News: CW: Jerry Jones looks super petty now that Jimmy Johnson will be in HOF


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There was also this situation because it was Dallas and you'd need to live there to understand just out how of hand it can get. Booger fires Landry and catches all the heat and Johnson just goes about his business and the media is starting to fall in love with Johnson. Johnson gets the media to love him and they tolerate Booger because they know he's trying to use them. Emmitt holds out and according to legend, after the second loss to open the season and the death threats against Booger, Johnson get's involved and gets the deal done. Johnson calls into the talk show with the "and you can print that in 3" letters and the legend is established. Johnson was the second most talked about person at local churches, losing a close one to Jesus. And Booger is the guy that fired Landry and wouldn't get Emmitt in without Johnson getting involved. Don't know if that's true but that is the legend.

Couple that with Booger was not welcomed to Dallas with open arms and moved into the ritzy area known as Highland Park, Landry's city. I am not sure that Booger was seeking credit as much as acceptance and relief and Johnson was the star, he could do no wrong. Acknowledging Booger as at least part of it and letting him out of the shade would have been sufficient but I think Johnson had just had enough of Booger and a crummy lake for an ocean. It all worked just as he wanted.

And to top it all off. The Cowboys lose a game that we're all convinced they would have won with Johnson and won 4 in a row and been the GOAT and that 3rd one is still considered won with Johnson's team. And the media still loves him in the Metroplex. They tolerate Booger because they have to but still make fun of him but Jimmy was the second coming to Dallas.

Given Hall validation...serious making fun of, huh?

Boney and Clyde were popular to many Texans as well...just as to reference to some public stances. Ballads and their subject matters last a long time and with great support. Just, not always true...


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Amazing after all of the evidence 25 years later we still have Jerry apologist.

But then we still have fans who bash Troy for speaking the truth.

Which tells me some fans either can accept reality or just defend everything Cowboys. Lol


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I always get a laugh at people thinking Jerry gives a damn about anything other than himself lol. He's rich, has Super Bowls and is in the HOF. His legacy is cemented. And at the end of the day he hired Jimmy.


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Jimmy had already made up his mind he was leaving. So he was out the door one way or another.

That was said, imo, for both sides to save face. Jimmy didnt want it to seem like he was getting fired (which he was) and jerry didnt want it to look like he was firing a 2 time defending super bowl champion (which he was).