American Football - Our Warning to the World?


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Preface: I sincerely hoped everyone recognized the use of sarcasm. However, I must be realistic. I don't trust about 1/10th of 1% of you. Hence, this preface.

Despite the human species’ abilities of self-awareness and rationalization, we are still a member of the “animal kingdom”. In fact, from what I have read or seen on the internet, we share 97% of the same genetic material as a gorilla.

I’m grateful that the other 3% excludes the need to throw feces at someone when they annoy me.

The vast majority of shared instincts with higher mammals are obsolete to us. They should no longer apply. For example, It is no longer necessary to judge friend or enemy by appearance in the same way a pack of wolves do with their sense of smell. Various forms of transportation throughout our history has scattered every culture throughout the world to the point we are all each other’s next door neighbor. We have both shared and diverse interests, resources, goals, beliefs, and social practices.

Another instinct that does endure time is the way in which infants are developed into adults by nature. When we look at the infants of mammals like lions or monkeys we see that they form groups and establish hierarchies of power and influence. They begin this in the way that they play their games.

Have you ever noticed that the play of lion cubs is typically a simulation of battle? They are constantly attacking each other, sometimes direct, often in sneak attacks. Sometimes they attack in groups. They look for weaknesses to take advantage of.

They are honing the skills they need for survival, both as an individual and together as a group. They are learning who their leaders are, those with the best fighting skills. They are proving themselves worthy as a source of superior genetic makeup. Females are inherently attracted to males demonstrating the most impressive physical prowess. This is why that “A” in math didn’t get you chicks in high school.

They are insuring the survival of their species.

For the human species you would think that being higher on the evolutionary chain would make all of this obsolete. Perhaps, many of you think it should be. But it isn’t.

Watching children play, especially boys, their games are always some type of contest where there are winners and losers. When they were younger their play was more physical. However, even when it comes to the computer games brought on by PlayStation, Xbox, etc., which games seem to be the most popular?

Which finally brings me to the game of football, a game typically played by children aged 10 to 16. Football is the game of war.

I would submit that about 95% of all games played by male children are games of war with the same purpose as those infants of higher mammals I previously discussed.

The game creates a hierarchy among young males. There are the “stud” football players, the other players who participate and those who don’t participate. If you think this status doesn’t make a difference among females (very generally, humorously) then you didn’t go to high school. How did cheerleaders evolve?

The game teaches physical methods of attack, defense, and overwhelming your opponent. The game uses terms like “blitz”, “offense & defense”, “attack”, “squad”, “field general”, and “weapon”. In organized leagues, the participants wear defensive clothing like armored knights. They wear distinguishable uniforms with numbers as identification codes.

There are levels of specialization. Just as there is artillery, infantry, tank personnel and special ops in the military so there is linebacker, receiver, and safety in football.

“American football” is the American game of war. It is violent with the potential of injury in various degrees of damage up to and including death, immediate, or eventually. We know this. The world knows this. Is this a bad thing?

What if football is a subtle message to the rest of the world from the U.S.?

“Hey!”……..”This is how we play growing up!”?.....”Do you really want to mess with us?”

I don’t know. I could be wrong. This could be way off base.

Anyway, evolution usually comes along and cleans up obsolete habits and traits and such……in football they are called “rule changes”.

There are also rule changes in life. Two hundred years from now, I have no doubt our ancestors will look upon us as savage barbarians for some of the stuff we do. I don’t know what, if I did then I would be as “advanced” as them and I’m definitely not.


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Kinda interesting read, as a non American I might share my view on this:

First of all, personally I like how males play and that these "animalistic" instincts still matter in the end. And yes, that's how you do get girls and even women. Older females (25+) don't really admit it that openly anymore, but they basically all (at least the a+ ones) pick their guys this way. Fitness, looks in general of course, the kind of job you have, your status... these are also kinda animalistic instincts because they want to breed. And no, that's no archaic view, it's just the way it is lol. I dated alot ever since I reached adolescence, never had a problem being relaxed in the presence of good looking girls and am quite lucky with my physique, job n all. I'm not saying alpha male as I really don't know what's that supposed to be these days, but asking a girl out felt always easy because of that I guess.

As far as the American sport of football goes, personally I have never seen it that way. But you guys are the kings of entertainment and consumerism. That's your gift to the world and so many people and even countries are in awe of that.

Due to our history with you guys after the war anything American was cool for German kids ever since the 50s and up to this day. Sports, goods, music, movies (no, not cars, sorry ;) ), food... our pop culture in general is basically American. I was a child in the 80s and apart from Lego (danish) practically all cool toys and cartoons were American. My favorites was Transformers lol.

When it comes to sports, not so much. American Football will never stand a chance against soccer and never did. And many simply don't even like American football, calling it just dumb (I know it's not of course). But I have never heard any talk about how you guys are so much stronger than us because of how you grow up, sorry. We acknowledge your military might and accept the fact that we live in your hemisphere. And personally I like it that way. My mother is from eastern Germany, fled to western Germany in the 70s (and I'm happy I wouldn't have to live over there lol). But many eastern germans are very sceptical of the USA and some idiots are pro Russia and all that. But the majority over here is some kind of "americanized" when it comes to what to do with your spare time. In other aspects of live not so much and very little to not at all when it comes to sports.

So with that being said, American Football is great fun and has been gaining alot of supporters in the last years. One can be a fan now without much effort and that's the total opposite of what I experienced back in the 90's as a Cowboys fan.

But I have never heard anyone say "woah, you better not mess with these guys, they are brought up by playing football. How spartan." ;)
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Disclaimer (couldn't edit the post anymore): While saying "they" and "all" and "females" and the likes I'm fully aware of the fact that it's up to the individual and you can't generalize everything. I don't mean it in a derogatory way. It's just how I have experienced life so far. :)


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Interesting thoughts. I completely agree that humans are still animals. But we have the capacity for arrogance which enables us to forget we are still animals. We tend to thing we are better than it all only to have mother nature remind us from time to time we are wrong.

But we are all still farmore instinctive than we want to believe. How we view other humans beings is an example of our instincts. Attraction for the most part is still an instinctive trait. It is outside our conscious control. We hear a baby cry we have an instinctive reaction. We see danger we naturaly avoid it and must fight our survival instincts to face the danger.

IMO, forgetting what we are is a bad idea and will lead to suffering in the future. I think it is better to embrace our natural instincts for the time being with an understanding that sometimes we must control them.

I think competitiveness is also instinctive and games are just an expression of that instinct, thatinclude football.