Zeke exposes woman's breasts **merged**

Zeke is going to get himself into trouble one day.
This is trouble. Kids today in the world of the internet...SMH. I've done worse but knew how to handle my business. Didn't have the future that these people have to protect. Mind blowing.
i ll wait til the dust settles. youth, partying, money, women its going to happen.
Traffic is terrible on st paddys day cause of the parade. Some folks camp out the night before and start partying at 4am. Straight from the clubs down to Greenville.
https://www.___GET_REAL_URL___/amp....iott-expose-woman-breast-st-pattys-day-parade damn damn damn. I can hear Roger coming now...and a lawsuit :banghead:

The video is at the top of the article for all my guys who like to really get into detail when they read news stories :rolleyes:
Well, IMO that's better than exposing some dudes testicles.
We drafted a groping pervert....Wonder where he got that from?


Takes one to know one....Weird how they seem to run in packs too...:rolleyes:
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Zeke stresses me out. He's playful but he needs to learn the difference between being playful and being stupid. Exposing a woman's breast without her permission is unacceptable, especially in public with cameras on you. He needs to get it together. Also there's that longering DV investigation that Roger hasn't let go of yet. This incident is not going to help with that. Just dumb.
Tmz has been after Zeke for a while and they fail. Lol she kept teasing shaking the boobs, Zeke was prolly like stop teasing. She completely didn't care if she kept being there with him.
We drafted a gropping pervert....Wonder where he got that from?


Takes one to know one....Weird how they seem to run in packs too...:rolleyes:
I know man...... $&#@!

We all know the tiddays were being flashed everywhere on St. Tiddays Day.... But I don't need to see Zeke being a 16year old... Man. I hope he gets someone to mentor him quick before he screws up our Super Bowl hopes...

The NFL is just sitting back with that trumped up domestic violence charge open awaiting something like this... SIGH

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