Game 2: Patriots vs. Chiefs


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Consider this. Just a few years ago the NFL was the top flight sports league throughout the entire world. Everything they touched turned to gold.

Then they got a few things wrong. The Ray Rice issue. Then they over compensated with Zeke. There was another issue where they should have just stayed out of.

Rules are changed for the better, but end up being worse.

The consumer confidence has crested and is falling because they cannot call penalties with consistency and accuracy.

Now the league just screwed the pooch with the blown PI call that was not called. Further, even when it went to OT, the pick thrown by Brees ignored the hands to the face of the QB.

Twice the calls went the way of the Rams. Then finally the game.

Boomer was incensed by the way the game was called, and he stated what we all saw. He isn't afraid to pay the price for speaking out against the league that is now more Keystone Cops than professional football.

This mistake will not go away. Millions upon millions of pro football fans saw this gaff. To be honest, this blatant robbery.

When the product slips, as you reward a despot that is the Commissioner, how soon will the fan base erode.

Perhaps the worst day of NFL football ever.
Despite the NFL flaws it will remain the top sports league. Where exactly do you think football fans will go on Sundays?


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I made it abundantly clear that's what I was saying. And the data backs it up. Tell me you aren't arguing the contra

Having one typo that had nothing to do with spelling or grammar but simply an autocorrected mistype, means I need to work on it? Yeah, good jab dude. Got me good lol.

You really need to work on making a valid football argument.
Actually the data backs up that Bill wouldn’t be winning championships without Brady as he never has as HC.


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Revenue for PSLs in a new stadium are much better when it's for a Super Bowl team.
yep. Do you know that of all the major sports in America only 2 are considered Sports Entertainment? They are:
1) WWE (No shocker there)
2) NFL. Yep the nfl is not a sport folks. It is sports entertainment.

A New York fan sued the NFL once over a bogus call that cost them their season and the fan lost because it came down to the NFL is sports entertainment and as long as you are entertained that is all you deserve. Truth and fairness, doesn't matter.