Consider this, hale prudants, why not rebuild around Overshown and not Parsons


Junior College Transfer
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Overshown, who I cavalierly dubbed soft because of his UT ties, was a beast Thursday!

And he might only be warming up to full potential.

And for the Parsons lionettes, yes, he is normally a force. Is he climbing or descending?
But his trade value is astronomical.
How about aim for TWO agile DTs in a trade for Micah? Could we get that? I say Yes!
O the road to Raffa is fraught but we need the currency in trade if we are to keep the pretenses of 10-7 or even 12-5 seasons that keep us in draft swamps. (Oh as a lad I would buy the underground American Swamp Fox comics. Most enjoyable.)

So to recap:
1. Build around the real lion assassin, Overshown
2. Tell Micah he'll get $10 mil a year or see who will pay him Myles Garrett prices and not quail prices.
3. Or trade Micah and hope for an agile DT and a Henry-like RB.