Back to back 12 win seasons


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And I am as disappointed as I was when we were eight and eight.

This really shouldn't be but I guess it's the amount of talent I see getting wasted on a yearly basis.

Certain games show us what we are capable of if properly prepared and coached.

Other games look like the whole team has spent the week in the strip bar.

Even games we win are disappointing how can this be but it is.
The writing is on the wall for a quick playoff exit but the only thing we can count on about this team is they are inconsistent and unpredictable.

As much as it looks like we will take a beating in the playoffs like last year The unpredictable nature of this team could give us a blowout win just as easily.

Then with our hopes up we could lose in some horrifying fashion the following the week just a load of talent on this team but no consistency what do we need to fix it other than getting rid of Jerry which is not going to happen???