Any Drs. or pharmacists here?


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So long story short I'm a huge hypochondriac and have been to the ER and my Dr. several times about heart related issues such as palpitations, "phantom" chest pains, short losses of breath, and other random paranoia(been checked out a hundred times with all the standard tests: echo, ekg, event monitor they say I'm all good).

Well last time I went to the ER the guy there prescribed me this medicine to take if I started feeling a lot of anxiety or anything, its called Hydroxyzine (it says PAM next to it and they are 25 mg capsules). He assured me that it would have no affect on my heart because its an antihistamine, however I was just hoping to get some reassurance from someone knowledgable on here that this in fact won't have any crazy side-effects on my heart like skipped beats or palpitations or rapid heart beat of any of that good stuff. Thanks!
No, it should not cause any of the side effects you listed. It can cause drowsiness so I would avoid driving etc. initially if you take it. Also avoid alcohol if you take the medication.
Are you taking any other medication at present?
You really should trust your prescribing doctor, not seek medical advice from an anonymous forum poster.

I'm not a dr or pharmacist and this isn't advice but my experience with the medication. Hyrdoxine is, like your doc said, an antihistamine. It's the inactive form of a drug called Ceterizine(Zytec, otc drug you may have heard of). Your body converts it to the latter. So, it's common and safely prescribed over decades. I first took Hydroxine(Atarax) when I was about 7 years old as my father was a drug rep for the Pfizer, whose Roerig division made it. Safest drug out here. BTW, I have high bp and tachycardia for which I take meds, and I routinely take Hydroxine to help me sleep, I took it tonight. I wouldn't do so if it caused any heart issues, of course. Sometimes it helps and sometimes it doesn't but it's fully safe for me(and you) to take. I've probably taken it hundreds of times if not more.

But, really, have some faith in your physician, or find another you do if there is good cause not to. Obviously anxiety is in (no small) part of your problem and it can help some people with that issue. Oh, and its not habit forming or mind altering.
I agree with the others - it's very safe for your heart but can make you very drowsy. It's a very good anti-histamine and I have used it for patient's with bad itches - I prefer it over benadryl.
Thanks a lot for the insight everyone. To SC Cowboy fan: I used to take blood pressure medicine but was taken off of it a year and a half ago because I lost enough weight and kept a healthy enough diet that it went away, currently I am only taking atenolol 25mg at night before I go to sleep because for some reason my heart tends to run a little fast, especially in the mornings right after I wake up. To Ranzo: it appears that you and I are in somewhat of the same boat. Also I do trust my physician however when you are a paranoid sube hypochondriac sometimes you need second, and thrid reassurances about these kinds of things lol.

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