9-11 Question


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As a parent of a child born after 9-11,(she was born in 03)how would you explain what this upcoming anniversary means, without scaring them or going over their heads? When do you think is the appropriate age to discuss this with them is?
This question was no way meant to be political, in any way,shape or form. If you don't have an answer for me,just ignore my question all together.
dougonthebench;4085508 said:
This question was no way meant to be political, in any way,shape or form. If you don't have an answer for me,just ignore my question all together.

There is no pat answer, but generally speaking we like to share truth with our kids whenever possible (ages 24, 21, 19 & 11). Our youngest was about 18 mos when tragedy struck. She is well aware that there is evil in the world. We take precautions, but also realize we can't control it all. For us, faith is part of the equation.

We talk about things in our family, not cover them up, and they have tended to feel comfortable asking questions of us as a result. Very happy with how that's turned out for us. Kids are smarter, tougher and more resilient than they are sometimes given credit for.
I would try to make them understand the line between what is real and what is not real. I think that's the best approach.
My twin daughters were born two months after the tragedy. We have discussed this with them and they understand what happened. Besides,they have seen it on TV and they here songs on the radio that makes hints to 9-11.
My daughter is 7,and I asked her this morning if she knew what 9-11 was. Her answer was a simple,"no". I tried as carefully as I could to explain what happened, without giving too many details she wouldn't understand. Mind you this is a kid that still believes in Santa and the Tooth Fairy.( We'll cross those bridges when the time is right too.)
I was wondering what, if any of you would say to a 7 year old.
It's a great opportunity to teach them that there is evil in the world. But ultimately good will defeat evil. Then explain the importance the right thing. At least it provides for great life lesson. But under no circumstances dont sugar coat what happened but tell them the truth.
I'm not sure what channel, but coming up there is going to be a TV show aimed at children to help explain what happened on 9-11.

I'll see if I can find it for you, if it already did not air.
5Stars;4086100 said:
I'm not sure what channel, but coming up there is going to be a TV show aimed at children to help explain what happened on 9-11.

I'll see if I can find it for you, if it already did not air.

That would be awesome, and greatly appreciated.:thumbup:
dougonthebench;4086190 said:
That would be awesome, and greatly appreciated.:thumbup:

I tried to find it on DirecTV menu...and apparently I forgot to record it.

I also did a google search about that show, but did not find it. :(

But, if you goggle about your question about how to tell kids about this, there are some really good sites that give information to parents about how to deal with it.

Good luck...

I would probably think of something similar as to how Pearl Harbor was explained to me.

Yakuza Rich;4086298 said:
I would probably think of something similar as to how Pearl Harbor was explained to me.


I was frighten about that when I was young. And the Soviet Union scared the hell out of me...but we learned about it.

Yakuza Rich;4086298 said:
I would probably think of something similar as to how Pearl Harbor was explained to me.


I was thinking like the Gulf of Tonkin incident.
5Stars;4086238 said:
I tried to find it on DirecTV menu...and apparently I forgot to record it.

I also did a google search about that show, but did not find it. :(

But, if you goggle about your question about how to tell kids about this, there are some really good sites that give information to parents about how to deal with it.

Good luck...


I will do that, thanks 5stars.
Personally, I'd tell them exactly what happened....sans gruesome details and without labeling ethnicities.

They should know that we were attacked, that there were heroes that gave their lives, and how we've responded. They don't necessarily need to know details....i.e. who did it, and why they did it.
dougonthebench;4086306 said:
May I ask how?

I hate to say this...but I really don't quite remember.

I think from an early age my parents did teach me that there were evil people in this world and they focused on the heros and what they did that made them heroic and the virtues of their heroism.

And to realize the real heroes in this world and keep in check who heroes are.

Growing up, Dave Winfield was...at the time...a hero of mine. Then as I got only a few years older, my parents did a good job of teaching the true heroes are like policeman, firefighters, etc. I remember viewing Joe Delany as a hero.

But, you can't just crap on those Dave Winfields of the world. The Dave Winfields are role models..and good ones.

I just think that would be kinda my goal if I had kids with this. Get them to differentiate heroes from role models and celebrate them. I think that's a big reason why kids get into trouble and why girls tend to struggle with self esteem and/or become spoiled. The real heroes and the real role models are not celebrated enough in this world while the Kim Kardashians, Charlie Sheens, and Mike Vicks are celebrated like gods.

Thanks everyone. I'm the type of person that likes to gather multiple sources of info.I especially like hearing how other people do things.Its real easy to google something,this has all been great,and I can use everything you've given me.
Cheap Shot Artist;4086883 said:

Why bring politics into this perfectly good thread?

*Mods, i jacked up the links in my quote so when you delete his post we will be good to go.

I do not see why there is a need to leave out the reasons why we were attacked. Children need to know that not everyone appreciates what this country stands for, and this is why we must hold these values so dear. Acting like it was a random act of violence does us no good.

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