15 Year Old Develops Rapid Cancer Test


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Best part is when he explains he sent out 200 letters to doctors at Johns Hopkins and only 1 person accepted his proposal. 199 flat out rejected him. Pretty cool. For whatever reason, that 1 person took a chance and that's all it took to come up with a potential breakthrough.

I guess he went on to win a 75K award or scholarship for this. Didn't read the article on it but saw the amount stated.



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awesome. I hope his test becomes a standard practice - maybe even end up over-the counter


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There have been a couple of recent thingys like this lately. Very nice to see.


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This is a marvelous development by a young person with a lot of promising potential but in my opinion, as long as Big Pharma is running the health care industry exclusively for its own profits, we can be certain that neither this nor any other development will ever lead to a cure because Big Pharma does not want a cure but only more and more expensive treatments which prolong the patients life so that they, or more specifically, their insurance company will continue to pay more money for treatments that only prolong but do not cure.

If there is ever a cure for cancer, you can be sure it will not come from Big Pharma. A cure would not be good for business.

What? Me cynical of Big Pharma, say it isn't so. Surely they are in business solely to selflessly relieve our suffering and cure us as soon as possible and charge fair and reasonable prices. After all, they really do have our best interest at heart. No, I mean, really, they do. :rolleyes:

Life is good as long as you don't have to depend on Big Pharma.

Where's my coffee? I need my coffee.


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notherbob;4681476 said:
This is a marvelous development by a young person with a lot of promising potential but in my opinion, as long as Big Pharma is running the health care industry exclusively for its own profits, we can be certain that neither this nor any other development will ever lead to a cure because Big Pharma does not want a cure but only more and more expensive treatments which prolong the patients life so that they, or more specifically, their insurance company will continue to pay more money for treatments that only prolong but do not cure.

If there is ever a cure for cancer, you can be sure it will not come from Big Pharma. A cure would not be good for business.

What? Me cynical of Big Pharma, say it isn't so. Surely they are in business solely to selflessly relieve our suffering and cure us as soon as possible and charge fair and reasonable prices. After all, they really do have our best interest at heart. No, I mean, really, they do. :rolleyes:

Life is good as long as you don't have to depend on Big Pharma.

Where's my coffee? I need my coffee.

I say it is medicine in whole. Doctors have thrown in and are two quick to give a pill for everything. I do not put it all on just one group people are to quick to look for instant easy way out of things. Just like lose 30 lbs and change nothing.

Burn, Poison, cut


Business is a Boomin
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notherbob;4681476 said:
This is a marvelous development by a young person with a lot of promising potential but in my opinion, as long as Big Pharma is running the health care industry exclusively for its own profits, we can be certain that neither this nor any other development will ever lead to a cure because Big Pharma does not want a cure but only more and more expensive treatments which prolong the patients life so that they, or more specifically, their insurance company will continue to pay more money for treatments that only prolong but do not cure.

If there is ever a cure for cancer, you can be sure it will not come from Big Pharma. A cure would not be good for business.

What? Me cynical of Big Pharma, say it isn't so. Surely they are in business solely to selflessly relieve our suffering and cure us as soon as possible and charge fair and reasonable prices. After all, they really do have our best interest at heart. No, I mean, really, they do. :rolleyes:

Life is good as long as you don't have to depend on Big Pharma.

Where's my coffee? I need my coffee.

Do you have a prescription for that?

Oh, well, I'm going to hang out with Ricky Williams now.


Fierce Allegiance
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notherbob;4681476 said:
This is a marvelous development by a young person with a lot of promising potential but in my opinion, as long as Big Pharma is running the health care industry exclusively for its own profits, we can be certain that neither this nor any other development will ever lead to a cure because Big Pharma does not want a cure but only more and more expensive treatments which prolong the patients life so that they, or more specifically, their insurance company will continue to pay more money for treatments that only prolong but do not cure.

If there is ever a cure for cancer, you can be sure it will not come from Big Pharma. A cure would not be good for business.

I have a question for you and all those that buy-in to this conspiracy theory that pharmaceutical companies have already or will quash the development and/or release of a "cure" for a disease like cancer etc.

Does it not occur to you that these companies are run by humans with families who are themselves candidates to acquire said diseases?

So it's your contention that while a loved one, or even that person them self, has that disease, they're A-OK w/ signing-off on this elaborate plot to go "Schultz from Hogan's Heroes"?



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DallasCowpoke;4682179 said:
I have a question for you and all those that buy-in to this conspiracy theory that pharmaceutical companies have already or will quash the development and/or release of a "cure" for a disease like cancer etc.

Does it not occur to you that these companies are run by humans with families who are themselves candidates to acquire said diseases?

So it's your contention that while a loved one, or even that person them self, has that disease, they're A-OK w/ signing-off on this elaborate plot to go "Schultz from Hogan's Heroes"?


Let me illustrate my point with an example.

In 2001 I had a series of personal discussions over several days with Larry Lawson, PhD, R&D Director for Nature's Way, a vitamin supplement company with excellent products and David Mirelman, PhD, Chemistry Chair at Weitzman Institute, Rehovot, Israel during which I learned a great deal. These two are likely the most knowledgeable people in the world on the chemistry of garlic. Google them to read of their accomplishments.

Dr. Mirelman said he had perfected a binary delivery system to deliver a powerful anticancer drug, based on garlic, straight to cancer cells everywhere in the body served by the circulatory system, killing them. It was very successful in lab tests.

He took his idea to every major pharmaceutical company and every single one of them turned him down and told him it was against company policy to develop drugs on anything they did not own the patent on. Since natural garlic cannot be patented, there was no interest. They all insisted on complete ownership and full control over pricing and distribution and no competition.

I don't know if this is conspiracy or simply consistent industry-wide management methodology. I would only do business with them if there were no alternative choice.

Properly processed and administered, garlic has amazing effects and has cured staph and other bacterial infections such as MRSA, Multiple Drug Resistant TB, Irritable Bowel Syndrome and has even has extensive anti-tumor properties and can be used to reduce the size of and kill many kinds of cancer. The allicin in garlic kills directly by invading and killing and bacteria cannot become resistant to that anymore than you or I could become immune to being stabbed or blown up. If you would like the details of exactly how that works, please PM me and I will be happy to explain

Bacteria and allicin have opposite electrical charges so allicin is naturally drawn to the bacteria. when allicin arrives at the bacterium, its ability to be fat-soluble allows it to easily penetrate the bi-lipid cell wall and get inside the bacterium and once inside its mere presence there changes the electrical polarity of the interior of the cell, drawing in surrounding fluid causing the bacterium to swell up and burst, killing it. It is fast, effective and cheap.

It's hard to ask much more of a seasoning that makes your steak and potatoes taste better. I will freely admit; however, that it doesn't do much for banana pudding or apple pie so it's not perfect.

I cannot treat people using these techniques nor even advise them to use garlic because I am not a doctor and so I choose instead to educate people about the nature of garlic and how to use it in different ways to get different results should they choose to take it upon themselves to try it. I no longer urge people to try it, they have to come up with the idea themselves. It is all about people helping themselves as much as possible.

These days people have to educate themselves and be their own best medical advisor because it is no longer safe to blindly believe those in the health care industry because sometimes they are acting in their own best interest, not the patient's. It is the patient's own responsibility to make informed decisions lest they become medical statistics.

Sorry, didn't mean to write a book here but I did want to show that there is some substance to people's complaints about the way the health care industry is being run. They're great when it comes to trauma but medical management, no so much.