Comics and Movies - DC vs Marvel Finals Post 4,452

DC vs Marvel Finals (Max 1 Vote)

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I share your disappointment but not exactly the same way in this particular instance. Marvel has made a strong push for including female characters in the MCU. I have little-to-zero problem with that directive.

What grinds my gears here is that the Marvel Comics multiverse is infinite, containing humongous numbers of already established characters. And the pages of Marvel Comics contains female characters, who are much more well-established within the main continuity, and who happened to be *drumroll please* Heralds of Galactus.

Honestly, I know very little of the herald Stardust but I do know plenty about Frankie Raye a.k.a. Johnny Storm's girlfriend a.k.a. Nova. So:
  1. You want an actress playing a new female character in an MCU movie. Check.
  2. You are bringing back the FF. Check.
  3. You want a cosmic undertone to the movie. Check.
  4. The character must be tied to the FF backstory. Check.
  5. You stick strictly to the multiverse plotline, ignore a 'better' herald, in favor of plucking a lesser known herald, from a brief mini-series, who is essentially a COPY of a Marvel iconic character..?
Someone. Anyone. Please make this make sense.

Edit: Conspiracy brain kicking in. Maybe they are avoiding Frankie Raye because her cosmic character's name is shared with Richard Rider's? And they are planning to introduce THAT character down the road and do not want to confuse the MCU audience with two Novas? Nah. That cannot be it. Can it?
I despise...absolutely despise gender-swapping characters for diversity reasons when there is no reason to as there are plenty of established characters they could use like you said.

But hey, in my opinion, the MCU doesn't stand for Marvel Cinematic Universe anymore. It's the Marvel Craptastic Universe now.
Shalla-Bal was equal to Norrin Radd as Silver Surfers from what I have read, so I would not consider her as 'Silver Surfer Lite'--just the wrong one available. Of course, they can de-power her on screen and I would totally agree with that label, lol.

In my opinion, it would be a horrible idea introducing both Norrin and Shalla. It would not surprise me if some of the non-comic book fans watching both would wonder why would Galactus require two supremely powerful beings as heralds?

That said, I am not certain why they Marvel avoids introducing both. Norrid Radd was always there for them to select. Same goes for Air Walker, Firelord, Terrex, etc. There were all these heralds who receive heavy attention in the books BUT Marvel selects one who is obscure in comparison to the others. Plus, she was one of two Surfers. They reached for and snatched one of the pair to use from that moment in the books but why not both?
Despite being a fan of the Silver Surfer, i admit that i am naive about the alternative reality Silver Surfer. Probably because i am so head stone stubborn to
stay in the Norrin Radd era and existence.that i grew up so with.

Silver Surfer remains among the very top five, utter brilliant, extraordi ideas in all time comic book history in my opinion:
- Spiderman
- Superman
- Silver Surfer
- Daredevil
- Wolverine

To me, it's another one of Disney/Marvel idea of switch matters around to try to present a different format and reality to the viewing audience.

And like it's been said " Shalla Bal" could have easily been Nova - if they just had to have a female Galactus herald, but nope Disney wanted to totally change the character Silver Surfer Norrin, ..and give him

I also do not like the notion of that reality that Everyone has super powers ... as opposed to Galactus touching and anointing a submissive human being
with the " Power Cosmic " ... and the experience and transformation of puny human to invincible.

More so, the element of submissive human sacrifice of Norrin to Galactus to be his scouting herald, for the urge plea to save his people, ..his people, his family and
beloved companion.. .does that now go down the drain with the appearance of Shalla Bal ..?


I despise...absolutely despise gender-swapping characters for diversity reasons when there is no reason to as there are plenty of established characters they could use like you said.

But hey, in my opinion, the MCU doesn't stand for Marvel Cinematic Universe anymore. It's the Marvel Craptastic Universe now.
I abhor speaking on the topic of diversity, especially since it can potentially and easily de-evolve into a site rule (or two) violation. However, I thought it necessary to clarify a couple of things, completely for selfish reasons, and not discuss anything else afterwards.

Marvel Cinematic Universe stands for any-and-all Marvel Comics content adapted for films and television--plus other entertainment ventures such as video games, etc. When I previously stated, "Marvel has made a strong push for including female characters in the MCU."--it most definitely alluded to diversity usage. I immediately followed my statement with, "I have little-to-zero problem with that directive." I did so to emphasize it was important to me any-and-all Marvel Comics content application was done smartly and correctly solely from my own personal comic book nerd perspective.

I have not sat down and done an exhaustive recollection of character usage to-date for the MCU but I can think of a few examples for what I will say next. Characters like Shuri and Shalla-Bal, as they have been used or (seemingly) shall be used in the MCU, predate the MCU within the pages of Marvel Comics.

A character like the current Captain Marvel originated in 2012 after Iron Man kicked off the MCU in 2008. It may be true forethought had been assigned to the latest incarnation of the character being included one day into the MCU. I could not corroborate that assumption during a quick internet search, lol. However, the Carol Danvers character was created in 1968. Marvel edited her character as Ms. Marvel in 1975. The publisher killed off the Mar-Vell character with cancer in 1982 and exchanged his moniker a couple of times in order to keep their trademark fight with DC Comics alive. And while it may not have played as a primary factor, comic fans had been vocal in having Danvers succeed Mar-Vell for decades--well before Tony Stark's superhero origin was re-told in the MCU's first movie.

Finally, I wanted to re-iterate my irritation with the Shalla-Bal news by restating something I have said several times in the past within this thread or the Rate The Last Movie thread. Basically, I have no problem with adaptations of practically any comic book character into films or television. I favor tons of them over the minority that I do not care for (I may stroke out if any future Fantastic Four project introduces The Impossible Man!!! :mad::p ). My problem with Shalla-Bal is this.

There is a strong argument Disney/Marvel is strictly sticking with its multi-verse strategy by snatching this particular character from previous comic book material based on an alternate reality. In my opinion, it is not necessary to be that strict (if true) because the bulk of the general audience does not have a clue who Shalla-Ball is (heck, I did not know of this alternate version myself) and 'enough' actual comic book fans would not care if there was a slight alteration. My own personal alternative would be the use of Frankie Raye as a Galactus herald instead of Shalla-Bal. She would not be a substitute Norrid Radd. There would be a stronger, more 'natural' connection with the Fantastic Four. Shoot. Johnny Storm and Frankie were LOVERS in the comics! And would it really matter if Frankie's origin was tweaked by placing her into another alternate reality? Let's face it. Marvel has created a loooooooooooooooooooooot of heralds for Galactus over the decades. Tweaking one would not undermine continuity. :rolleyes:

This rant is not an attempt to change any fellow member's stance on female character usage in the MCU or any other type of film or television series. Please know. I read, respect and fully comprehend what my fellow members' thoughts on the topic for a while now. :)
Despite being a fan of the Silver Surfer, i admit that i am naive about the alternative reality Silver Surfer. Probably because i am so head stone stubborn to
stay in the Norrin Radd era and existence.that i grew up so with.

Silver Surfer remains among the very top five, utter brilliant, extraordi ideas in all time comic book history in my opinion:
- Spiderman
- Superman
- Silver Surfer
- Daredevil
- Wolverine

To me, it's another one of Disney/Marvel idea of switch matters around to try to present a different format and reality to the viewing audience.

And like it's been said " Shalla Bal" could have easily been Nova - if they just had to have a female Galactus herald, but nope Disney wanted to totally change the character Silver Surfer Norrin, ..and give him

I also do not like the notion of that reality that Everyone has super powers ... as opposed to Galactus touching and anointing a submissive human being
with the " Power Cosmic " ... and the experience and transformation of puny human to invincible.

More so, the element of submissive human sacrifice of Norrin to Galactus to be his scouting herald, for the urge plea to save his people, ..his people, his family and
beloved companion.. .does that now go down the drain with the appearance of Shalla Bal ..?


I wish to further explain some of my thinking that may have been misinterpreted. Despite Marvel's relative success or failure with audience reception, I do believe they are implementing the multiverse concept separately for each individual movie thus far. I do not think they are necessarily stringing all the multiverse stories together to create one singular phase story narrative. My assumption is based on how I have interpreted what has been done with the multiverse so far in movies like Spider-Man: No Way Home, Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness and during the end credits of The Marvels.

For this reason, I would not conclude Julia Garner has a 100% guarantee of recurring as Shalla-Bal as the Silver Surfer. This could easily be the actress' a one-shot appearance in the MCU. A future actor could be cast as Norrid Radd down the road, whether it is as the Silver Surfer of the Earth-616 reality or another one. The only limitation Disney/Marvel can assign something as complex as a multiverse is one they saddled themselves with.

One thing, that I do not believe has a good chance of being developed for the big or small screen is the Earth-X/everyone has powers concept. I think the idea is too broad for the studio to define AND invest money into creating. Although I did get carried away describing the plot of Earth-X (something I had not read before), I do not believe it will be adapted material entirely. My speculation was more about any future MCU commitment to The Celestials--and, by extension, Eternals--since it appeared to me the Shalla-Bal idea as Silver Surfer was pulled from that particular source material.

When I previously said, "Yet, everyone DID NOT have superpowers in Eternals, did they? Would these be totally DIFFERENT Celestials?" , I was distinguishing the difference between what was seen in Eternals and the comic book mini-series the Shalla-Bal Silver Surfer appeared in. So that movie was not from the Earth-X reality. Thus, I would also assume The Celestials from that movie are not the same cosmic beings who should be connected with Shalla-Bal Silver Surfer from the Earth-X reality. My apologies if I made it seem as if I expected Marvel to give everyone powers--when nothing seen in the MCU so far suggests they would.

To make a long story short, I would not give up yet on the possibility of Norrid Radd's story being told in the MCU. Marvel may be setting the stage of one Silver Surfer leading to the introduction of the preferred Silver Surfer, similar to what we are already seeing happen with the Mister Fantastics. ;)
I abhor speaking on the topic of diversity, especially since it can potentially and easily de-evolve into a site rule (or two) violation. However, I thought it necessary to clarify a couple of things, completely for selfish reasons, and not discuss anything else afterwards.

Marvel Cinematic Universe stands for any-and-all Marvel Comics content adapted for films and television--plus other entertainment ventures such as video games, etc. When I previously stated, "Marvel has made a strong push for including female characters in the MCU."--it most definitely alluded to diversity usage. I immediately followed my statement with, "I have little-to-zero problem with that directive." I did so to emphasize it was important to me any-and-all Marvel Comics content application was done smartly and correctly solely from my own personal comic book nerd perspective.

I have not sat down and done an exhaustive recollection of character usage to-date for the MCU but I can think of a few examples for what I will say next. Characters like Shuri and Shalla-Bal, as they have been used or (seemingly) shall be used in the MCU, predate the MCU within the pages of Marvel Comics.

A character like the current Captain Marvel originated in 2012 after Iron Man kicked off the MCU in 2008. It may be true forethought had been assigned to the latest incarnation of the character being included one day into the MCU. I could not corroborate that assumption during a quick internet search, lol. However, the Carol Danvers character was created in 1968. Marvel edited her character as Ms. Marvel in 1975. The publisher killed off the Mar-Vell character with cancer in 1982 and exchanged his moniker a couple of times in order to keep their trademark fight with DC Comics alive. And while it may not have played as a primary factor, comic fans had been vocal in having Danvers succeed Mar-Vell for decades--well before Tony Stark's superhero origin was re-told in the MCU's first movie.

Finally, I wanted to re-iterate my irritation with the Shalla-Bal news by restating something I have said several times in the past within this thread or the Rate The Last Movie thread. Basically, I have no problem with adaptations of practically any comic book character into films or television. I favor tons of them over the minority that I do not care for (I may stroke out if any future Fantastic Four project introduces The Impossible Man!!! :mad::p ). My problem with Shalla-Bal is this.

There is a strong argument Disney/Marvel is strictly sticking with its multi-verse strategy by snatching this particular character from previous comic book material based on an alternate reality. In my opinion, it is not necessary to be that strict (if true) because the bulk of the general audience does not have a clue who Shalla-Ball is (heck, I did not know of this alternate version myself) and 'enough' actual comic book fans would not care if there was a slight alteration. My own personal alternative would be the use of Frankie Raye as a Galactus herald instead of Shalla-Bal. She would not be a substitute Norrid Radd. There would be a stronger, more 'natural' connection with the Fantastic Four. Shoot. Johnny Storm and Frankie were LOVERS in the comics! And would it really matter if Frankie's origin was tweaked by placing her into another alternate reality? Let's face it. Marvel has created a loooooooooooooooooooooot of heralds for Galactus over the decades. Tweaking one would not undermine continuity. :rolleyes:

This rant is not an attempt to change any fellow member's stance on female character usage in the MCU or any other type of film or television series. Please know. I read, respect and fully comprehend what my fellow members' thoughts on the topic for a while now. :)
I think you might have misunderstood my point. I have no problem with more female characters. I have no problem with eventually a female taking up a mantle for a dead character, like Mar-Vell and Carol Danvers. My problem is replacing a very well-known and popular character with a female version for the sake of an agenda when there is already a diverse stable of strong female characters in the comics to pull from. It's diminishing one to artificially strengthen the other. It's tantamount to admitting they don't believe that their own original female characters can draw crowds so have to resort to cheap trickery. I think Frankie Raye is a perfect solution. She was an interesting character and a Herald. It doesn't crap all over lore to use her.

The Silver Surfer, for example, was critical in introducing Galactus because he eventually turned on Galactus to defend the Earth. But we don't really need to see that. We can start with a later herald.
I think you might have misunderstood my point. I have no problem with more female characters. I have no problem with eventually a female taking up a mantle for a dead character, like Mar-Vell and Carol Danvers. My problem is replacing a very well-known and popular character with a female version for the sake of an agenda when there is already a diverse stable of strong female characters in the comics to pull from. It's diminishing one to artificially strengthen the other. It's tantamount to admitting they don't believe that their own original female characters can draw crowds so have to resort to cheap trickery. I think Frankie Raye is a perfect solution. She was an interesting character and a Herald. It doesn't crap all over lore to use her.

The Silver Surfer, for example, was critical in introducing Galactus because he eventually turned on Galactus to defend the Earth. But we don't really need to see that. We can start with a later herald.
No. I understood. :)
I wish to further explain some of my thinking that may have been misinterpreted. Despite Marvel's relative success or failure with audience reception, I do believe they are implementing the multiverse concept separately for each individual movie thus far. I do not think they are necessarily stringing all the multiverse stories together to create one singular phase story narrative. My assumption is based on how I have interpreted what has been done with the multiverse so far in movies like Spider-Man: No Way Home, Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness and during the end credits of The Marvels.

For this reason, I would not conclude Julia Garner has a 100% guarantee of recurring as Shalla-Bal as the Silver Surfer. This could easily be the actress' a one-shot appearance in the MCU. A future actor could be cast as Norrid Radd down the road, whether it is as the Silver Surfer of the Earth-616 reality or another one. The only limitation Disney/Marvel can assign something as complex as a multiverse is one they saddled themselves with.

One thing, that I do not believe has a good chance of being developed for the big or small screen is the Earth-X/everyone has powers concept. I think the idea is too broad for the studio to define AND invest money into creating. Although I did get carried away describing the plot of Earth-X (something I had not read before), I do not believe it will be adapted material entirely. My speculation was more about any future MCU commitment to The Celestials--and, by extension, Eternals--since it appeared to me the Shalla-Bal idea as Silver Surfer was pulled from that particular source material.

When I previously said, "Yet, everyone DID NOT have superpowers in Eternals, did they? Would these be totally DIFFERENT Celestials?" , I was distinguishing the difference between what was seen in Eternals and the comic book mini-series the Shalla-Bal Silver Surfer appeared in. So that movie was not from the Earth-X reality. Thus, I would also assume The Celestials from that movie are not the same cosmic beings who should be connected with Shalla-Bal Silver Surfer from the Earth-X reality. My apologies if I made it seem as if I expected Marvel to give everyone powers--when nothing seen in the MCU so far suggests they would.

To make a long story short, I would not give up yet on the possibility of Norrid Radd's story being told in the MCU. Marvel may be setting the stage of one Silver Surfer leading to the introduction of the preferred Silver Surfer, similar to what we are already seeing happen with the Mister Fantastics. ;)
Imo, ..a "down the road future" Norrin Radd would sound very odd and add that more confusion (and disappointment ?) , but i could see Dis-Marv making Radd
a 'special guest appearance " and contribute.

- I adore the Norrin Radd self sacrifice plea to Galactus to save his own planet , does this totally changed with Shalla Bal and the alternate reality world - or whatever
plot and scope they have planned for her ?

- Per hardcore Marvel fans, and those long introduced to the original Silver Surfer, spinoffs based off Norrin Radd would probably be more popular and a better
gateway to box office success with the original Norrin Radd, than perhaps Shalla Bal , imo.
yeh, that's a bold statement, but there still could be the perception that female superhero lead solo roles still do not move the needle at the box office - with the exceptions of Wonder Woman, Black Widow and Captain Marvel -

*And in past posts, , i've given my belief as to why Captain Marvel enjoyed it's original box office success
off the tail end connections with the vastly successful Avengers Infinity.
* Black Widow Natassia has been well built up in the AVG series to be as a character
worth seeing solo.
* and we all know how vastly popular WW was among comic world, -translating that into it's own live action flick, ..albeit the horrid sequel took it right back down
* Madame Web ? .. ooh pleeze ! .
I think you might have misunderstood my point. I have no problem with more female characters. I have no problem with eventually a female taking up a mantle for a dead character, like Mar-Vell and Carol Danvers. My problem is replacing a very well-known and popular character with a female version for the sake of an agenda when there is already a diverse stable of strong female characters in the comics to pull from. It's diminishing one to artificially strengthen the other. It's tantamount to admitting they don't believe that their own original female characters can draw crowds so have to resort to cheap trickery. I think Frankie Raye is a perfect solution. She was an interesting character and a Herald. It doesn't crap all over lore to use her.

The Silver Surfer, for example, was critical in introducing Galactus because he eventually turned on Galactus to defend the Earth. But we don't really need to see that. We can start with a later herald.
My biggest gripe on the gender flips is why not just create a new character instead of doing something that cheap? Harley Quinn was created in the Batman animated series and then pushed into all the comics, games and Batman universe, and is now one of the biggest roles in the comics world. An abused girlfriend of a psychopath is probably not a shining example of female empowerment LOL but just showing that it can happen. I would think they would want to do that more, it gets stale using the same characters over 50 years.
I think you might have misunderstood my point. I have no problem with more female characters. I have no problem with eventually a female taking up a mantle for a dead character, like Mar-Vell and Carol Danvers. My problem is replacing a very well-known and popular character with a female version for the sake of an agenda when there is already a diverse stable of strong female characters in the comics to pull from. It's diminishing one to artificially strengthen the other. It's tantamount to admitting they don't believe that their own original female characters can draw crowds so have to resort to cheap trickery. I think Frankie Raye is a perfect solution. She was an interesting character and a Herald. It doesn't crap all over lore to use her.

The Silver Surfer, for example, was critical in introducing Galactus because he eventually turned on Galactus to defend the Earth. But we don't really need to see that. We can start with a later herald.
i'm all on board with implementing female characters into the MCU,.. just think they need to be new stand alone, instead of replacing the originals,
And stamping the original namesake to new arrivals adds to confusion too,

Such as Monica Rambeau the " new" Captain Marvel


And note how Marvel decided to re-change Monica Rambeau name sake to "Spectrum" .(not the cable
So. what happened that decided the change to Spectrum ?
Confusion ?
My biggest gripe on the gender flips is why not just create a new character instead of doing something that cheap? Harley Quinn was created in the Batman animated series and then pushed into all the comics, games and Batman universe, and is now one of the biggest roles in the comics world. An abused girlfriend of a psychopath is probably not a shining example of female empowerment LOL but just showing that it can happen. I would think they would want to do that more, it gets stale using the same characters over 50 years.
Interesting view becuz i also applauded DC involving and evolving.Harley Quinn, a character as a quasi-psyco Joker like figure. as DC universe has all kind of problems and difficulties standing out any new DC figures. about "stale' - its' always just Superman & Batman, Joker ...that's probably all the more reason why Wonder Woman was a smash was something popular, new and refreshing on the scene .. .( Ooh so, forbid us the whisper of the dreadful; sequel -84 ...uuugh!)
Interesting view becuz i also applauded DC involving and evolving.Harley Quinn, a character as a quasi-psyco Joker like figure. as DC universe has all kind of problems and difficulties standing out any new DC figures. about "stale' - its' always just Superman & Batman, Joker ...that's probably all the more reason why Wonder Woman was a smash was something popular, new and refreshing on the scene .. .( Ooh so, forbid us the whisper of the dreadful; sequel -84 ...uuugh!)
Marvel created Venom. I think Punisher is an 80’s character? Deadpool. All three of those guys have their own movie/TV franchises, and two of them make a hell of a lot of money. People will read new characters, you just have to do it right.
Imo, ..a "down the road future" Norrin Radd would sound very odd and add that more confusion (and disappointment ?) , but i could see Dis-Marv making Radd
a 'special guest appearance " and contribute.
There is always the possibility of disappointment. Just read this thread for that. :laugh: Confusion is not exactly the same and relative to who is watching, what they can comprehend, and/or the what degree of fiction they are willing to accept.

The MCU is littered with content from movies and television shows that have confused some viewers from Iron Man forward. Heck. Time traveling by itself melted some folks' minds in Avengers: Endgame, lol. Confusion will happen. May as well accept that reality.

There is no reason for Norrid Radd should be excluded from the Fantastic Four movie, whether it is a cameo or not. Then again, there is every reason that he might be missing from it. There are literally dozens of movies and television shows that have not followed characters and their comic book backstories since the MCU began. I supremely doubt Radd will be an exception to that possibility.

Finally, a reminder once more: John Krasinski played Dr. Reed Richards in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. Pedro Pascal shall play Mister Fantastic in the upcoming Fantastic Four movie. The multiverse concept is now being fully applied regardless how much people love or dislike this MCU phase. That means there is zero reason to discount the possibility of a Norrin Radd appearance WITHOUT Shalla-Bal as another Silver Surfer in the future. The multiverse concept and its application is infinite--within a Disney/Marvel limited imagination sort of way, of course. :p

- I adore the Norrin Radd self sacrifice plea to Galactus to save his own planet , does this totally changed with Shalla Bal and the alternate reality world - or whatever
plot and scope they have planned for her ?
Not necessarily. Just spitballing but Norrin and Shalla-Bal could mutually make the same plea for their planet. Remember, Shalla-Bal was Zenn-La's ruler in the original Silver Surfer story. Her status may have been the same in the Earth-X mini-series. It may not be a stretch assuming Shalla-Bal could be shown wanting to share the burden of the sacrifice and also asking Galactus to make her a herald as well. That assumption would keep her by Norrid's side.

Let me add something else from what I have read. Shalla-Bal was killed by Franklin Richard after he became a new Galactus. I doubt that will happen in any MCU movie but an alternative fatal ending may be conceived for the character, which would eliminate her from any post-Fantastic Four movies or television shows as a Silver Surfer. Again, there is no reason the studio would not replace her with Norrid as Silver Surfer afterwards.

- Per hardcore Marvel fans, and those long introduced to the original Silver Surfer, spinoffs based off Norrin Radd would probably be more popular and a better
gateway to box office success with the original Norrin Radd, than perhaps Shalla Bal , imo.
yeh, that's a bold statement, but there still could be the perception that female superhero lead solo roles still do not move the needle at the box office - with the exceptions of Wonder Woman, Black Widow and Captain Marvel -

*And in past posts, , i've given my belief as to why Captain Marvel enjoyed it's original box office success
off the tail end connections with the vastly successful Avengers Infinity.
* Black Widow Natassia has been well built up in the AVG series to be as a character
worth seeing solo.
* and we all know how vastly popular WW was among comic world, -translating that into it's own live action flick, ..albeit the horrid sequel took it right back down
* Madame Web ? .. ooh pleeze ! .
Not sure that I follow. I extremely doubt Shalla-Bal as Silver Surfer will eventually birth a lead solo role for the actress on either the big or small screen. And please do not dislike for saying the same for the possibility of an actor playing Norrid either. The character lends far more towards a supporting role than a lead role.

Additionally, I doubt the studio will risk creating lead role material for a character with an even worse track record than the FF on screen. The 90's cartoon was not well done and did little to inspire audiences. Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer (the idiots even NAMED the movie for the character) failed the character as well. The studio plans ahead with its projects. I just do not envision them carving out solo productions for him (or her).
My biggest gripe on the gender flips is why not just create a new character instead of doing something that cheap? Harley Quinn was created in the Batman animated series and then pushed into all the comics, games and Batman universe, and is now one of the biggest roles in the comics world. An abused girlfriend of a psychopath is probably not a shining example of female empowerment LOL but just showing that it can happen. I would think they would want to do that more, it gets stale using the same characters over 50 years.
For me it’s because they want to have it both ways.

Not brave enough or good enough to create something brand new. But piggybacking off of others success.
i'm all on board with implementing female characters into the MCU,.. just think they need to be new stand alone, instead of replacing the originals,
And stamping the original namesake to new arrivals adds to confusion too,

Such as Monica Rambeau the " new" Captain Marvel


And note how Marvel decided to re-change Monica Rambeau name sake to "Spectrum" .(not the cable
So. what happened that decided the change to Spectrum ?
Confusion ?
Because the original female Captain Marvel rose back to prominence.
Because the original female Captain Marvel rose back to prominence.
Who was that ? .. because Marvel's original Captain Mar-Vell died of cancer ..

.and wasn't Carol Danvers " Ms Marvel " ..instead of MCU's Captain Marvel ?
I wish to further explain some of my thinking that may have been misinterpreted. Despite Marvel's relative success or failure with audience reception, I do believe they are implementing the multiverse concept separately for each individual movie thus far. I do not think they are necessarily stringing all the multiverse stories together to create one singular phase story narrative. My assumption is based on how I have interpreted what has been done with the multiverse so far in movies like Spider-Man: No Way Home, Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness and during the end credits of The Marvels.

For this reason, I would not conclude Julia Garner has a 100% guarantee of recurring as Shalla-Bal as the Silver Surfer. This could easily be the actress' a one-shot appearance in the MCU. A future actor could be cast as Norrid Radd down the road, whether it is as the Silver Surfer of the Earth-616 reality or another one. The only limitation Disney/Marvel can assign something as complex as a multiverse is one they saddled themselves with.

One thing, that I do not believe has a good chance of being developed for the big or small screen is the Earth-X/everyone has powers concept. I think the idea is too broad for the studio to define AND invest money into creating. Although I did get carried away describing the plot of Earth-X (something I had not read before), I do not believe it will be adapted material entirely. My speculation was more about any future MCU commitment to The Celestials--and, by extension, Eternals--since it appeared to me the Shalla-Bal idea as Silver Surfer was pulled from that particular source material.

When I previously said, "Yet, everyone DID NOT have superpowers in Eternals, did they? Would these be totally DIFFERENT Celestials?" , I was distinguishing the difference between what was seen in Eternals and the comic book mini-series the Shalla-Bal Silver Surfer appeared in. So that movie was not from the Earth-X reality. Thus, I would also assume The Celestials from that movie are not the same cosmic beings who should be connected with Shalla-Bal Silver Surfer from the Earth-X reality. My apologies if I made it seem as if I expected Marvel to give everyone powers--when nothing seen in the MCU so far suggests they would.

To make a long story short, I would not give up yet on the possibility of Norrid Radd's story being told in the MCU. Marvel may be setting the stage of one Silver Surfer leading to the introduction of the preferred Silver Surfer, similar to what we are already seeing happen with the Mister Fantastics. ;)
But all this still begs the question of why? Why choose a more difficult path especially with a property that has been tried and largely failed in multiple movie adaptations at a time where Disney has been floundering with their MCU movies? Why not start off strong with the more beloved and established character? Start off with the original character, before introducing variants of that character. It just feels the wrong way to go about introducing FF to the MCU, especially at a time when Disney really needs some wins with their MCU movies.
My biggest gripe on the gender flips is why not just create a new character instead of doing something that cheap? Harley Quinn was created in the Batman animated series and then pushed into all the comics, games and Batman universe, and is now one of the biggest roles in the comics world. An abused girlfriend of a psychopath is probably not a shining example of female empowerment LOL but just showing that it can happen. I would think they would want to do that more, it gets stale using the same characters over 50 years.
What would be Disney/Marvel's motivation for this hypothetical creation? Harley Quinn's inspiration was simply giving The Joker a comedic sidekick. The character blossomed from that tiny premise to what it is today. Does anything similar or even completely different come to mind for the studio to birth a brand new character, when they already have hundreds of unused characters to pick and exploit from its 60+ year library?

Personally, I have no problem with a new character catching on and eventually taking the world by storm. It has been fun watching it happen with Harley. I still remember an afterthought character in yellow tights created solely to fight The Incredible Hulk for a single issue. That character eventually made Hugh Jackman a household name on every continent--even Antarctica, lol.

Edit: MAJOR brainfart on my part. The MCU has already produced a brand new character that became very popular. Not Harley Quinn popular per se but popular:

Phil Coulson. The character debuted in 2008's Iron Man:

Clark Gregg later became the lead in Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. on ABC for seven or more seasons. So it is not really that they have not created new characters from scratch that can be developed. It is that the studio just has not done it more often. :thumbup:
Marvel created Venom. I think Punisher is an 80’s character? Deadpool. All three of those guys have their own movie/TV franchises, and two of them make a hell of a lot of money. People will read new characters, you just have to do it right.
Marvel created an ocean of superheroes and characters, that's what super clear advantage that they have over DC Universe .

DC has tried with Swamp Thing and Doom Patrol per streaming ... and Aquaman was a one time success without any legs to go beyond it's sequel.
Was Aqua just not popular and intriguing enuff for viewing audiences to crave more ?

Some projects could have been box office hits and returned sequel demand, Ala Green Lantern..but DC studios foiled that up too. .

Ya'll have to educate me on Suicide Squad ...becuz i dunno how popular of a comic it was ..but apparently the 1st movie had such a buzz despite bad reviews, that it circled up a sequel.

Marvel are not without their own share of failures, ..but it's also had ton more success than failures (in the earlier years) ..and they have sheer capabiilities and resources to spring more of their new characters than DC, ..
But all this still begs the question of why? Why choose a more difficult path especially with a property that has been tried and largely failed in multiple movie adaptations at a time where Disney has been floundering with their MCU movies? Why not start off strong with the more beloved and established character? Start off with the original character, before introducing variants of that character. It just feels the wrong way to go about introducing FF to the MCU, especially at a time when Disney really needs some wins with their MCU movies.
I am not a Disney studio executive mind reader BUT I do think it is all to help set their version of explaining the multiverse concept. I can think of a scenario where there are two Silver Surfers, one gets pulled to the Earth-616 reality, does heroic stuff, gets snuffed, and her fellow Surfer--Norrid--finally arrives too late to save her.

My idea could be coming from the other side of the Milky Way. My spit-balling is an example of imagination. Marvel folks have imagination. I have no clue why they are doing what they are doing but they came up with an idea, which I do not necessarily believe will be a negative for a future Radd appearance.
Marvel created an ocean of superheroes and characters, that's what super clear advantage that they have over DC Universe .

DC has tried with Swamp Thing and Doom Patrol per streaming ... and Aquaman was a one time success without any legs to go beyond it's sequel.
Was Aqua just not popular and intriguing enuff for viewing audiences to crave more ?

Some projects could have been box office hits and returned sequel demand, Ala Green Lantern..but DC studios foiled that up too. .

Ya'll have to educate me on Suicide Squad ...becuz i dunno how popular of a comic it was ..but apparently the 1st movie had such a buzz despite bad reviews, that it circled up a sequel.

Marvel are not without their own share of failures, ..but it's also had ton more success than failures (in the earlier years) ..and they have sheer capabiilities and resources to spring more of their new characters than DC, ..
DC did fairly well with their small screen and animated stuff, Gotham, Arrow, Smallville, Flash, etc., they just never had that coordinated effort and planning for the big screen.

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