Calling All Gamers... Homefront?


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So Homefront came out today in the US and i was just wondering if anyone has picked up this game yet or has any opinions of it from what you've seen/heard so far?

Any thoughts are appriciated.. trying to decide if i should pick this up or not. Seems like a watered down Call of Duty or Battlefield game to me.
I may rent it the storyline looks good, but for FPS Multi-player Crysis 2 will be king.
Looks like IGN gave it a 7.0/10.0, but I too am interested in hearing someones opinion who picked it up today.
I picked up my copy this morning. I haven't gotten to play it yet. Either will tonight or in the morning.
Romo 2 Austin;3877426 said:
I may rent it the storyline looks good, but for FPS Multi-player Crysis 2 will be king.

No it won't. Not if it's like the demo.

Guns have no character at all. Very little recoil, almost like shooting a water gun.

Have no idea where you're getting shot from and you can't get away from being shot despite having some high powered suit.

Game looked really promising but the play of it isn't that great at all.

As far as Homefront is concerned, my copy was just delivered from Amazon. I'll be throwing it in here soon. Probably won't play the campaign but I'll tell ya about multiplayer.

I don't really even care if this game sucks or not. I bought it to support developers who have dedicated servers. If the game sucks, I'll send it back to Amazon and give the real version of Crysis a shot.
Just played a couple games.

Little different style than I am used to.

You earn points in 130 for a regular kill and then you use those points to purchase a vehicle or even extra armor in game.

Haven't had any lag issues yet which is a plus. Did take a while to get into a game at first but not a real big issue.

One thing that is going to suck for just about everyone who likes used games is they include a online code with the game. You have to enter a code to progress passed rank 5 online. You can still play online but you can't progress very far. Buying the code from the marketplace is like 10 bucks so count on spending an extra 10 if you want the used version.

Seems pretty good. Gonna hold off before I get too excited about it. Maps are huge though. Lots of space to move around.
Played a little more. I like the game but the server issues at the moment are a drag.

Takes forever to get into a game. Once in, you're in but getting there takes a while.

Also, I haven't really noticed lag but I've played every game with 2 yellow bars. It's about half and half between 2 yellow and those who have 3 green.
The reviews for Homefront aren't sounding good at all, and have sent THQ's stock prices falling 25%. Not good, they put alot of there eggs in the homefront basket and its looking like it may flop, needing to sell in excess of 2million copies just to break even also isn't good.
Honestly I found the game absolutely TERRIBLE.

I haven't found anything I like about the MP yet. THe guns are...meh. The graphics are, IMO, awful. The size and design of the maps absolutely promotes that people do nothing but camp all the time. And why not with all the corners of places you can hide in and just hold your trigger down and wait for folks to walk through your sight to kill them.

The servers is another terrible issue. I was really looking forward to not getting kicked, and that is the one nice thing that you don't, but sometimes it takes FOREVER to even get into a game and then if you don't have the absolute best internet connection in the world you're at a disadvantage.

Every round I've played I've had a yellow connection with 2 bars. Thats it. Black ops, MW2, MW, and any other game i've never had less than a 3 bar unless the host was on a crap connection. It makes the game very laggy for me.

Now onto the other part of that. The game play is just absolutely terrible, IMO. The movement of your person just feels extremely choppy, and unnatural. It doesn't seem to move around as smooth as on CoD games.

I'm really regretting getting this game so far.
Save your money.

Server issues make this game unplayable.

Game play is sufficient but the developers are in over their heads.

Price dropped 20 bucks already on Amazon.

Pretty irritated I wasted money on a game that was supposed to have dedicated serverS but instead has a half dedicated server.
I'll hold off and wait on this one. Hopefully the server issues improve, but if not I'll look to Battlefield 3 for my FPS fix.

I still play Bad Company 2. Such a great game.

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