To this day I love Lance. He was cheating, but everyone was. If you weren’t, you were either 1) dumb 2) last place 3) both.cycling is without a doubt the dirtiest sport and the hypocrisy of the whole Lance Armstrong saga just underlined it.
To this day I love Lance. He was cheating, but everyone was. If you weren’t, you were either 1) dumb 2) last place 3) both.
Give Armstrong back his trophy’s and titles, damnit!!
Yeah this so called new times and no doping is such pure BS. If everyone was doping and its pretty clear they were, then singling out one is total horse crap. They went after Armstrong since he was American and dominating THEIR sport.To this day I love Lance. He was cheating, but everyone was. If you weren’t, you were either 1) dumb 2) last place 3) both.
Give Armstrong back his trophy’s and titles, damnit!!
They all drug and that's just the reality of it.
You can tell a lot of NFL players do it too.