A Story of Brotherhood: Hennings and Haley


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A-10, close air support with two engines protected inside the body. A soldier's best friend when deployed in combat.

Chad picked Charles up off his feet and slammed him into the lockers.

That was to a Cowboys fan's heart!


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I can relate to them both. Brought a tear to my eye. My son bought me the book "Boys Will Be Boys" many years ago. Charles was crazy, no doubt. Doesn't surprise me he suffered from being Bi-Polar. I just wished he got right before he lost his marriage. He and his wife are still great friends though. If you saw his HOF induction ceremony you can see the pain in his wife's face when Charles talked about his struggles. I always tell my kids and to anyone who'll listen, ... "It's not where you start in life, it's where you finish."



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Charles was a complete mess back in those days, impossible for anybody to be close to. Some of the things he did in the locker room and around the team couldn't be posted on this forum. Beyond imagination.

I'm glad he got his life figured out. Our daughters played soccer against each other for years, so I've seen him out at the fields multiple times. Only chatted with him once, and it was about our girls. He liked the way mine played, and his was a terrific striker.

I had no idea about Hennings's kid's health issues. Sad they didn't know about each other then so they could support each other, but again, Haley was in no condition for a relationship like that back then.


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Nice video. Thanks for posting.

Hennings says, “Who is this guy?” I don’t even know Charles Haley, but I read all the stories, and I too was blown away too by his older persona in the video.

I didn’t know he got divorced either until this video. I read his autobiography and you could feel the love he had for his family so that’s sad to hear.


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During the preseason of 1992, the Cowboys scrimmaged the Oilers. The Oilers QB's wore red jerseys. That didn't matter to Chad Hannings. He beat his man at the line and hammered Warren Moon. There was a a ruckus and Jimmy Johnson got in Hennings face, he was livid.

Hennings may have had his disciplined, polite demeanor but he had a mean streak and he had a temper.