Okay, I promised to show a couple evaluations of the 2019 Super Bowl show, which I personally thought was awful. I don't personally think Adam Levine is a gawd awful singer, but this performance just wasn't there IMO. When we were here on CZ commenting on the game, lots of us went "ew" for this performance. First thing I noticed was that he kept going off key. He wasn't as drastically off key as Alfalfa, but he was off enough to bug me. Then I noticed that it looked like he was bored, like he didn't even want to be there. Makes me wonder if he was sick or maybe under the influence of some drug. Whatever it was, he came across as "ho-hum" for the biggest performance of his life. This was the bleepin' Super Bowl for crying out loud. Some other guy in the comments here claimed that we were just a bunch of old farts who would complain about any performance, but that's light years from the truth. I remember how in recent history, Bruno Mars killed it. He knocked the ball out of the park with an amazing performance.
Anyway, if you're an Adam Levine fan, I'm not trying to hate on him. I just think he didn't give a very good performance this one time. These vocal coaches pretty much express in different words the same view as me. They know their stuff. They know what they're talking about. The first one, Sam Johnson, reviews the entire show. The next dude, Ken Tamplin just reviews the Adam Levine part. These guys really know how to articulate why a performance works or does not work. I can highly recommend their channels if you're interested in music.