Twitter: Up To The Minute Details on Dak's Contract Negotiations


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Making “peanuts” was a product of his draft position which was a reflection of his collegiate performance and DUI history. He is not entitled to more now because he fell to the fourth round.
Yeah but he easily could’ve held out like Zeke did to get another deal. He did not. He’s done everything this organization has asked of him and now you have people fixing their mouths to call him greedy? Even though the greediest of them all is the owner/GM who insists on not hiring a general manager out of greed and self loath?


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Making “peanuts” was a product of his draft position which was a reflection of his collegiate performance and DUI history. He is not entitled to more now because he fell to the fourth round.

Normally I would agree with you, but Jerry and Company screwed the pooch on this one. Should have locked Dak up on year three. Terrible Business accument on the Front Office.


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I'm still waiting for the Dak slobberers to chime in on this, but they seem to keep side stepping the issue. Last season during Zeke's holdout Dak commented that he felt that he hasn't earned a pay raise yet, mostly due to the lack of post season success. During the season he acknowledged that a majority of the stats he was piling up were garbage time stats.

So I ask again, what changed? He had a mediocre season in 2019, so why is he now demanding to be the highest paid player, something he hasn't earned?
What? Did you create these scenarios in your head? He never said he wanted to be the highest paid. The Cowboys camp told you that. His agents job is to get him the most money possible.


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But wait, on "whispers from the star" on Friday, JJT said that the two sides hadn't talked since late March early April, and probably wouldn't speak again till July or when the deadline approached.

So any story claiming negotiations and numbers would be false.

I say BS on story.


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He’s not greedy as much as he and his agent are delusional concerning Rayne worth.

If he’s gets it, the losers will be the Cowboys and their fans for years to come.

He’s lost many of the fans on this board except the ones that are dug in and believe this Mammoth contract validates their servitude to Dakota. I won’t waste a second trying to dissuade them.