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Where do I sign up for Stafford right now? He is exactly what we need to take the pressure off of Zeke and get hose defenses out of their 8 man fronts.
Interesting point.

Stafford has never had a running game to support him. The entire offense has always been on his shoulders.

If Stafford had a Zeke, Gurley or Bell he wouldn't have to take the chances he does.


Well-Known Member
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And we're killing Dak right now? For his first game of the season? I mean damn talking about throwing up on yourself
Stafford has such a long resume and was ridiculosly good last year.
So if he lays an egg in a game, its a bit more acceptable.
Even Brady and Rodgers have a crap game on rare occassion.


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as I said in another thread dak may never get over that atlanta game last season its possible it is something he wont over come
It looks more to me like teams are figuring out this vanilla offensive scheme they ran in 2016...and the coaches have not adjusted to the lack of skill on the o line because they are drinking the koolaid...the cowboys don't have the best line in football...because if they did Dak would be playing like he did as a Rookie if not better...the teams around the league may only need to watch the film on the Atlanta game to get a general idea of the type of blitzes to send that get results...until they start running smashmouth football with their fullback and TE as a threat to catch the ball...Dak will continue to checkdown...because teams blanket our deep routes because contrary to popular belief on this forum, Prescott is very accurate when throwing timing routes. He sometimes relies too much on his arm to throw down and away and bounces the ball in front of recievers. If you look at his throws, he throws hard and seems more content with throwing a nearly uncatchable ball than giving a DB a chance at beating his target...Romo would get lucky and people call him accurate...he was a risk taker....Dak plays smart, he needs better playcalling...


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When you don't throw the ball deep occasionally, defenses will stack the box, making the running back look bad.

lol. So Zeke is only effective when he has free reign when defenses don't stack the box. Awesome. Teams stacked the box in 2016, yet Zeke averaged 5.1 ypc and broke long runs. He didn't do that last year or yesterday.


First words were not Mom or Dad but Flex Defense
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Stafford is Romo 2.0. He'd be beloved here.

I am no Stafford fan but the first RB he hands off too that a D respects will be the first. How many years since Detroit has had a 1000 yard rusher? Shoot Paul Palmer or Daryl Clack would probably start for Detroit.


It's been a good 'un, ain't it?
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This is true. Our fanbase loved our stat padder and many think he's one of the best to ever play here.

But to Romo's credit, he at least won divisions and a few playoff games. One being against Stafford. He is a poor man's Romo.

Which means you're in the small minority who don't think he's one of the best which makes sense. Most people, like Aikman, Stauback, Parcells, and Belichek say he is but never mind them, they have no clue.

As far as those stat padders they suck don't they? Those losers like Marino, Moon, Kelly, Fouts...but I love those all time greats like Dilfer, Rypien, Flacco, now those guys are winners and Eli - he did it twice - all by himself (never mind those two historic defenses).

I still enjoy it whenever I see these little tidbits of football wisdom from the 5%ers after all these years, the problem is it's too easy.

If you liked the pre-Romo days you are gonna love the post Romo days - it's gonna be a blast.
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