Biggest Half Season Flops/Surprises


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Just read a post at the turd that claimed the Chargers and Boys were the biggest flops of the season. Chargers are a strong case but at 5-3, flop is not how I would describe Dallas. Even at 5-4 or god forbid 5-5, I still like Dallas' chances at a wildcard as long as people get healthy and the team starts to limit mistakes.

With that said, what teams are your biggest flops and what players are your biggest flops. Surprises too. I guess I'll go with 3 as it seems like a nice number.

Biggest Flops


  • San Fran - San Fran has had a pretty weak schedule so far and hasn't done a thing.
  • Seattle - Have one of the weakest schedules every year and have been in decline since the Superbowl loss to the Steelers. Injuries have hit them pretty hard on offense at WR but goodness, 2 wins?
  • Oakland - Oakland is just an embarrassment. With all the money they spent in the offseason, the high picks invested in the past few years, they are still a disgrace. They have played a few teams worth mention and beat the Jets on a monster FG but other than that, they get dominated when they play.
Player: This section is hard for me to pick because I know I haven't watched watched enough football to see all the players who are underperforming. So, I'll just pick a few who definitely aren't living up to expectations.

  • Javon Walker - I put Javon Walker here because he has been a colossal waste of money. I know hes had a sore Hammy but I give no love for 2 months of a Hammy injury.
  • Terrence Newman - Some won't like it but his injury situation and average at best play lands him here for the 1st half of the season. Not what any of us expected when he cashed in. Hopefully he turns things around when he gets back to 100%.
  • Jason Taylor - After being the definition of durability, missing 4 games in his previous 11 seasons, he has missed games this year and has only 1 sack in those he has played. Not what Washington was hoping for when the traded the guy.
Biggest Surprises


  • Tennessee - Undefeated with KC at QB. Schedule hasn't been the toughest but still undefeated.
  • New York Giants - They haven't had the toughest road but they are winning. 1 loss and still seem to be riding high. After losing Strahan and Osi, I didn't think they would be a really competitive team because I didn't think they would have a defense. 26 sacks half way is pretty good.
  • Washington - I had them pinned for a crappy year. Lost of a couple players and a new coach, I thought they were all set for a let down after riding high on emotion for a good portion of last year.

  • Jason Campbell - Playing great. 1 turnover all season. No INTs. Does take a few sacks but overall is playing great. He is really helping the Skins out by playing smart football.
  • Joey Porter - We all called him washed up but hes over there getting it done. Leading the league in sacks.
  • Kurt Warner - Same thing. He was supposed to be done, had a good year last year but I don't think anyone expected him to be going as well as he has this year.
Like I said, I'm sure there are a bunch of players who I have overlooked but I guess that just leaves you guys with the easy ones.


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What the Titans are doing is amazing. Many kudos to them... but I dont think they are what their record says they are ;)