Any Dan Cody Fans?


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I haven't really seen Oklahoma play this year. Dan Cody looks great, despite Oklahoma getting crushed by USC. Any Cody fans? Scouting report? I could get with him at the #11 pick or even drop down a little to #15 and pick up some picks.

He looks like the kind of fiery, vocal leader we need. He seems to drop back extremely well too, from what I can see. Maybe versatile enough to play DE in a 4-3 and OLB in a 3-4?

Shaun Cody at DT looks real good too.



The Grand Poobah
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zagnut said:
I haven't really seen Oklahoma play this year. Dan Cody looks great, despite Oklahoma getting crushed by USC. Any Cody fans? Scouting report? I could get with him at the #11 pick or even drop down a little to #15 and pick up some picks.

He looks like the kind of fiery, vocal leader we need. He seems to drop back extremely well too, from what I can see. Maybe versatile enough to play DE in a 4-3 and OLB in a 3-4?

Shaun Cody at DT looks real good too.


I would take either one of them. Man do they have a motor.


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zagnut said:
I haven't really seen Oklahoma play this year. Dan Cody looks great, despite Oklahoma getting crushed by USC. Any Cody fans? Scouting report? I could get with him at the #11 pick or even drop down a little to #15 and pick up some picks.

He looks like the kind of fiery, vocal leader we need. He seems to drop back extremely well too, from what I can see. Maybe versatile enough to play DE in a 4-3 and OLB in a 3-4?

Shaun Cody at DT looks real good too.


There are several studs on the OU defense, even though they look horrible in the first half of the OU/USC game. Losing Dusty Dvorcek hurt immensely.

Draftable players for OU (defense)are:

Dan Cody
Dusty Dvorcek
Lance Mitchell
Antonio Perkins
Brodney Poole
Dante Nicholson

Draftable Players for OU (offense) are:

White (QB)
Mark Clayton
Jammal Brown
Wes Sims
Vince Carter
KeJuan jones
J.D. Runnels
Mark Bradley

I think all of them are seniors I'd say 10 of the above will be drafted by various teams.


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Dan Cody is a question mark player in my mind. He works well in the OU scheme, but how would he translate that talent to an NFL scheme? He's a nonstop motor, which is good, but do you use him as a DE? OLB? ILB? He's a question mark, because it's difficult to guess what position he'll play.


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nathanlt said:
Dan Cody is a question mark player in my mind. He works well in the OU scheme, but how would he translate that talent to an NFL scheme? He's a nonstop motor, which is good, but do you use him as a DE? OLB? ILB? He's a question mark, because it's difficult to guess what position he'll play.
How could anybody watch this game and think Dan Cody is anything but overated. He has a sack from a standup position rushing from the middle of the field. Besides that nothing, against a freshman.

Crown Royal

Insulin Beware
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Dan Cody looks like a strongside type player to me. I am still happy with Ellis.

For a pass rushing end, I really liked what I saw from the Boston College end (his name escapes me, mostly because it is uncommon). If he is available, I would give him consideration.

Rush 2112

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Dan Cody would play both 4-3 DE and 3-4 (which he does 20% of time now), which is why he'd be a perfect fit for us.

Guys like Cody/Swancutt, Spears/Canty are the perfect pivot players for us to be able to switch in and out of schemes like BP wants.

Of course we need a few DT's and LB's also.

Garland powerplay

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The news out today that Jerry Jones would not rule out drafting a QB in first round. Please just do it!


I've got moxie
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Crown Royal said:
Dan Cody looks like a strongside type player to me. I am still happy with Ellis.

For a pass rushing end, I really liked what I saw from the Boston College end (his name escapes me, mostly because it is uncommon). If he is available, I would give him consideration.

Kiwanka or something. He stayed in school.


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Dan Cody has passion and is a team leader. Very vocal, and is very versatile. He could play on the line or standing up as he proved at OU. He has speed and determination. Not saying he is our guy, but he is a fierce competitor, and we need those kind. He will do well no matter where he plays! I would take him in a heartbeat!


Regular Joe....
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IMO, Dan Cody equals Roth. Why waist a high pick on him when you can probably get the same player later in the draft. I'm telling you, I like Canty. I know he's hurt but I like him much better. Tuck is a better pass rushing option and a better fit IMO.


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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I was going to post that article.

For me I would rather NOT take a chance on this guy.

We have had bad situations with Spellman and Underwood...apparently that old Hill is there to help thing does not always work.

Sure Dan could turn out to be a great player and we never have a problem with him....but I would rather not take the chance seeing as those chances have not worked out too well for us in the past with players like Underwood and Spellman.

I pass.


Zone Scribe
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There is a huge difference between clinical depression and bipolar disorder. Its equating a slight knee sprain with a blown out ACL.


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Dan Cody is a pretty good DT, but I would rather have Shawn Cody. His performance in the championship was very nice


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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InmanRoshi said:
There is a huge difference between clinical depression and bipolar disorder. Its equating a slight knee sprain with a blown out ACL.

You may want to look that over.

Bipolar is another term for Manic Depressive

Bipolar does not always have to be an extreme case however one aspect of Bipolar is that depression is the main part of it.

Many people think that bipolar is always an extreme case or situation, that is not always the case.

I do not know about Cody's complete situation, I just know I would rather pass on it.


Zone Scribe
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Bipolar is intermitant bouts of depression and mania. Its not the depression part that got led to the bizarre incidents of Spellman and Underwood and Robbins, it was the bouts with mania. That's why its unfair to lump Cody in with them. Completely different disorders. Also, to control the mania, people with bipolar often have to take lithium or some other type of antipsychotic which causes lethargy as a side effect. Vastly different from clinical depression, which is pretty commonly diagnosed and treated with no side effects. 16% of the general public has been estimated to suffer from clinical depression at one point in their lives. Cody actually had his treated instead of going undiagnosed like most do. I'm not holding that against him.

What I find hilarious is when people try to tie in his depression with fainting while giving a pregame speach. I'm not sure how many people are familiar with clinical depression, but getting that riled up during a pre-game pep talk is the exact OPPOSITE of a symptom of clinical depression.