71 Cowboys #15 on NFL Networks list


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Personally I think this team should be higher on the list but I guess I am grateful it made the list. I know there will be some revealed to be higher which I will be pissed to see, but what else can you expect. I think there are problems with making a list of top 20 Super Bowl winners. When you have a team like the Steelers winning 4 in 6 years I am sure people will short change a couple of those because they will think 2 of the 4 will be enough. There's a difficulty in seeing a single season in a bubble and judging it completely on its own rather than seeing a team like the 95 Cowboys, 88 49ers, or 74 Steelers, for example, as a great team because they came in a period where that same team won other Bowls. I am sure that despite whatever instructions this so-called blue ribbon panel got some will judge periods and some will see seasons completely in a bubble.

I saw some commercials promoting this series and they had a montage of clips. If this montage is revealing who will be on the list then the 70 Colts and the 2005 Steelers are on the list. If they are then to me this list has no credibility whatsoever.

But anyway, cool for the 71 Cowboys. The 77 Cowboys and 92 Cowboys better be there to. I expect them to be.


The Grand Poobah
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The "71" Cowboys are my favorite..... Simply because they won our 1st SB.

Yes, Howley should be in the HOF. :mad:


Well-Known Member
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I really like those shows where they interview the players and coaches and showcase their championship season.