Cowboys games in Mexico?


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I just recently moved to Mexico City and I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to be able to catch all of the Cowboy games this year. Anybody know if there's a way to get Directv or Dish Network down here?


Inventor of the Whizzinator
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:) No idea. I hope you aren't an illegal immigrant down there. They put you in jail.. Unlike here.


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hello guys...I have never posted an opinion here, however I visit this site frequently becuse I like read your opinions about the best team in the world. The Dallas Cowboys.

I do not like the comments about the illegal inmigrants. I am Mexican, live in Mexico and love Mexico. Many of united states citizens come here to work, like or just have fun. Everyone is welcomed and surely ITHEMAN49 will not have any problem to enter to this country. We do not have stupid rules in our border.

Regarding your question about how to catch the Cowboys games in México, I am glad to inform you that México is the second country with NFL fans and the second city after Dallas with more Cowboys fans. We do not have DirecTV, but we have a system named SKY (in fact thet bought DiercTV Mexico) and you can pay for the NFL TICKET, then you can see not only cowboys games but also other teams.

Moreover, any cable system has FOX, ESPN, ESPN2 and some local channels have Dallas Cowboys games every weekend, plus Sunday and Monday Night.

You will also have many restraurantes and bars with NFL games...

Do not worry, you will have the same coverage during your visit to México.

You are welcome


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Awesome! Welcome to the board, jorgefares, and please post more, seriously!


Inventor of the Whizzinator
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jorgefares said:
hello guys...I have never posted an opinion here, however I visit this site frequently becuse I like read your opinions about the best team in the world. The Dallas Cowboys.

I do not like the comments about the illegal inmigrants. I am Mexican, live in Mexico and love Mexico. Many of united states citizens come here to work, like or just have fun. Everyone is welcomed and surely ITHEMAN49 will not have any problem to enter to this country. We do not have stupid rules in our border.

Regarding your question about how to catch the Cowboys games in México, I am glad to inform you that México is the second country with NFL fans and the second city after Dallas with more Cowboys fans. We do not have DirecTV, but we have a system named SKY (in fact thet bought DiercTV Mexico) and you can pay for the NFL TICKET, then you can see not only cowboys games but also other teams.

Moreover, any cable system has FOX, ESPN, ESPN2 and some local channels have Dallas Cowboys games every weekend, plus Sunday and Monday Night.

You will also have many restraurantes and bars with NFL games...

Do not worry, you will have the same coverage during your visit to México.

You are welcome

Hey bro! Welcome to the board. Good taste knows no boundries! :)

That being said, Mexico does have strict laws regarding illegal immigration and illegal workers from other countries (read undocumented) and is actually enforcing the law, unlike here in the US, where they are campaigning for citizens rights for Gods sake. :banghead:

Anyway, not to turn this political, and again welcome to the forum! Post and post!


The Duke
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itheman49 said:
I just recently moved to Mexico City and I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to be able to catch all of the Cowboy games this year. Anybody know if there's a way to get Directv or Dish Network down here?
:welcome: to the forum. Or bienvenidos if you prefer. Stick around, we have some good stuff happening here.

Seems like jorgefares did a great job of answering your question.

:welcome: to him as well.


New Member
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Jorge, thanks for the info. That's exactly what I needed to hear. I'll refrain from responding to the immigration comments. (viva aztlan!!!)