All decisions start with Dak


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The largest single decision going forward as I see it is what are you going to do with Dak? It’s the very first piece of the flow chart.

I see the arguments for both sides of this situation and both have merit. Personally, I would be looking to move on from Dak whether it’s this season or the next.

In my opinion whether you want Dak to stay or go the first question you need to know is what is it going to cost you for Dak to be here. (You know it’s going to be a beat down. The question is how much of a beat down). The higher that number is the greater the incentive to move on from Dak.

Secondly, if you decide to pay Dak, (especially longer term) you are going to have to decide which players you are going to keep and which ones are you going to move on from.

Parsons is also going to be a franchise altering contract. Almost a QB type of contract. I’m all for Parsons staying here his entire career. But what is is trade value on the market? And what is his contract going to cost you?

Parson’s play is not replaceable by a single player, but if you could get three first round picks or two first round picks and change for him (two additional thirds) I don’t see how you don’t make that trade.

He’s a hall of fame type of player but he has a risk of injury and he’s just one player. Would three or four players raise the overall level of play above what Parsons can do alone? Very probably.

If you keep Dak, I think you are going to have to start flipping players for picks. (Parsons, Cee Dee, Tyron, Martin, Lawrence, Tyler). You can’t pay Dak AND pay everyone else. You also need to improve your team with less cap room. How are you going to do that?


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Dak is going to get that automatic trigger in his contract pulled.

He is going to ask for like $60m per year. Jerry is going to say "nope" and turn his cap hit from $60m to $40m by rolling his salary into bonus and he is going to be a free agent next offseason. If he does well this year in the playoffs, Dallas will try to re-sign him.

If the team falls on its face, Mike, Dan and Dak will be leaving Dallas in 2025. Jerry is telegraphing it.


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I think this is the last hoorah with Dak. When he said we will go as far as Dak takes us that’s his way of saying one last dance.


There are no Dak haters just Cowboy lovers!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Deep down, we know what they're going to do with Dak whether we like it or not.
Sorry, but I disagree with you.........Big Time!
Dak getting an extension is NOT a gimmie and no one knows at this point what will happen.


Devil's Advocate
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Dak is going to get that automatic trigger in his contract pulled.

He is going to ask for like $60m per year. Jerry is going to say "nope" and turn his cap hit from $60m to $40m by rolling his salary into bonus and he is going to be a free agent next offseason. If he does well this year in the playoffs, Dallas will try to re-sign him.

If the team falls on its face, Mike, Dan and Dak will be leaving Dallas in 2025. Jerry is telegraphing it.
I like the way you think, if we don't win a SB it's house cleaning time.


The Excellence of Execution
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As much as I hate Dak, you can't go "all in" and not extend Dak.