. west's political career would be over if he pulled a stunt that got dez into deeper trouble. my guess is jerry will have this settled within the week.

Go Big D!

Destination End Zone
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To me it sounds like an act of desperation. If I were Dez I'd take that as a threat, like saying I'm going to reveal things you don't want me to if you don't step in line. What a weasel.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Just a general question, but why do folks want Dez to automatically settle a case that they "Joe Fan" wouldn't settle on principle either. Oh it's just $100k, but if you can try to settle it for $25k, wouldn't you?

And IMO, settling it and giving West all of what he's asking for suggests that Dez is guilty and totally at fault. I think the house was trashed, but was it $60k worth of trashed? That's what the lawyers are for to work for a lower number.

Also settling it suggests that Dez should not have countersued and that he should just take whatever L that West and David Whats-his-face has dished out over the years. I think Dez would have been willing to walk away had they not sued him. Now that they have, he's not taking anymore Ls.

I don't think Dez is a dummy and understands the risks he's taken, so this should be interesting to watch play out.
Because it is a distraction. When you have a job that pays 70M, you should do everything possible to minimize distractions. Dez would be doing it for himself.

Heck, I think Jerry should call those bozos and make this go away.