Calling out the Hos-man...


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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Folks in here like to talk about how you can burn up the bandwidth... well, son, I'm here to tell you there's a new sheriff in town, and he's one long-winded sumb***h...

How long-winded, you ask?? Well, twice now in recent months I have tried to post pieces I've written in here, and had them rejected because they were too long... LOL...

The most recent occurrence was today... I write two pieces annually for this little fan magazine dedicated to the Cowboys over in Britain, about this time of the year... the first is an analysis of the free agent market as it relates to the Cowboys, the second is an analysis of the draft...

Today was the deadline for the draft article, so I dutifully gathered all my research materials and cranked the sucker out... after I e-mailed it to the editor of the Hamster, I then went to post it in the forums I generally hang out in... if nothing else, I like to prove from time to time that I CAN write something without using 11 bajillion ellipses, LOL...

The piece posted just fine over on the Ranch... it posted, but the formatting of the Word document was ALL screwed up, when I posted it to Cowboys Forum... and it posted OK in the Cowboys newsgroup...

But it won't post OK in here... so if any of y'all are interested, you're gonna have to take a hike over to one of the other boards to check out just how long-winded I really and truly am... hos, you might not want to go, you might find it depressing, knowing your title is in jeopardy...

If any of you find some aspect of the article worthy of discussion, feel free to copy the relevant section ONLY, and offer your thoughts, over on the Draft board... I'll be happy to respond to questions, comments and criticisms... well, maybe not criticisms...

Well I, for one, have always felt you were up to the challenge in reguards to Hostile's long-winded-ness... lack of good looks... and age... :D

Seriously though... that has happened to me and others... we usually just make it a two-part post... or in Hostille's case... a 10 part post... ;)

Just post what will fit in one post and put the rest in a post immediately following... I, and many others, would like to read it...

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