Couple of questions about the game.


Mick Green 58
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Did someone else see Michael Strahan kick one of the Cowboys in the head after making a tackle on the sideline? It happened with about 6 Minutes in the 4th Quarter and specifically when Columbo and Strahan got into it.

On Tank Johnson's sack, is there a reason why Eli Manning was not called for intentional grounding? If you look at that play it just seems like Eli just threw the ball into the ground.

Last, was anybody else disgusted by Troy Aikman when he told Joe Buck that you could not compare Tony Romo and Eli Manning because they have "different" personnel. I was a little turned off by this and thought Aikman was making excuses for Manning. Of course Aikman made up for that when he said he wasn't so sure that the Big 2 isn't New England and Dallas.

- Mike G.


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mickgreen58;1760271 said:
On Tank Johnson's sack, is there a reason why Eli Manning was not called for intentional grounding? If you look at that play it just seems like Eli just threw the ball into the ground.

- Mike G.

I didn't notice the other two, but, it can't be ruled intentional grounding if he didn't get the pass off. It might have been had it not been ruled a sack.


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mickgreen58;1760271 said:
Did someone else see Michael Strahan kick one of the Cowboys in the head after making a tackle on the sideline? It happened with about 6 Minutes in the 4th Quarter and specifically when Columbo and Strahan got into it.

On Tank Johnson's sack, is there a reason why Eli Manning was not called for intentional grounding? If you look at that play it just seems like Eli just threw the ball into the ground.

Last, was anybody else disgusted by Troy Aikman when he told Joe Buck that you could not compare Tony Romo and Eli Manning because they have "different" personnel. I was a little turned off by this and thought Aikman was making excuses for Manning. Of course Aikman made up for that when he said he wasn't so sure that the Big 2 isn't New England and Dallas.

- Mike G.

According to the post game that was TO who was kicked in the head and when asked had he done the same thing would he have gotten a flag and of course TO said yes. Hopefully the league will see this and fine Strahan for this. As far as Troy sorry I have no complaints about his broadcast work. He gives his opinion, you don't have to agree with it.


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When TO was kicked in the head, it was by someone in the secondary, on an incomplete pass by the sideline. Colombo and Strahan were back closer to the LOS and off camera.


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One thing that has become obvious over the last 9 games: The other team is allowed to do anything to T.O. without penalty. Not only did Strahan kick him in the head, one of the DB's pulled his helmet by the facemask and tackled him out of bounds. They were also allowed contact well beyond 5 yards. T.O. is a hated man and the zebra's seem to be blind when it comes to penalties against 81.


Mick Green 58
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Smith22;1760327 said:
When TO was kicked in the head, it was by someone in the secondary, on an incomplete pass by the sideline. Colombo and Strahan were back closer to the LOS and off camera.

Are you sure?

I think that is why Strahan and Columbo was getting into it. Im at work, so I will acquiesce because I can't re-watch the game.


1st Round Pick
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Imagine the excuses that would be pouring in had Indy played New England under the same circumstances as us.

Short week because of MNF and it took everything we had to win the game. On top of that we fly across the country both way and finally get back to practice on wednesday.

We get down 14-0 and actually find a way to lead the game.

Plus no Anthony Henry.

Man so many excuses we could make and no one even brings it up.

Id love to play those guys again.


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mickgreen58;1760335 said:
Are you sure?

I think that is why Strahan and Columbo was getting into it. Im at work, so I will acquiesce because I can't re-watch the game.

I can check Tivo. One sec.


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6:35 mark, incomplete to TO on the sidelines. 31 and 29 in coverage, and 29 slightly kicks TO in the head with his knee. TO gets up pissed off and pointing. Colombo and gap tooth not on camera.


Mick Green 58
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Smith22;1760353 said:
6:35 mark, incomplete to TO on the sidelines. 31 and 29 in coverage, and 29 slightly kicks TO in the head with his knee. TO gets up pissed off and pointing. Colombo and gap tooth not on camera.

I stand corrected.

I knew someone had kicked him in the head and TO was PO'ed about it (hey that rhymes).

- Mike G.


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Well, gap tooth and Colombo were fighting (announcers mentioned it), but I couldn't see what happened or why they were fighting.


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CATCH17;1760338 said:
Imagine the excuses that would be pouring in had Indy played New England under the same circumstances as us.

Short week because of MNF and it took everything we had to win the game. On top of that we fly across the country both way and finally get back to practice on wednesday.

We get down 14-0 and actually find a way to lead the game.

Plus no Anthony Henry.

Man so many excuses we could make and no one even brings it up.

Id love to play those guys again.

I don't hear many people saying that Ugoh and Harrison were out for the Colts. Regardless we will be better suited and prepared the next time we face NE.


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Yeah, I don't agree about the personnel deal either. Manning has had very good personnel to work with. No excuses there.


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Smith22;1760368 said:
Well, gap tooth and Colombo were fighting (announcers mentioned it), but I couldn't see what happened or why they were fighting.

Cause the gap was getting his butt kicked. He always gets upset when he gets his butt kicked.


Mick Green 58
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aikemirv;1760391 said:
Yeah, I don't agree about the personnel deal either. Manning has had very good personnel to work with. No excuses there.

I have to disagree.

The Colts remind me of the 2004 Cowboys, injuries everywhere.

You have to play through injuries and Gawd knows New England has been doing that, but the Colts entire receiving core and offensive line has been nearly decimated by injury.

You take away Flo, Columbo, Gurode and this team is trouble. We lost Glenn but we have the Great Terrell Owens.

- Mike G.


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mickgreen58;1760426 said:
I have to disagree.

The Colts remind me of the 2004 Cowboys, injuries everywhere.

You have to play through injuries and Gawd knows New England has been doing that, but the Colts entire receiving core and offensive line has been nearly decimated by injury.

You take away Flo, Columbo, Gurode and this team is trouble. We lost Glenn but we have the Great Terrell Owens.

- Mike G.

I was talking about Eli and Romo in comparison to personnel. Isn't that what Aikman was talking about. I think I missed something here.

Your original post was about Eli and Romo.


Mick Green 58
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aikemirv;1760459 said:
I was talking about Eli and Romo in comparison to personnel. Isn't that what Aikman was talking about. I think I missed something here.

Your original post was about Eli and Romo.

My bad Aik, I meant to copy JerryFan: :beer2:

JerryFan;1760378 said:
I don't hear many people saying that Ugoh and Harrison were out for the Colts. Regardless we will be better suited and prepared the next time we face NE.


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Smith22;1760368 said:
Well, gap tooth and Colombo were fighting (announcers mentioned it), but I couldn't see what happened or why they were fighting.
Colombo's got some sneak in him. If it didn't get caught, I suspect Colombo may have gone first. Not saying it wasn't deserved -- it was probably payback for something.

Colombo knows what he's doing on these matters.