An Attitude Adjustment


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As I look around the current NFL landscape, I find that more than ever, the fundamentals of football ring true.

The team that controls the line of scrimmage wins. Even more than in years' past, it is clearly evident this season.

Look no further than Tennessee's triumph over the Colts on Monday Night.

The Colts have it all over the Titans in terms of skill position players , big-money guys and flash, and yet they lost - convincingly.


Because the Titans controlled the line of scrimmage and played solid, fundamental football, like they have so far during their undefeated season.

Just like the Giants did when they won the Super Bowl last season.

Were the G-Men the most talented team in the league last year? No, but they controlled the line of scrimmage and played solid football when it counted most.

And they're doing it this year to the tune of a 6-1 record, tops in the NFC. And the Commanders are doing the same, as their 6-2 record shows.

This point was evident a few weeks ago, when the Commanders ran against the Cowboys while Dallas' rushing attack was virtually non-existent. The result? Dallas' first loss.

The point isn't limited to simply running and stopping the run, but to controlling the lines on both sides. Offensively and defensively. Run or pass.

And that 'mentality' is a much mental as it is physical.

Three weeks ago, the Cowboys walked into the University of Phoenix Stadium expecting to win. And the team got a collective 'punch in the mouth' that they weren't expecting, and didn't recover from.

They were outmuscled from start to the bitter end, and the St Louis Rams followed that gameplan to victory the following week.

Teams are stepping up to the Cowboys and hitting them as hard as they can. And why not? You've got a 'puncher's chance', right? And when this happens, the current Cowboys typically buckle.

That mentality has to change, a change in mindset needs to happen.

Take a cue from a team like the Steelers. Are they the most talented team in the league? Nope. But ask a team about it after they've played Pittsburgh. They remember the experience.

Would you rather punch, or get punched?

I know my answer.

And the Cowboys should know theirs.


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Your right...

I just hope our D keeps the same intensity and build to greater heights that we showed against the Bucs.


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CrazyCowboy;2383954 said:
Your right...

I just hope our D keeps the same intensity and build to greater heights that we showed against the Bucs.

I think that was a good start, hopefully they keep it up.

Now, if only the other O-linemen would get a bit of Colombo's attitude...

Bob Sacamano

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great, great post

when we're not fighting I kind of like you, stash ;)

I agree though, it seems Dallas has always been content to just waltz into game-day, thinking that they only have to play their best to win, that's just not true, you have to do more, you have to want it, you have to want to show up the opposition, not just go out and beat them, everyone gets up for us, it's the Commander's Super Bowl when they play us, the Giants go out and say they hate us, and don't give us respect when we beat them, they let the anger and humiliation of a loss fester inside them, while we only hear things such as, "we just have to play our best", or when we lose, "oh, it's not the end of the world", they should act like it though when they lose, get fired up for the next week, take pride in themselves, will themselves to victory, something


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Bob Sacamano;2383964 said:
great, great post

when we're not fighting I kind of like you, stash ;)

Thanks. Likewise.


Bob Sacamano said:
I agree though, it seems Dallas has always been content to just waltz into game-day, thinking that they only have to play their best to win, that's just not true, you have to do more, you have to want it, you have to want to show up the opposition, not just go out and beat them, everyone gets up for us, it's the Commander's Super Bowl when they play us, the Giants go out and say they hate us, and don't give us respect when we beat them, they let the anger and humiliation of a loss fester inside them, while we only hear things such as, "we just have to play our best", or when we lose, "oh, it's not the end of the world", they should act like it though when they lose, get fired up for the next week, take pride in themselves, will themselves to victory, something


And just showing up with the better team 'on paper' won't cut it.

This team has all the 'skill position' players it needs to be dominant - yet they aren't.

A big reason why is that if you don't get it done up front, the rest doesn't matter too much.

Someone needs to put a size 22 boot in Flozell Adams' @$$ and tell him that he's getting embarrassed by lesser players out there.

He should be a dominating, intimidating, physically-imposing player, but he's content with doing 'enough to get by'.

The same goes for Andre Gurode.

I saw a Tampa linebacker fight off a Gurode 'block' to make a play on Marion Barber for little to no gain. That's unacceptable in my book. But it's only his most recent gaffe among many.

For whatever reason, too many of this team's big guys are too fat, content, and happy. And that mentality has spread like a cancer throughout the team.


A Passion for the Star
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stasheroo;2383994 said:
Thanks. Likewise.



And just showing up with the better team 'on paper' won't cut it.

This team has all the 'skill position' players it needs to be dominant - yet they aren't.

A big reason why is that if you don't get it done up front, the rest doesn't matter too much.

Someone needs to put a size 22 boot in Flozell Adams' @$$ and tell him that he's getting embarrassed by lesser players out there.

He should be a dominating, intimidating, physically-imposing player, but he's content with doing 'enough to get by'.

The same goes for Andre Gurode.

I saw a Tampa linebacker fight off a Gurode 'block' to make a play on Marion Barber for little to no gain. That's unacceptable in my book. But it's only his most recent gaffe among many.

For whatever reason, too many of this team's big guys are too fat, content, and happy. And that mentality has spread like a cancer throughout the team.

This is exactly why all NFL contracts need to be incentive laden. You don't play well you don't get paid well!!


Kane Ala
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Football has always been about blocking and tackling. Ask Vince Lombardi and Tom Landry.

They aren't finishing their blocks off. They're engaging and then stopping. No drive blocks. Maybe that's the way they're told to do it on certain plays and I'm just seeing that. Something's not right.

Bob Sacamano

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jobberone;2384067 said:
Football has always been about blocking and tackling. Ask Vince Lombardi and Tom Landry.

They aren't finishing their blocks off. They're engaging and then stopping. No drive blocks. Maybe that's the way they're told to do it on certain plays and I'm just seeing that. Something's not right.

the latter is kind of wierd since we have Houck as the Oline coach

big dog cowboy

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Bob Sacamano;2384071 said:
the latter is kind of wierd since we have Houck as the Oline coach
He has been getting looked at in a different light the last few weeks.

Maybe the old saying "be careful what you ask for" is true.

Bob Sacamano

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jobberone;2384083 said:
Maybe that's the problem.

big dog cowboy;2384104 said:
He has been getting looked at in a different light the last few weeks.

Maybe the old saying "be careful what you ask for" is true.

I thought he was supposed to be the best


Kane Ala
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Bob Sacamano;2384109 said:
I thought he was supposed to be the best

I never said that meaning many of 'us' probably weren't thinking that. I have no idea. Without inside knowledge along with enough knowledge about how the game is played then we're just internet coaches/fans raging against the dark.

I can only judge the volume of work. Right now it's up in the air as to what that really is. Are we as good as last year and the beginning of this one? Or are we losing it talent wise? Maybe we aren't in good enough condition which actually truly worries me. Maybe we aren't getting the right coaching to combat stunts, twists and blitzes. Maybe the right calls aren't being made against the defenses thrown at us which concerns me some. Maybe Kosier was a lot better than many thought.....which is true....and they lost chemistry necessary to be one of the top OLs in the league. Maybe Proctor is a lot worse than I think and the others are so worried about protecting him they aren't doing their own jobs.

Or maybe it's a combination of some of the above.

Whatever it needs to get corrected or the Giants will hand us a hard loss. They must protect Johnson and allow MB to get some yards or we will have to get 5 turnovers to win the game.