Arena Football League 2024


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The 2024 edition of the Arena Football League has been an unmitigated disaster. For those that don't know, a new edition of the Arena Football League began this year with a commissioner by the name of Lee Hutton III. He has been an absolute nightmare. I have gotten to know a player who has been absolutely screwed by it. I'm going to be trying to tweet at the Canadian Football League to try to help him, if I can. That said, there were teams owned by the league and teams owned by individuals. Those owned by the league (including the Minnesota Myth who were owned by the commissioner's wife) featured players who weren't paid, fields that were horrible to look at, and many other woes. Those owned by actual owners have fared better. There have already been team foldings. Luckily, they've changed commissioners to Jeff Fisher, but it could be too little too late. This is not the Arena league that I remember years ago. I feel horrible for the players, especially the guy I know, who have gone through this. It's unfair to the players who are trying to maintain a football career.