ALERT: This Defense is a Problem!!!


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Folks, I have having this feeling for a while. Since last year really. Our defense has a ton of named players but we are not dominate. It seems to me that our defense has the same bend but don't break philosphy that was prevelant when Campo was the HC. We give up way to many BIG play, Too many LONG drives and not enough turnovers.

Granted our offense is good on most days and sometimes great on others. However, this defense gives up way too many points. Here is the deal; a DOMINATE defense would make 24 points be enough to win a division game at home. You know, I had a thought that it may be a coodinator issue cause we sure have a lot of defensive talent. Im not sold on our current DC.

Question: When is the last time we have held a team to 10 points or less? That is dominate NFL defense.

I got news for you guys; we are not gonna score 30+ points every game this year. This defense is going to have to get tighter and tougher to move against.



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DaBoys4Life;2295166 said:
Browns week 1.

Well, they put on a nice performance, but when you see the way that offense has been playing as of late, you begin to understand that the Browns offense is just pathetic...


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you overrate the talent on this defense....we change scheme after scheme and coach after coach...but the core defenders are still here and still stinking


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Am I the only one who thinks Time of Possession played a huge role in this?

I believe the final TOP was around 35minutes/25 minutes.

The fact that our defense was on the field for 35 minutes(because our offense could not STAY on the field) - was amazing to me. It's not like we played chumps. The Skins are fielding a good team this year.

Sure, you could say if the defense stopped them, the TOP wouldn't be so high... but that's not fair to the defense considering our offense yesterday.

If you notice, the points we gave up in the 2nd quarter came from our offense not being able to do jack the entire 2nd quarter. We had far too many 3-and-outs. In the first half, we had three "three-and-outs" - and an additional drive where we gained one first down, and had to punt it. Our defense was just on the field too much because of a lack of offense.

Even in the second half, we only touched the ball five times on offense. Two of them were for touchdowns. One of them was for an INT(definitely doesn't help our defense... they only gave up 3, btw.) We had two more "3-and-outs".

So, for total, this game we had the ball eleven different times.

Out of 11 offensive drives, five of them ended up in 3-and-outs. On 1 drive, we got one first down - and had to punt. We also had one drive end in an INT. And we had 4 scoring drives.

To me, it's easy to see why the defense looked like dogs yesterday. If anything is overrated, or a problem, it's our offense - or our lack
of it yesterday.

*Edit* - I've had to edit this a couple times. Can't seem to get my numbers perfect. whew.


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Is Wade designing the defensive game plan? I get the feeling he is giving some pointers to our DC and let him come up with the game plan and he would review it. Also who is actually calling the plays in the defense?


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At some point, a defense has to make a stop when its absolutely necessary. I don't think it's unrealistic to expect that from a unit with what is perceived to have a massive amount of talent on it. Perhaps,that perception is wrong.

Rankings don't concern me at all. What gets done when it needs to get done, does. This defense doesn't get it done when it has too! As fans of this team, maybe some of us thought way too much of that side of the ball. I hope it gets better.


New Member
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But I thought it was TO's fault for having a fragile ego and keep wanting to be coddled? No?

Why all the change of finger pointing now?:rolleyes:


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The Cowboys need to switch back to the aggressive 4-3 defense. Can you say DOOMSDAY?


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Greg Ellis

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Bobby Carpenter

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