a few thoughts other than the obvious


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this was one of those games that stick in your head a couple days after!!!
a few things stand out to me other than the obvious that the OL stunk; the defense let up again etc etc.
1. what is up with the officiating this year? seems like a Sunday doesnt go by with some bizarre officiating decision. It used to be that you couldnt touch the QB above the shoulder blades with your fingernail without getting 15. Romo got blasted a couple times neck high with hardly a mention

2.I have had enought of Pac man--you can have one tempestuous personality on the team but Jerry has exceeded the legal limit.
i dont care what anyone says: the first quarter was a prime example of not being ready to play and part can be blamed on the ridiculousness of the past week.

Being not ready to play--case in point was incidents like Witten jumoing offsides and dropping an easy ball and Gurode playing like he was in a fog are partly on the players but mostly on the coaching staff.

3. the game seemed to turn on the screen play on 3rd and 17. I think it was Canty who did a good job tipping the ball but what infuriated me most was Brown getting wiped out on the play. (i think it was brown--could only see a flash of jersey with 7 on it) He is the freaking safety and cannot allow himself to be taken out like that. Even if he is being blocked he must play physical, fight it and at least be a speed bump for the running back so pursuit to catch up that extra step

4. the running game was picking up with doses of Felix but really gagged when he went out.

5. that was Arizona's super bowl. I wouldnt be surprised if it is the highlight of their season

6.Washington provided a blue print to stop our wide receivers; it is up to Garrett to adjust

7. I am totally sick of the lack of discipline on this team to the point I am holding my breath after every good play to see if there is a flag or not
But it is the stupid ones that burn me, like Davis spiking the ball after Barbers touchdown. It was slightly different from the rb giving an ol the ball to spike it; the ball was already on the ground and Davis picked it up and spiked it. The 15 extra yards could have been highly critical to overcome in most circumstances.

8. Henry is done. He was totally at the mercy of Breston on the last td. Not sure what can be done at this time.

Well lads, the cowboys are at the mercy of the talking heads on ESPN now. It is going to be tough listening the those useless bags of wind like Carter dogging us but some is deserved. It will be interesting to see if Phillips loses this team or whether they circle the wagons


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2.i think witten was just pressing. he did not have a very good day blocking. and they really asked a lot of him. on a number of plays he was asked to block darnell dockett and their other DT. even gurode and leonard davis were having trouble getting movement.

3. that was certainly a big play. i'm pretty sure hamlin was playing safety to that side. but henry was playing nickel lb, i think burnett was the other but not sure. henry touched the guard and quit. he needed to go hard and force hightower to change his direction. burnett took the outside contain :confused: or maybe he got turned around, i just remember him not doing much either. if this team makes the playoffs, i'd like them to put zach on the field. and just him during the game. zach is the only linebacker that has a real feel for the game, which is really disturbing because that's the most important attribute for a lb, imo.

also, the rest of that drive they put in tank johnson, who promptly got run over. ratliff was in the first half and just whooped the center. he was getting in the backfield almost every play. too bad he can't play the whole game. :banghead: i'd rather have him taken off on 3rd and long, then have him out for whole series.

i wish you could bottle up ratliff and give some of that to canty and spears. i don't know if ratliff just has the freedom to press, but canty and spears just put their arms up, and try to fling their opponent. they don't play with good leverage either. whereas ratliff goes for halves, gets into their body, and just always has his opponent off balance.

4. yeah, felix really gives this offense juice. he's able to press the inside, then quickly bounce it outside.

6.i think it was the eagles. remember that 13-10 game? they knew TO's weaknesses. that has been the constant knock on him. but this year he's really getting slowed down. but washington was able to use landry as a single centerfield safety and totally eliminate the deep pass. really shows how a fast smart safety can just cover the entire field. i thought courtney brown could be that guy, but he's not a smart player.

8. yup henry looks slow, and ellis even worse. i'm wondering if the reason why ellis was unhappy was because the cowboys were trying to trade him.