20 Questions: 1 - SB or Playoffs Realistic Goal for 2024


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All seem to feel playoffs are still a strong possibility, and have good reasons why. As to still a good roster of talent.
Also all have some reservations as well, as we all do. As players need to step up as we all have discussed.

I think the NFCE is theirs to win again. As I always stay with the current winner as the favorite until knocked off. Unless a big turnover for the team or losing their top players.

As a few said. Make the playoffs, win the division. Then go from there.


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In past years I would have said an early playoff exit with the team/talent they have as is stated...

However, this team feels like massive drama is building with the 3 contract situations and add in the total lack of talent add during FA and a heavy reliance on a draft class that needs time to develop, and I think you have a recipe for an implosion...time will tell how bad but if you told me they ended up 4th in the east with 6 or less wins I wouldn't be shocked...

They are probably a 9 to 10 win team if the drama is resolved and Injuires are normal but I have serious worries wwre about to see a blowup


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We should be hoping the Cowboys don’t make the playoffs.

A playoff birth just further instills into Jerry that they’re on the right track and must be doing something right.

Rock bottom is badly needed in Dallas.


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With how many teams make it anymore IDK if playoffs is really that high of a goal for a team like the Cowboys. They SHOULD make at least the 7 seed. With that said though I really don't see this team being talented enough to reach the super bowl unless everything falls their way. Just advancing in the playoffs is probably a successful season this year.


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We should be hoping the Cowboys don’t make the playoffs.

A playoff birth just further instills into Jerry that they’re on the right track and must be doing something right.

Rock bottom is badly needed in Dallas.
It really pains me to agree with this but I do...I really don't want to cheer against this team or wish them to lose but last year broke me - until they move on from their qb situation and are forced to reset, they are not going to be anything more than a WC winner


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It really pains me to agree with this but I do...I really don't want to cheer against this team or wish them to lose but last year broke me - until they move on from their qb situation and are forced to reset, they are not going to be anything more than a WC winner
I don’t care if people call me an Eagles fan for wanting the Cowboys to hit rock bottom.

I know that rock bottom is needed in Dallas to institute some change.

It’s easy to keep the core of players and coaches when you go 12-5 and 1-2 in the playoffs the past 3 years. It’s easy to justify it to the fanbase and paint it as just some bad luck in the playoffs.

The reality is much different. It’s not “bad luck” in the playoffs. It’s a culture problem. It’s softness. It’s ME guys over TEAM guys. It’s coaches thankful for one last opportunity being much more obedient and willfully controlled.

So give me rock bottom and the consequences that come with it over the same ole story with the same tired ending year after year.


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I don’t see this team as currently constructed as being a contender at all. Maybe they could make the playoffs but they aren’t going anywhere.

The saddest part to me in all this is how comfortable this FO is with just throwing away whole seasons. No other serious organization does that because they have people accountable for their jobs making decisions. In Big D, the people at the top remain regardless of any outcome. There is never a pressing need to win NOW, because there’s a forever “next year” and the money still rolls in.


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Same as always ......... first round knockout and this look.


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The issue is the fans’ goal for the Cowboys (playoffs at least) are different than the front office (revenue, recognition).

Realistic goal is playoffs and hopefully NFCC.