Anyone ever have a congested / cloggy ear?


Mr. Wright
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Is there a doctor out there?

For that past few weeks, maybe even a month now, every morning I wake up after sleeping on my left ear I have this congested feeling, like its clogged.

This sensation only lasts about 5-10 minutes until it "pops" back to normal.

It hasn't really worried me all too much since it has just been a morning thing and goes away.

It does worry be however that its been a month or so of the same thing.

I researched it online but only came across sites with the congested feeling AND puss or liquid discharge... luckily I don't have those symptoms but unfortunately for me I could not find any help with what I am experiencing.

I figured I'd ask you guys because it always seems like there is someone around here that knows something about something.

I guess I could always just see a doctor about it but any inofrmation or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks everyone in advance.


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smarta5150;1409816 said:
Is there a doctor out there?

For that past few weeks, maybe even a month now, every morning I wake up after sleeping on my left ear I have this congested feeling, like its clogged.

This sensation only lasts about 5-10 minutes until it "pops" back to normal.

It hasn't really worried me all too much since it has just been a morning thing and goes away.

It does worry be however that its been a month or so of the same thing.

I researched it online but only came across sites with the congested feeling AND puss or liquid discharge... luckily I don't have those symptoms but unfortunately for me I could not find any help with what I am experiencing.

I figured I'd ask you guys because it always seems like there is someone around here that knows something about something.

I guess I could always just see a doctor about it but any inofrmation or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks everyone in advance.

Sounds like sinus congestion. I'd see a physician as you may well have a low grade infection.


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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I have it almost everyday all day :(

However mine is due to sinus, weather and any water that gets in my ear.

Yours signs like it is just sinus since you say you never have any water coming out.

Do you have any noise like rice crispies popping when you chew or swallow? That is normally a good sign of an ear infection.

Chances are yours are just sinus.

I would try some over the counter sinus medication if that does not work you will need to go to the doctor and chances are they may give you some antibiotics and nasonex (or some variation of nasal spray).

Mine started out years ago and I have never gotten rid of it for any length of time but like I said mine is a combination of things. If yours is just in the morning and it relieves itself shortly after than you got it lucky.

Try some sinus meds first and than go to the doctor if it does not clear up after a few days.

Least you don't have it clogged for days at a time causing you to get some very wicked headaches or sometimes when it unclogs after a week or two you get vertigo so bad you fall to your knees like someone punched you out and you have to throw up. My ears condition has went for so long that I have completely changed many aspects in my life from how I shower to how I sleep. To wearing a knit cap out if it is cold...or even if it is warm but windy that day.


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I just got over something similar. It was due to sinus issues. I took Claritin 24 for 3 days, then switched up to Aleve Cold & Sinus. Didn't like the way Claritin made me feel, though it cleared up everything.


Not Old School...Old Testament...
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smarta5150;1409816 said:
Is there a doctor out there?

For that past few weeks, maybe even a month now, every morning I wake up after sleeping on my left ear I have this congested feeling, like its clogged.

This sensation only lasts about 5-10 minutes until it "pops" back to normal.

It hasn't really worried me all too much since it has just been a morning thing and goes away.

It does worry be however that its been a month or so of the same thing.

I researched it online but only came across sites with the congested feeling AND puss or liquid discharge... luckily I don't have those symptoms but unfortunately for me I could not find any help with what I am experiencing.

I figured I'd ask you guys because it always seems like there is someone around here that knows something about something.

I guess I could always just see a doctor about it but any inofrmation or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks everyone in advance.

WoodysGirl;1410016 said:
I just got over something similar. It was due to sinus issues. I took Claritin 24 for 3 days, then switched up to Aleve Cold & Sinus. Didn't like the way Claritin made me feel, though it cleared up everything.

Careful smarta... WG has been spreading it around via PM...


Last of the Duke Street Kings
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smarta5150;1409816 said:
Is there a doctor out there?

For that past few weeks, maybe even a month now, every morning I wake up after sleeping on my left ear I have this congested feeling, like its clogged.

This sensation only lasts about 5-10 minutes until it "pops" back to normal.

It hasn't really worried me all too much since it has just been a morning thing and goes away.

It does worry be however that its been a month or so of the same thing.

I researched it online but only came across sites with the congested feeling AND puss or liquid discharge... luckily I don't have those symptoms but unfortunately for me I could not find any help with what I am experiencing.

I figured I'd ask you guys because it always seems like there is someone around here that knows something about something.

I guess I could always just see a doctor about it but any inofrmation or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks everyone in advance.

Try using this.....



Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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StanleySpadowski;1410222 said:
If you die, can I have your stuff?

Do you really want his stuff if he dies from the plague...and from his symptoms that is what it sounds like he has...ooops I mean he just has a sinus problem.

:D :p:


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BrAinPaiNt;1410226 said:
Do you really want his stuff if he dies from the plague...and from his symptoms that is what it sounds like he has...ooops I mean he just has a sinus problem.

:D :p:

I'm just gonna sell it all on ebay so I don't even have to touch it.

I figure if I sell all his stuff, I'd get enough to buy a really good box of wine or maybe even one of them fancy specialty pizzas I've been hearing so much about on the television.


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StanleySpadowski;1410239 said:
I'm just gonna sell it all on ebay so I don't even have to touch it.

I figure if I sell all his stuff, I'd get enough to buy a really good box of wine or maybe even one of them fancy specialty pizzas I've been hearing so much about on the television.

Boone's farm and tombstone pizza :D


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Yeagermeister;1410244 said:
Boone's farm and tombstone pizza :D

I saw this commercial on the television the other day for some place call Domino or something like that. They actually put sausage on pizza. Whoda thunk of that.

I like sausage, I like pizza so I've been tryin' to save up and get me one of those.

And Boone's comes in a bottle. I can't stand the taste of glass with my wine. I'm a cardboard man all the way.


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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StanleySpadowski;1410255 said:
I saw this commercial on the television the other day for some place call Domino or something like that. They actually put sausage on pizza. Whoda thunk of that.

I like sausage, I like pizza so I've been tryin' to save up and get me one of those.

And Boone's comes in a bottle. I can't stand the taste of glass with my wine. I'm a cardboard man all the way.


Damn Dominoes...wife likes that pizza.
I just don't like their pizza.

When I was in the army I did not care who made the pizza as long as it was cheap and on time. But now...uggh dominoes.

We used to order a pizza and have it sent to the room across the hall in our barracks knowing nobody was in there. So we would watch the guy knocking on the door and after a few seconds we would open our door and say...Hey Guy, that guy just left to go (insert place here) and won't be back tonight.

So the pizza guy would just say...well the price of this pizza is x amount (and we knew that as we were the ones who called) but since the guy is not here I will sell it to you for cheaper. So we would buy it.

Ahhh...the days of being young and drunk. :laugh2:


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BrAinPaiNt;1410265 said:

Damn Dominoes...wife likes that pizza.
I just don't like their pizza.

When I was in the army I did not care who made the pizza as long as it was cheap and on time. But now...uggh dominoes.

We used to order a pizza and have it sent to the room across the hall in our barracks knowing nobody was in there. So we would watch the guy knocking on the door and after a few seconds we would open our door and say...Hey Guy, that guy just left to go (insert place here) and won't be back tonight.

So the pizza guy would just say...well the price of this pizza is x amount (and we knew that as we were the ones who called) but since the guy is not here I will sell it to you for cheaper. So we would buy it.

Ahhh...the days of being young and drunk. :laugh2:

I had a college roommate that delivered for Dominos. They were open until three so they could get the orders after the bars closed at two. We'd call in a few fake orders from a pay phone outside the bar then go home until he was done at three and got to bring the "old" pizzas home.

Yea, they were over an hour old but any free pizza is darn good when you are as you said, "young and drunk".


Mr. Wright
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Thanks for the advice, both good and bad :p:

I'll try the sinus meds, I'm not touching that long, pointy object, whatever they are called.

Trick, I agree with you, I already blamed WG for my sickness.

As for who gets my stuff if I die... I think Philo or Prophet should take it off my hands, its the least I can do to repay them for their vast knowledge.

Since I got so much feedback about my ear problem, does anyone know about rashes? :cool:;):rolleyes:


Mr. Wright
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Ok so my whole cloggy ear feeling didnt go away... it actually got more permanent over the past few days.

My mom got me some ear drops 2 days ago and today, bam, all better.

Moms are the best, shout out to all the moms out there :)