Adobe Acrobat Professional - Help Needed!


Suspicious looking stranger
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Anyone use Acrobat Professional on a regular basis?

Is there anyone with Acrobat Professional who would be willing to edit a PDF for me and e-mail it back? The changes I need are very minor. Probably only 5 minutes for someone who proficient with Acrobat Pro.

If not, is there some place to download a free plug-in that would allow me to edit a PDF using the standard Acrobat reader without buying Acrobat pro? offered to send me a trial CD, but I cant wait 3-4 weeks for the CD to arrive in the mail, just to edit one document. Abobe also has an online trial version, but it wont allow me to edit personals docs and print them.

Soo, I'm stuck trying to find someone to edit a single PDF to avoid spending $$$ on the software.

If there are any takers please send me a PM.




Active Member
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I abandoned adobe in every way including the reader it has become bloated it is slow clunky and opens slowly and take up a lot of space on install for very little.

I switched to the foxit reader over a year ago I get more features free it works with firefox and ie great. It opens like 10 times faster than adobe and on top of that it is a smaller install and foot print on my memory and cpu

Plus if you want the extra features like acrobat pro it does not cost the over bloated price of $500 a copy